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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I didn't even know this thread existed - best I place my gammer tag - MW2 rules ok!! 1. Tarmac - GEZZA_DERBY 2. cookiemonster - cookiemonster86 3. Fien - Fien 4. Lamby - Kwacker_Mx_32 5. Scott - sbsoulby 6. Sunset350z-Ticky66 7. Kobi - Vadkill 8.stichy-stichy84 9.JACR87- JCRU87 10.N1SM0350z-ti_M_Sport 11.clarkie34-clarkie34 12.phatbloke 74 - phatbloke74 (original, Eh? Phil) 13.Budge- Budge71 14.player2301 15.russey22 16. uzthedentist 17. c-macd - CalMacD23 18. Wasso - wasso
  2. I'm afraid not - this was 17 years ago - when camera's weren't around I have one picture I think, or maybe two but it's in some photo album thing - I shall see if I can dig it out tonight. I always wanted a bug, it looks good either modified or standard. Always wanted a Wizard (I'm sure it's called wizard) The ones with a dropped roof. They looked mean but cool. Hey' you should get back into the Interior work, make something different of your camper. There's only one problem with that, once you start, there will be no end!! Get some interior pics up
  3. A legend in VW interior work - http://bernardnewbury.posterous.com/history-1415 If you fancy something bog standard but nicely trimmed this is your man. If you want something crazy - he's still your man. I was going to get a half modified bug MANY years ago... it was gorgeous. Bergundy, with chrome engine parts, you could even see the fuel going through the clear pipes. At the rear the air vents beneath the rear window had been sealed over with one complete section of metal, although written through the metal was the word Imagination in nice italic writting. This then formed part of the ventilation - but served a purpose at providing a message. Wheels were taken from a Renault 19 Chamade - gave it a nice porsche look - dropped to the nines this was a stunning car. Your camper looks nice - very clean, but clearly needs spacers!!
  4. That would have been a bad day had the Z been bashed!!
  5. Who can recall the first time they attempted left foot braking..... I will never forget the first time I tried and ended up smashing my head on the steering wheel.... bless me I was young, but soon understood the difference in pressure between the clutch and brake. Made for interesting stopping! Oh and my passenger in the back who had a pizza.... Lets just say the pizza wasn't in the back after my left foot braking.....
  6. That's true Zed dedication! At least we know Cragus is on call after normal hours. You don't fancy coming down to fit my new head unit 3am ok? I had to open this thread first thing this morning as the suspense of getting the problem fixed last night was gripping. The extra bonus is your mrs won't give you a bollocking.
  7. Liked the fact that Tim (I think!) came round the clubs at Modified Live for a quick chat and to meet people face to face - don't see that with Direct Line! I saw Churchill once - darn thing pee'd up against my tyre!!
  8. I've had to change my policy - due to the NOS - the price only increased by £80, to include all of my modifications, and also gave me further cover like Europe, Lost keys and legal costs covered. Smilling to say the least. They (Adrian Flux) also said that I can modify the exterior and interior of the car by what ever means and my premium does not increase. Terms are that as long as those modifications don't increase my BHP In addition the modified parts are replaced like for like if in the event of a claim!
  9. Trackpig, just out of curiosity, are you required to provide some form of Track Insurance? I was chatting to a bloke at Adrian Flux insurance and mentioned something about Nurburgring Motor Sport providing such insurance. Just wondered if it's a requirement or not? Cheers
  10. Do we have to pre-book the 0-60mph test time thing that was advertised? Or can we just turn up for one of those sessions etc?
  11. Camskill have just this minute delivered my Falkens - I ordered them 10am yesterday with a lead time of 2-3 working days. Well I call that a quick delivery!! SPOT ON!! MODS - what's the chance of getting them on here as a trader?
  12. [album][/album] If you want a very smart tidy car clarkie's car is the one. I'm jealeous I can't get it myself.
  13. I guess with all the grey cloud in the midlands gm blends in well
  14. For Sale: = Items that have not sold - or part listing of items sold and unsold. Sold Items = Items that have sold in full - i.e. a job lot of goods on one thread. Simples....
  15. I agree locking is just as suitable. It's sometimes handy to see sold items to gauge prices of what's sold in the past, or if it's worth selling something at all?
  16. JVC Stereo received in superb packaging - in A1 Condition. All original parts placed exactly how they should as if I purchased this from the car stereo shop. Looking forward to fitting this at the weekend. Thanks for a swift delivery.....
  17. Why are you looking at 5 wheeled old people scooters!! (are you trying to tell us something?) Anyway it needs spacers!
  18. You may want to add if the zed is used daily or just for weekends, mine is everyday use
  19. I'll be staying in a field testing out our new 3 man pop up tent!! (Ready for Europe) No problem Martin 8am it will be - nothing like starting early eh!
  20. Thats made me feel good! 04 67k Had it a year and it had 52k when i picked him up! All cars are girls..... Mine is 06 with 42k miles had HER a year and bought at 29k
  21. What's the process with the tickets then - pay you on the day? Also what are the plans for the day, i.e car's on stands etc? Times? Cheers
  22. Why not see if they've got a a GT40 hanging around....
  23. The last time my oil was changed was litterally a month ago by Abbey - I should have asked actually which oil was used. Lets see if there's a difference in consumption?
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