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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Okay Mr Vladimir, but I'm afraid it's twice the price for you (that's a joke before you think I really will charge you twice the price) I'll send over PayPal and bank details for you now. I was going to keep it but being told off for taking too many things to our new house. Need a van just for all my bits in the garage
  2. http://www.epracing.co.uk/EPR-Performance-Accessories/EPR-Steering-Wheel/EPR-Deep-Dish-Suede-Steering-Wheel/p-848-1102-3222/ As below £55 delivered to mainland UK, never used!!!!
  3. Steel lynx got beat to the birthdays, slacking fella??
  4. AVX810 here, Muddy's old one and its full of features that I've not even got round to hooking up. Video in and out Rear Camera Digital Out USB and SD capable DVD CD Telephone Bluetooth iPhone Just a few of the umpteen things it can do. Okay its a double DIN but they're really good and packed with features.
  5. But we can't read your posts Adrian unless we go on a crash course in Romanian. Nowt wrong with enjoying yourself instead of posting about Romanians robbing banks. Up the BEERS I say
  6. Oh and the V8 will have two exhaust functions: Valve open windows open sound system off, Valve closed, windows closed and sound system ON!! I've learnt a loud exhaust isn't always pleasurable
  7. Thanks chaps, you never want to take a car apart twice, as the saying goes do it nice or do it twice Saved a huge amount on car audio installation as I'm a dab hand with the audio from when I first got into car cars and sound. Back in the day I used to run 4 12" subs with an earthquake amp. Back them 1200 watts rms was a big thing. I didn't do the floor pan only because it's thick enough metal but all other bits had a good dose of dynamat. I'm really excited to go FULL DA, already got my optical cables. Talking of car audio installers, here's the daft setting they put the amp as in Adrian's car. Remember this is driving a full range of sub, mids and tweets, they failed to set the filtering on the amp and probably why the voice coil wash shagged on one of the elates. Spot the difference of before and after!! I need a Bit Tune setup done on the audio hence I've not moved the crossover points yet. Should be about 3 weeks and I can start the dash
  8. Wasso


    No the stretched tyre look is awful and most probably dangerous too Sent from the golf club... I'm sure Dan has stretched tyres
  9. So, it was about time to set sail and get on with the audio upgrade. In the pipeline for stage one is the basics, dynamat and audio and get rid of that awful BOSE which on comparison is the biggest pile of shite I've heard since moving forward. We take for granted their system is great, but it's far from that. I could get better sound from an iPod docking station. Anyway, here's the info. All bits purchased from Octet when he stripped his 350z. The entire install took 2 full days, which to be fair could have been shorter, but the feeding of wires from the doors was a complete nightmare. Although we got round it nicely. So first stop was to make sure I could get the car in the garage, especially as we were expecting intermittent rain. Can we get the doors open, including all my other junk that I've been storing: We sure can!! So we (mate) set about stripping the car of it's plastics, seats, and dropping plastics which would be needed for the location of wiring etc. We had to drop the section under the steering column so that we could remove my engine start button which is near my gear surround, so that was a bit of a ball ache. [ [ We then set about installing the speaker spacer rings for the front, screwed and bonded to make sure that we have a nice airtight seal. Then we applied the dynamat around the speaker and 30% of the door, including the inside of the door to increase sound deadening. Test fit of the speaker and ring for the other side. Wiring complete for the front with some dynamat holding back the wires to keep things tidy. We then set about taking everything out the back (oem BOSE crap) ready for dynamat and speakers, crossovers and amp. Luckily from when I used to run NOS I've got a great new super sized cubby for my use. Rear speakers receiving a heavy dose of dynamat around and inside the speaker enclosure. Onto the bespoke shelf that will sit in my cubby behind the passenger seat, which will in the meantime house the amp and crossovers. The plan is to go a lot further with this once I go full digital with taking out the crossovers, installing the Audison Bit One and ditching this single 4 channel amp which isn't supposed to run 5 channels and go for a full on Audison 5.1k 5 channel amp - with full Digital capabilities. But that's stage two. Now onto the final stages, which includes a full layering of Dynamat to the boot and rear shelf area. And tadah - we are done!!!! Well, we weren't completely done, because whilst testing the system we found that one of the Morel Elate front's was shot to pieces and the voice coil was rattling like a an old man with dentures. So a quick flick on the internet and I've found just one Morel Elate for sale on the web as a single unit, delivered price including the speaker was £69!!! and considering these as a component set cost around £8-900 I was over the moon for a result of £69. I was well chuffed considering!! So that's stage one finished. Next stage is to modify the dash to install the iPad mini. Parts already sourced: Audion Bit One Pure i20 12v to 7v Stepdown converter 90 Degree lightning to 30pin converter I'm seriously considering the Audison 5.1k just so that I can relieve this 4 channel amp running 5 speakers. Don't get me wrong this amp packs a fine punch and the quality is great, but to fully compliment the digital route the Audison amp is going to be needed. Enjoy……
  10. Wasso


    In terms of drop and camber this is as far as I'll go. I do 500 miles a week and so I don't want to be eating £1,200 of rubber every 6 months and want to enjoy the car rather than nurse her everywhere.
  11. Steel Lynx on holiday? Happy Birthday all......
  12. Or to save Romania and post it all over FB. Congrats to you both, it's been a long time coming! When is it for Sale? Vultures at the ready.................
  13. 63 past a copper that's terrible. The forum doesn't condone speeding especially past the POLICE. I'm shocked!!
  14. Oh Darren wouldn't have taken his car to a stealer, no way Jose. In fact I can't believe anyone with a SC zed would take their car to a stealer!
  15. Eeeek too much mouth going on there looks like a Carp with a Tooth Brace. Agreed forget quads, keep the Amuse as it should. You're def moving along now though eh.
  16. Probably Darren-B he gets about but then he stripped it and sold the Zed. Did they say what colour?
  17. How many counties have you lived in to make that very bold statement
  18. Welcome home Annie, Weybridge is a nice place and a few celebs can be found there now and again. I used to work in Weybridge many moons ago.
  19. Wasso


    There's no harm in going to town with it. Works well makes the zed feel a little more grown up.
  20. Wasso


    Did mine at the weekend, made about a 20% improvement on the exhaust and not so ear shattering. Also about 30% with road noise at the rear.
  21. Jemima sounds a bit of a tart if you're ALL going in her!? (Edit) Sorry iPhone fail
  22. Mentioned earlier BM. Followed him for an age. If you search Soundman SRT8 the install identifies the retina with the increased voltage needed. This is my current stumbling block but I'm about to test another docking station from Onkyo which may do the job. Which will mean that my Pure i20 will be up for sale in the future.
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