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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. The excitement of silence
  2. Or you can head over to my build thread which contains the NOS build and departure to Chris's car
  3. Agreed shouldn't be much get her booked in and FAST!!
  4. Hilarious!! "Cup of cold sick" PMSL!!
  5. Wasso


    Luckily I get my petrol paid for, but have been doing 500 miles a week in my Zed for the last 11 months.
  6. Aha you see we have that all planned...... 1. Drive to the ZedShed and eat doughnuts 2. Have a cup of coffee 3. Drive to Bob's and drop my engine on his driveway 4. Put in the V8 5. Drive back to the ZedShed a little quicker than the VQ and eat more doughnuts Can't be that hard !!
  7. you never told me you had issues, but Paul looks pleased with himself, so that's stage 1 out of 401,923 (as I'm sure it will go a little like that). Heading down for the "Project C6 350z" meeting on Friday and during Saturday. Thanks Mr and Mrs Keyser, including Bob and Netti for the honourable receiving goods on my behalf and of course the storage. Saturday we shall take the lid off the box, take some pics, and take some parts off for polishing and to see what other surprises are in the box. EXCITED ISN'T A WORD THAT DESCRIBES HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW
  8. Erm...... Andy, you feeling okay? That is ugly from every angle. I tried to find "something" that was worth looking at, but it just made me feel nauseous.
  9. Nice toy! I had a MkII as my first car, 1.3 Ghia, running twin weber from a 1.6, exhaust, K&N, rims and was a great car. I loved the way you could take the car apart with a philips screwdriver.
  10. lol @ Chris I can't have Green, it doesn't match my eyes. Plus!! Blue is the fastest colour at the minute until I find some further funds for Candy Apple Red I agree budgets can be doubled very easily, but to be fair, there's not a great deal to purchase which is going to be hugely expensive. ECU is going to be about the only expensive part..... The wallet will open further if it needs to...... Cheers Chris
  11. Lets put this on a comparison - plan = 500bhp, with the VQ you're looking at 20k after all parts, rebuild and suitable tuning. Compare that with the LS3 and I'm looking at £14k'ish, well that's my initial budget. So it all may sound a bit expensive, but in relation to the VQ it works out cheaper and personally more reliable. We shall see though, I'm speculating......
  12. In the process now of discussing the necessary with Bizz, my LS3 guru! Meeting with Zed Shed director next weekend to set the plans, format, potential timescales, discuss issues etc. It may take a while, but to be fair I'd rather get it right first time than make mistakes costing £££ and wasting time. Okay I'm sure there's going to be problems, but there's always an answer, which a hammer or angle grinder can't fix.
  13. Ooops stumbled across an "oldies" thread..... Moving on.....
  14. Bob has strict instructions not to pinch any Ltr's from the engine to aid his I'm sure he will take great care of it for me.
  15. Nice English I'm excited to see this! If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know I amended the text but didn't check again that it made sense...... I'll blame the iphone like everyone else does.
  16. Congrats big man...... Hope they supply with welcoming biscuits and drinks
  17. Interesting BM - probably how my engine made it safely to the UK Okay just a brief update, the engine is now been booked for delivery to the Zed Shed where it will reside until June before any further movement towards an engine bay is even considered. My task between now and June is to polish as many parts on the engine which will are visible, to continue the ongoing trend in my life. Discussions with the Zed Shed owner and coordinator to begin stage 1 of the project and source the necessary parts and ensure ready for when the time comes. The list is going to be pretty intensive..... ECU Wiring Engine Mounts New Rad Potential larger Oil Cooler Potential gauges Diff Fabrication (Just for starters) The list will probably be 3 times longer once we get to grips with the task in hand. A big THANKS is in order before we proceed with this task, as I'm sure the Zed Shed crew and family will be involved with this project, even if it's to make a cup of coffee or eat said supply of goodies, drink copious amounts of booze and generally have a banter. So thank you to you guys in advance. I'll post delivery pics of the goods and polished items as they develop.
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