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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Mine is very boring: Escort MKII Black Opel Manta GTE Blue Opel Manta GTE Exclusive Ford Mondeo Ford Focus - for 9 years!! (155k miles on a petrol engine!) MGTF (This was the girlfriends - until my replacement car was being purchased) The ZED!!
  2. You may want to have a read through this thread first before making any decisions..... viewtopic.php?f=9&t=35653
  3. Okay - I suppose I should have a go.... Nitrous Installation - Stealth - Installed by Abbey Motorsport - Sorry lots of pic's due to the fact it's made up of many components!! Reason for modification : - MORE POWER!! No seriously, I wanted something a little different to the norm, i.e. Super Charger or Turbo, but at the same time keeping the install as hidden and stealthy as possible. There are two 5Ib bottles in the now modified glove box that produces an extra 75bhp at the flick of a switch. Every time I sit at the lights I feel like I'm in Fast and the Furious.... - Reach over, turn the bottle on, flip the switch check my PSI and off we go! Yeeeha! My favourite switch in the car!! (Go baby go!)
  4. Good man nice one.... Sounds scary knowing you can easily slip into reverse whilst doing over a ton Well done!!
  5. PMSL Man oh man this will be the comedy sketch of the year. Anyway the best single thing about the Z. Hmmmm there's a few I could name..... But considering all of the amazing elements of the car I'd say the way it sounds. Yes it's got poke, looks great, creature comforts, but the sound still gives me a wacking great smile on my face
  6. Heck I didn't even realise I'd gone past 350 any alternative to a sticker as I purchased 3 forum stickers from rtbiscuit. Free tyres or anything like that
  7. They need locking up in my eyes. People like that are a danger to society!
  8. Who cares - not too pleased with the Germans after recent slaughtering!!
  9. It states on their website - £18 on the gate and £15 advance booking.
  10. I've seen the advert as I drove past it at the foot of Waterloo Bridge. Quite impressive... Especially the 370 being presented 10 times bigger than life!!
  11. Shame - could have been good to cause an avalanche over the St Barnard pass due to the roar of 2 V6's hooning over the mountains!!
  12. Aha a fellow European traveller! 20th - 30th August 2010 Birmingham - Harwich - Rotterdam - Amsterdam - Nurburgring - Mont Blanc - Great St Bernard Pass - Paris - Rotterdam - Harwich - Birmingham. We plan to be at Mont Blanc the afternoon of the 25th and spend a day up Mont Blanc etc of the 26th - travel to Paris on the 27th if you fancy a blast over the Great St Bernard Pass!!
  13. I'd be happy to test the b'tooth with ya. I'm based near Solihull although you'd have to come my way I'm afraid. Can't do this weekend although tomorrow evening or mon evening let me know and we can test your unit.
  14. I'm sure you can rotate the spring itself once released from the boot lid. It should adjust the ride height of the boot?? If not - then I'm totally wrong.... Nurrish might be able to confirm he's a boot specialist!!
  15. Damn you people stop selling things I want..... (I'm supposed to wait for cosmetics until next year) Yes please PM sent!!
  16. I think that's a fair point... I've spent a fortune just like others on here trying to gain those extra horses. My mod's have really helped with the sound and call it look of the engine bay etc, really pleased. I guess it makes it slightly different from the next 350z.
  17. Not sure - somebody I'm sure will clarify, although I believe the HR model was fixed of this issue.
  18. I think the rubber springs you are on about are adjustable - just turn them in a clockwise/anti-clockwise direct I believe to adjust. The SatNav, don't even bother getting a new updated disk. I can't remember how much the dealer quoted but it made me retract very quickly!!
  19. When i worked for the Police those people were called CLODS - Centre Lane Only Driver CLODS this should be classed as an offence as the driving code actually say that once you pass a vehicle you should return into the nearside lane!
  20. +1000 to the fact people just cannot drive with respect for other road users. Such as people when sat at traffic lights and then as the lights change they make a right hand indication - why don't they just pre-warn people that when they are going to turn in any given direction they apply enough notice to other road users. This I find infuriating! The other annoying this people who pull out of junctions without looking, oh and 50% of them on the phone. Then there's those who sit in the middle lane of a Motorway - especially when the darn motorway is empty - rare occasion being empty, but when it's very quite these people frustrate me. Phew - rant over..... feel better now.
  21. Nixy you really do get a lot of stress driving to work in the mornings.... I'd suggest taking public transport - could be safer
  22. There is no way you will lose HP with a plenum spacer. Search the forum for the various comments. The front two cylinders are restricted of air and as such the plenum spacer will increase the amount of airflow.
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