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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Originally Husky came up with the idea, but if you PM - rtbiscuit he cuts stickers/vinyl Might even be interested in one myself now that I have a shed
  2. I also heard the following: Brown wrapping paper, iron paper onto the gum, gum sticks to the paper, no residue. Job done.
  3. The exact reason I'll be fitting an exhaust control valve, so that I can flip between aggressive and quiet.
  4. I see what you're saying, but if I'm generating the best sound for my personal taste, then I'm happy, which is the goal I'm looking to achieve. Yes the environment will compromise the sound, but with the right equipment and the correct sound deadening which I've gone through, I'll achieve the best sound that I can achieve.
  5. It may also depend on what gear you were running in the 911. I'm running £2k of Audison products, such as amp and processor. There's a huge clarity difference even before I send the car once complete to have a full Audison Bit Tune.
  6. There is an audible difference running a full digital signal. Which okay the Zed isn't great at coping with due to road noise, but in the Alfa you can hear a pin drop, so I'll gain further benefits in the Alfa.
  7. Dip that's pretty cool matey, had I of seen this way back I may have been tempted, but really want to feed a digital signal. That guy has put some serious work into that App. Dave, agreed the iPad doesn't hold a huge amount of storage but I'll be running the AudisonPlay to accommodate additional storage needs, which as you say will connect additional wifi storage.
  8. How about Internet Dip? I was going to get a App Stereo but then swiftly found the iPad did all that I need and more. But the second most prefered feature is that I can take my iPad from one car to the other, taking music, satnav, well everything I have on there between cars.
  9. Sorry iPhone Filler strength bond done. Just got to leave it set, then check in the morning.
  10. Nah Graham it beat me, so I'm helping Jayne wrap presents now Although I'm very tempted to go apply som filler to the dash now
  11. Not sure I agree with that totally, my double din doesn't have email, text, digital out. Yes of course the priority is to drive the car and not be fiddling with email whilst driving, which is common sense. But allows me to receive information of needed where I'm able to view etc. But the main priority was the digital signal as you know. It also means that my singular ipad can be transfered between Zed and Alfa, and you can't do that with a double din either. I'n addition my double din doesn't have "dash command" which is for engine management. I could go on......
  12. That's a bit double Dutch Dave It has loads of benefits for me, maybe not you Dave as it won't connect to every Harvester in your locale to order Scampi and Chips. Well, my first drink was 5 mins ago as I've been trying to fathom out how to use the video editing thing on my Mac.
  13. Cheers Bob Sunday Update: None apart from I glued the upper and lower sections together and the bond/dry time is 12hrs. So that's the end of that for today lol. Tomorrow I'll update more........ Working from home
  14. Cheers Chris, getting there Remember Blue and Green should never be seen!
  15. Cheers Andy, it's getting close now. Tricky stages ahead now that will affect the final finish, so I need to take additional care to make sure it's a one time fit. Making repairs at this stage will be difficult.
  16. Well, it would be something worth getting involved with, but Soundman in the US has a patent pending on the design I believe. Not sure if that would cause ossues in producing a ipad kit. Secondly as Apple change their designs so often I'd not be able to keep up. The cost to create a mould and be able to move with the Apple changes would cost a fair amount to keep going with it. If I had more time I'd go for it. Spacers and projects take up the majority of my spare time. Update later today hopefully of the ipad fitted and bonded
  17. Well, it's multipurpose. Music (Digital) Videos (whilst stopped of course) SatNav with live traffic Dash Command for engine monitoring etc Telephone Handsfree (ios8 update connects to your iPhone) Additional benefits Email Angry Birds Holiday photos Dirty movies Text Whatsapp To be fair the V8 will have two modes. Chill out cruise and all out fun. For the times I'm chilling I've got all the luxuries and more whilst arm on door and cruising along.
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