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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Hope that wasn't on a country road!!
  2. It's technically slower than a Zed 0-60 I guess it's the excitement of having the power and steering through the front wheels that makes it more interesting/demanding? I'd still have the Zed, and it really is still only a focus. Scooby or Mits would be another alternative, although I do like the wide open mouth of the focus, ready to eat up small children!!
  3. Blu-tac might work too Loads of superglue!! not too much or you'll stick to the road. I'd get a new tyre based on the look of the tyre depth... really isn't worth the risk. I had a rear tyre blow out on a motorway whilst raining. It's not fun trying to keep the car in control. If that's a front tyre, I'd be at the tyre shop now getting a new one fitted!!
  4. Def 6 points, fine is dependant on your circumstances. Say that you were borrowing the car and turn up dressed as if you're homeless! Bad luck, although I'm in the same position no points in 10 years, although I'm sure without a doubt I'll get caught against soon - since owning the Zed, it's just too easy to speed. The next issue is the fact the speed limits on some roads change every 200 yards! You can never keep on top of the ever changing limits, then on top of that you have pot holes in the road - as well as useless drivers - am I ranting here?
  5. Does she look like a man, like my post 'lady' To be honest she's quite fit. She wears the uniform style post shorts, nice long blonde hair, good figure due to the generous exercise she gets.
  6. You should change it to the sound of a nice growling V6 - maybe a Zed!
  7. Serious stuff!! Although I suppose its needed these days..... Gota say, criminals these days just don't care!! They will do anything for the prize! Love watching Police Interceptors!! (Don't suppose you ever saw the episode when there was this officer in a van using the ANPR system, when an illegal vehicle triggered the system it would play "Yaba daba doo" from the flintstones - hilarious!)
  8. Are we talking seriously - Bullet Proof - I'm sure it would have to be considering the 12 year old kids of today, thats some serious cash to Bullet Proof a car!! Bet it weighs a ton thereafter!
  9. Problem was that next morning there was a fine layer of dust on all the cars - as pointed out by FakeIndian. So further cleaning was necessary!! (Or at least a wipeover!)
  10. Superb, looking forward to seeing the post lady!! (Yes we have a post lady!!)
  11. Very true, we've had our house on the market some time now - we'd accept a lower offer, but the market seems to have seriously dried up. It's worth a pop at a fair offer.
  12. Wowzers!! Wonder what it would do with a chav? More than likely spit it out!!
  13. Henley is a good location..... How about, Windsor/Eton - see about getting a boat ride, like a gondola or something - ask them in advance if they can lay out flowers or something along the boat, store a secret bottle of champagne and flowers and then pop the question at the right moment. I proposed in Austria in the mountains whilst being carted round on a sleigh, the stars were out and the horse and cart were dressed as if it was a wedding day. My other half loved the horses and the presentation of the sleigh, but none the wiser as to what was going on. All of a sudden we're overlooking the lights of the ski resort and the stars are in the sky when the question was popped! She of course said yes and then the driver passed over the flowers and champagne. She loved it. Cheeky driver actually brought along 3 champagne flutes - I guess he was keen to share our celebrations. Just a suggestion?
  14. Maybe Abbey will post a technical reply??
  15. I did say to Nurrish that we have the option to wait until after Wales. Although we were promised a turnaround that would enable us to both visit Wales. I managed it, only just!! My Carbon boot courtesy of Nurrish is so much lighter than the original and once fitted left me with a good 2 inch gap between the car and the boot lid! This was due to the shocks being far too highly rated for the carbon boot. I will post a pic of the results. I have to say, the colour is a spot on match. After the Wales trip I almost felt the urge to go totally carbon, although I've now painted the boot I shall have to see how things go.
  16. What happens in October!!? If it's another trip count me in now!!
  17. Payment sent and pm on way - cheers for your work on this. If you fancy doing me a one off for our European tour of europe would be appreciated. Although I know your hanging up the tools.
  18. 1 word = Perfect! Thanks and I hope the major meet's of the year continue, as I will be there without a doubt. Maybe a European trip next time Even Jayne my other half was so impressed with the weekend and she doesn't even like cars!! Or was it the fact that she enjoyed chatting to the ladies!! Respect to all that organised!
  19. Abbey will undertake all the work, including the mapping, reflash and so on. In doing so including a Dyno to review results and ensure the car is working to the best of it's abillity with the add-ons all working together. Comes standard with 25 shot, with further increases at a later date.
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