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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Okay 4 options Restore from time machine Reinstall OS X Get help online (which is what I'm doing but on a car forum ) Disk Utility
  2. That's dead right, couldn't find that key anywhere
  3. all I did was shut it down earlier, clear out any hanging bugs so to speak. Turned it on and went to this message.
  4. How do that lol Sorry I'm still a MAC noob
  5. Nice Chris Well Jell...... I'm sure Bob will be glad to help you out with dinner........
  6. Happy Birthday Chris, hopefully you're enjoying the winnings good to see you yesterday Oh and happy anniversary to you both too (Kim not Bob - before anyone asks )
  7. Paddy, I think I have the very first one as I wanted to make sure all went well, and mine is of the same, in fact I've not cleaned mine in over a year and still looks clean.
  8. To be fair I did a one off Black Friday deal, which is the first and probably only discount I could do. My packaging costs have increased recently but not increased the spacer price. I'd rather give to the forum the best price I can, rather than make £5-10 extra just because I know they're desirable. They've been £170 delivered for a long time. Which considering their finish and performance is a fair forum price. Hook me up anytime.
  9. Have a read up of this comparing the Blox with the MD. http://g35driver.com/forums/tuner-dyno/268873-motordyne-5-16-vs-blox-5-8-spacer-before-after-dyno-runs.html My spacer although similar to the MD is improved further. The MD spacer is made of two parts and joined together, thus creating 2 weak points. They make a shed load of money because they have minimal waste as a result of making it in two parts. Mine is a singular construction with no weak points and therefore no risk of air leaks.
  10. Well, as it's polished prior to anodising, it will be reflective. I'll see what my anodiser can do, I'll come back to you.
  11. If you could provide an example of the yellow you're looking to achieve I can find out for you. A light gold would bring the effect of yellow, but if you're looking for a flat yellow I'll need to check. I'm sure flat colours are possible.
  12. Get one from Wasso...... ooops sorry was just following the "trend" thanks chaps. In stock ready to go http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/71728-fsbatch-4-custom-anodised-plenum-spacers-170/ Latest stock levels: 3 orange 1 red 1 blue 1 silver In fact the red I think is now sold. If you want something custom in another colour I can get that arranged for next week. Take a look through the thread for ideas. Cheers
  13. Wow, yes, great photo shoot and loving the bronze. I'm in keeping with my current trend of anthracite/grey. This is because if there's funds permitting the car will change colour and so the wheels may end up being something radical in colour also. They are nice whatever colour though in my eyes.
  14. It's where the first shot was taken in 2003 and the second was 2014 and his shoes had aged THAT MUCH
  15. Can't see a Zed???! Lovely legs!!
  16. I know how you feel, lost both of mine within 3 years.
  17. Years ago (work) I endured some pretty stressful times. Due to this I had issues with cysts forming at the base of my eyelash follicles. These would appear as small lumps which were fairly painful. At the time I was with BUPA and got myself checked out. They said they could operate. Went into the theatre and was given 3 injections around the eye (that didn't feel too great I tell you). Wait for the numbness to comes and away the surgeon goes..... With a SCALPEL!!! So he's scraping away inside my eye lids to remove these cysts. Whilst he's mucking around taking twice as long as expected, the pain relief was wearing off. So what I couldn't feel earlier is now somewhat painful. I express my concerns and he's only got a few more to do. 10 minutes later I'm in agony!! The nurse came over and said "hold my hand if it's painfull" which I replied "no I'm okay I'll be fine" clearly she knew I wasn't happy about the pain and held my hand. Let's just say her hand was BLUE as I'd gripped her hand so hard. Once it was over the doc said sorry for the pain, which I could have clocked him one. He said I would be okay to go out that evening but the pain was horrendous. The best way I can describe the pain, imagine getting sharp stones and scraping them on your eyes and under your eyelids. He said I could be prone to them again in the future but thankfully they've never returned.
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