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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Very nice, strangely I love the door sills the most, look really sharp
  2. Liking the roof matey better flow of colour going on there
  3. Yum hornet for lunch anyone
  4. Personally I'd scrap the idea, you're only going to spend more time and effort trying to get them to fit. Find another wheel, it would be daft to downgrade brakes over a wheel. Plenty of options out there Its a big shame though and feel for you, all that excitement blown up into disappointment. Did you check they were going to fit before purchasing? I've been battling a wobble on my rims for the past 4 months if not longer. Sick to death of it.
  5. We get a load of May beetles or whatever they are. They are armoured up and given wings to fly with, but heck me, they're really not cut out for flying. Funny thing is the Mrs shrieks at anything that isn't human, and with the cat we get a multitude of animal life brought into the house. I've turned into Chris Packham to deal with all the nature that's either flown/crawled in of it's own ability or if dragged in by the cat.
  6. That's a really nice spoiler actually. Different and not so Nismo. Good choice.
  7. For me the ARC is the best sounding induction kit. It will be for sale some time in July. It was my very first purchase and loved every minute if it.
  8. But if you have a metal pipe and a metal box = super induction!
  9. Nooooooooo! And I thought he was real................ Well he needs stimulation lets put it that way
  10. He's not a fan of flies. Moths no problem but flies get in his hair. Be nice pop him on your passenger seat
  11. Actually second thoughts graham don't I'll cry! Eric will be a good idea, in fact I'll send down Eric junior instead!
  12. Nice one Steve looking
  13. didn't receive anything........ I would have been getting Suzi ready this weekend. Which probably why the forum has been so quiet today. I feel like I'm missing my own wedding. Those who its their first time, this is what Wales does to you. Makes you feel left out and sad to not be enjoying amazing roads and a bloody good laff. You'll love it and will venture Wales again another year. Been trying to find the photos from that weekend (Graham/Colin) but not making good progress. I think they are on the Mac. Will keep searching
  14. I did spot that one. Messaged him and he said "nah haven't got one" I think its the ever useless A1 Jap Spares.
  15. That's a point very well made Graham. Steve, as me and Jayne won't be there I'm sure there will be zero hangovers!! Jayne is a bad influence to any party!! (More drinks anyone) In fact I'm sure we've got some pictures somewhere during the Midlands meet when you and Colin were downing the Gletchereis!! (Remember the blue petrol )
  16. Still have nightmares of this stuff since last summer in Budapest for the F1 haha; anyone who drinks it of their own free will is a hero in my eyes! Well, we don't drink the "consumer" stuff. Cos dads place is in the country you drink the. "Local brew" which is harsh and in excess of 50% depending on which local farmer or house brewed it. Its lethal!! Me and the next door neighbour drank 3.5 litres in 30 days.
  17. Oh, coooooooooooooome ooooooooon! Can Hungary not wait for you for 5 more days? Who do I need to call? I dunno who you need to call but I know who Ian needs to call! stalk much? He'll miss me THAT much you see. If I could swap dates I would but so much needs sorting out there. Put house up for sale Repairs of fence Maintain the grounds Sign legal papers Transfer the ownership of car Box up belongings to be shipped back to the UK Sell furnishings Drink Palinka till its gone out of fashion Eat copious amounts of Goulash Get a sun tan!!
  18. correct - at the very least Freedom of information act kicks in That's right it has to be calibrated on a regular basis. Forgot about that.
  19. I read once that with the laser operated it must read off the front of the car and a flat not angled part of the car. I couldn't quite get that because all cars are angulated or inconsistently shaped through design. How true this is I do t know. But knowing the "law" I guess they can get out of any excuse to nab you.
  20. Yes I did read about that. But check this stuff out, shame it would cost to bring over. And we don't get THAT much sun..... Cheers Chris I'll have a look through that
  21. Ahhh cool Daryl, that would be great, waiting in anticipation
  22. I have noticed all this boat stuff, roofs and the like. I watch "Soundman" a lot just for general viewing pleasure and learning new tricks. The speaker pod thing I've seen a couple of tricks that look really effective, again without a good list of the items used.
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