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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Aha right you bellend (stand corrected) take advice as indicated!!
  2. That's a bit harsh.... The burning smell - I've been informed could be your cats - if it smells slightly Egg flavoured!
  3. I use about 1ltr every 4-5k miles. It also may consume various amounts depending on your daily driving style?
  4. I have one - and believe it or not it's Azure!! Pass me an offer and I'll find out how much to post - if you're interested of course.
  5. I'm about to purchase some falkens. Where are you based?
  6. That's what happens with under inflated tyres. I had the same problem although the tyres looked inflated correctly (very low profile) they were actually under stress and split in exactly the same way. The car hmmm it's got vauxhall Tigra doors, new megane front wings but the rear???
  7. I'm the same especially if they are on the other side of the road. Clean - she may look clean from a distance. She's got 3 weeks worth of dead flies on the front. I've got up early this morning to give her a treat. Got say the carbon bonnet looks ace!
  8. Sorry you caught me slightly off guard as I was looking more at your car! looks fantastic. Can't tell you what road we were on but the area was possibly Maypole. I was on my way to Redditch. Got a resounding wave!
  9. I also heard there are speed camera's in the tunnel. So I guess there's no chance of giving the Zed a blast!! There are plenty of other great tunnels in Europe. Talking of Slovenia, I believe if I remember rightly, I was travelling from Austria to Triest in Italy. Whilst heading through Slovenia there was a wicked tunnel. Nice and long, no camera's and nice and clean. Shame I was in a B class Merc at the time!! Talking of speed camera's I remember driving a high top luton van across Europe, was in Germany heading down this hill and there were speed camera's on the gantry, heading down the hill. There were specific lanes for vehicles and each lane had a specific speed limit. I accidently overtook a large truck and headed down the middle lane. SNAP!! That was my photo taken - apparently vehicles of size were not allowed to overtake and I had my picture taken. The strange thing was that my picture was taken in my face/eyes!! Surely these should be illegal. I remember blue and purple spots appearing in my vision. Got home, returned the hire vehicle and never heard anything from the German authorities?! Bizzare! Enjoy your trip sprevett!
  10. No worries we've all used the forum for help and assistance, that's what it's for
  11. Sorry to hear this - I feel for you. I'm not an emotional person, but how you wrote that was really deep. Touching. I daren't contemplate the concept of the loss of my parents. They have moved away to live the rest of their retirement in Hungary (odd I know), so I only see them once or twice a year. Still, I don't think I can understand the pain you are feeling, but stay strong fella....
  12. What I meant by great example is the volume of modifications this car has undergone.... I also don't like it's colour scheme or the body kit, but found the shear amount of effort that has gone into making it what it is. Even if it is a bit
  13. http://www.forgedperformance.com/index. ... Itemid=134 I was just having a flick on the net and came across and great example of modding your car - I'd dare not think how much money has gone into this build!
  14. Looking good Neil bet you're well chuffed. I hope you were taking notes for the next time you fancy giving my car a quick detail
  15. Wasso

    350z or 370z?

    Oh for pete sake!!! That just shows how often I verge into the 370 area... won't do it again!! I thought it was a case of out with the old and in with the new!!! Thanks for clearing my thoughts of insanity!!
  16. Did I just see the Z change from a 350 to a grey 370, just behind the Search area at the top right hand corner of the page!!! Please don't do that, my car will feel old!!
  17. I also have OEM Y pipe and cats. 40k miles 06 plate.
  18. I was going to say the same. If the roof lining needs replacing, i'd say that's showing a fair sign of neglect. Not only that but it's a pain in the **RS!! You should be able to purchase a car without having to do any work on it, unless it's modifications of course Keep looking I'd say.
  19. 3 or 4 months for me scouring the dealer website and Autotrader. After serious hunting found one 70 miles away and turned out better than expected so purchased it on the spot drove it home a week later. Just wait till you find the perfect example. To be honest if you are after a modified car search on here in the for sale section. We all take serious care of our vehicles to the point of obsession in some cases with some really good examples.
  20. Cragus, I'll let you make a decision as I'm being swayed by maybe powder coating... Cheers
  21. Hi, just wondered if you are still polishing plenums etc - if so I'd be interested now that I have finished my power modifications and now working on cosmetics. Cheers
  22. Good question.... - can't hurt to enter and see what happens.
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