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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Also I've now bought a model 350z which is next on the cufflink list
  2. I know exactly how you feel. Same thing happened to me. Cost me a LOT of money. I made chase with the offender and managed to catch up with him at some lights. If it wasn't for his seatbelt he would have been a dead man. He later dumped the car which police reported wasn't insured. What sort of damage have you got?
  3. After the install of the LS and as long as it's not gone over budget, I'll be heading towards Candy Apple.
  4. I'll take my mac with me then with a load of Wine (hmmm thought fluids and computers don't mix) I'd like to have future control for tweaking, will see if the Mac can deliver and then if not use the work one. Cheers for your help Chris and Co.
  5. Poooo so I'd also need a copy of Windows. Grrrrr!!! Damn Audison...... I know what I can do, I'll install the software on my work laptop. That'll be the easiest solution I guess. Thanks for all the suggestions though, just shows how old I must be getting, all this new jargon
  6. Ahhh yes I read something about bootcamp. I have no need to run iOS with windows at the same time. All I need it for is to run the Audison software to configure and setup my sound processor in the car. Should be a one off job and then take it to a Audio shop for a full on Bit Tune and oscilloscope setup.
  7. Ok well I downloaded it but it asked for a source disk of some sort? Does Parallels cater for all I need?
  8. Ok trying to get my MacAir to run windows for my Audison software..... What's the best and cheapest way to get windows on me Mac?
  9. Chris you're a legend, always a trump card up your sleeve. Bob looks well chuffed Nice one Chris hope you're all ok.
  10. Well I've had the ARTS for about 10 months but never had time to do anything about it. Got my nephew to take the video on me iPhone but it sounds better with ears rather than a microphone etc. It should sound interesting with the ARTS. I'll be taking the next video with a Go Pro so hopefully the sound will be more accurate. I have another video of my nephew in another vehicle as I overtake and its bloody awesome, apart from they forgot to turn their own car stereo down. I'll see if I can get it sent over. Thanks for the comments though.
  11. Running oem cats which are drilled and part of the cores removed. I've just received my Motordyne Art Pipes which will go on hopefully at the weekend. So here's a before video before the fitment and subsequent after videos.
  12. You've got to be a member on here surely?? Or is SV55 another reg to forget?!
  13. Read this http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommykaira
  14. I do apologise, I've seen OV53 in Azure with an old dear driving and she is no way a forum member, which is why I didn't bother to acknowledge but then realised your reg and too late to respond with a
  15. Feck me that's SUPER CHEAP!!!! A shame to see blood sweat and tears.......... From Bob........dissapear Good luck with the sale. I've had the pleasure of being a passenger and holy mother of god, if you WANT a quick car then look no further. Built from the ground up and the dedication to get the car where she is, 14k is under priced. I know, I know it may not be desirable to the normal customer, but you won't be dealing with a normal customer. Higher price I say. All the best with the sale Chris
  16. should be entertaining When are you expecting to getting a work car (with the v8)? Sourcing my daily chugger this month, then Suzi will be off the road. I'm hopefully going for a modest C270d Merc. You may grow to love the ride comfort and the fuel economy But it will be DULL!! Saving money though by doing so and putting that cash towards the SC
  17. Wasso

    NEXT WEEK....

    Bastardo lol. To be fair you won't have a million options. But be messing with my rear bumper again at the end of the year as my Motordyne will likely be redundant due to pipe sizes. I may go for the grouped 4 pipes from the corvette and go back to a diffuser style rear but not the same as the CS, something totally different, but we shall see.
  18. That's what happened with my CS bumper. Won't be makin THAT mistake again.
  19. It's already happened in Kent and has been likewise on M42 for atvleast a couple of years, has improved traffic flow considerably in both cases and I'm sure we would have heard if there had been a disaster. There are emrgency refuge areas and the sections of motorway are permantly monitored by cctv and all have overhead gantry lane control too. Yup M42 was hugely improved with the 4th lane. The gantry will advise if you can drive or not in the 4th (hard shoulder). X marks no way Jose and 40-60mph shows that it's open. I think it's brilliant because every other bugger drives lanes 1-3, so I chop down 4 just ever so slightly faster than all the other cars, only because they're doing 5mph under the gantry specified speed!!! I call it the "I'm not an idiot lane" PULL IN TO THE LEFT YOU IDIOTS!!!!! It's a free lane, use the damn thing!!
  20. @ Tarmac Sure you can have the first one for sure. @ Kyle - I don't think Chris knows yet how much it will be sold for. But lets just say a 2 week holiday in the Maldives would be a good comparison.
  21. should be entertaining When are you expecting to getting a work car (with the v8)? Sourcing my daily chugger this month, then Suzi will be off the road. I'm hopefully going for a modest C270d Merc.
  22. Wasso

    NEXT WEEK....

    looking forward to see your design
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