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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Very good GM. Good find It has been fun killing time with hunting for cars. A new one tomorrow......
  2. Okay I've got about 5-6mm clearance and no running on the hood. So I'd say something is wrong somewhere? Take your time and make sure everything sits right before any tightening.
  3. Eeeek that's a tad close to be fair. Set strut bar on their mounting place with no tension and ensure alignment for the bolts and nuts. Once you're happy its nestling comfortably then increase tension but don't over do it. As long as the strut bar doesn't move when you're hammering it round a race track there's zero movement. You don't want to pull or push the tension so that the bar is changing shape so to speak. I'll let you know shortly the gap between my plenum and oem strut at the lowest point.
  4. Its a rare occurance and due to either pulling or pushing the strut tension too much. Sounds like you're pulling the tension and thus reducing the height of the bar in the middle hence the knocking. As long as you've got the strut spacers under the feet and a sensible amount of tension on the strut you should be fine. Loving the Jam Sandwich BTW
  5. OMG what the hell is that!!! Yes it's a car dressed as rodent of some sort?! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@26.031924,-80.208386,3a,15y,136.52h,81.15t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sbEI0UdlXU8LBoh-YCaMJ4A!2e0!6m1!1e1
  6. I WIN!! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/13660+W+Colonial+Dr,+Winter+Garden,+FL+34787,+USA/@28.550935,-81.586344,3a,15y,215.17h,82.05t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sCxFIKc8Pnv98IqHT7Uvh8w!2e0!4m2!3m1!1s0x88e7839e12a44517:0x270e4085d7f11766!6m1!1e1 One god awful modified Zed if you ask me!!
  7. I should think so too...... Congrats and Congrats, that's pretty cool
  8. Thought I was in luck!! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@34.088275,-117.547669,3a,15y,227.78h,80.29t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sOg9uhpeOLHW9GRViYQB4sQ!2e0!6m1!1e1
  9. Prize is........ erm....... time away from work!!
  10. If that be the case then, it looks like front bumper is off and possibly the wing?
  11. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@33.766178,-118.184165,3a,15y,57.54h,82.81t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s1J101iujTIjMdH9RxTHgPQ!2e0 Whilst on my travels!! (Silver was the only colour provided in America!)
  12. Okay here's the challenge then. You must find a modified Zed, this must include a body kit, not necessarily wheels. (The car must not be in the UK and must not be a member of this forum - eg Simon De Silva) GO!!!!
  13. Looks like a bush, but it might help people if you added where the photo was taken, front/back/underside/engine bay?? Might speed up the response if you provide more info.
  14. I agree with the idea, and Mr Tagalong with his Jaaaaaaag, you're lucky you get invited anywhere!
  15. She is a lovely girl, and you crack me up Will, hope you cleaned under the boot shuts!! Have a cool time matey, was supposed to do my trip this year, but with the eventful year I've had everything is cancelled. Make sure you take enough memory cards for the Go Pro
  16. Take your car to Europe and it's next level, they think it's a SUPERCAR! I remember parking up in Chamonix, went to the market walked round the town before we headed homeward towards Paris. Come back to the car and there was around 6-7 people standing round my car all admiring it, taking photo's and like you say, standing with the car having a pic of themselves with my beauty. My mate who was with me in his Civic EP3 said on the way home, why does my car get so much attention. I said it's obvious matey
  17. By even going beyond the routes on the satnav. No seriously Graham has done a stonker of a job, kept Wales fresh and interesting and the last meet just shows how popular it's now become. But we do need some fresh ideas annually. The evolution of the drives, meets, trips can only improve perfection. Wales every year will stop the forum coming up with new ideas, a break every year allows for new and fresh ideas to be rolled out as per the poll. Wales will never die, but given even more attention every two years. That's my thought anyway.
  18. I don't need to know thanks and whether I can afford it or not is neither here nor there, the fact of the matter is I begrudge paying stamp duty.
  19. Anything over £250k and its 8k tax, not sure what the next banding is.
  20. Dan stop moaning. Steel Lynx no birthday wishes for Dan for the next ten years!! Good idea with its own thread, if that makes Dan feel better lol.
  21. Removal van etc. £8k just on house fecking TAX. Robbing bastards. Anyway, Vlad has paid already. So this can now be locked. Cheers Vlad.
  22. Brilliant Well don't do again you have a forum responsibility to be here for everyone's birthday!!
  23. I'd love to but it will help pay for my removal costs. Oh and the dreaded stamp duty of £8k to pay out!!
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