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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I've given up, I heard Gran Tourismo 6 is supposed to be awesome it will be finished October 2010, ahread of GT5!!
  2. Wasso


    Cool fella - brush some idea's past me for your next project!! I've heard that Super Chargers are the way to go.... Pink wheels are a bit last year... although Carbon is def back in!!
  3. Although, if the battery is flat as a dodo then it may be a jump lead start?
  4. Another year older eh Mark.... you'll have to sell up soon and get a sensible car Happy B Day!
  5. As far as I am aware it's only the Automatic cars that are an issue to bump start. I can't see an issue in doing so to the Zed, it's like any other manual car?
  6. Colour is a bit yuck, like others have said a lot of work and I'm sure money has gone into that effect. Very clever, but clearly no taste. Burn that bloke!!
  7. I'll second that statement!! Sound and looks I love - I would contemplate swapping back to my 06 box - but Mark (naughty) drilled a hole in my ARC induction pipe for my NOS. Not that I'm too fussed as it's probably best there anyway. So I will have a 06 box and tubing available for sale. Although going on holiday next week so I shall sort something out upon my return. Got to admit don't think I could lose the sound of the ARC - it just sounds bliss!
  8. Blimey my first car - funny enough an escort MkII had a twin webber... the blasted thing had a float problem and after a short to medium drive the copper float would sink and thus over fuel the car and just konk out. I think it may have something to do with the fact it was a 1.6 webber on a 1.3 - not that I fitted it, it was a nuisence. It subsequently turned out the car was actually a cut and shut. Got pulled over by the police where they informed me the only part that was original was the passenger/driver area, the front and back were from totally different cars!!
  9. They would all be very close times, but it depends on the driver. The Integra being the lightest would be most nimble and the easiest to set off from the line. The power of the Z and M3 would then either keep up or overtake the Integra. If the Z or M3 have flying starts the Integra has no chance. I have a simular race with a mate of mine in a Civic Type R. The differences are that he is 100bhp lesser powered, yet is 55 stone lighter than my car. That's like his car with 3 full sized blokes in the car. He is quick don't get me wrong, but if I drive the car properly then I will always have the upper hand. He has the ability to rev the nuts out of his car i.e. 9k revs, but then I have the torque in which to keep up or over take. Before I had my modifications we were pretty much neck and neck - although just managing to pull away slowly. It would be a different story from 70mph onwards. Since my modifications he's left standing so I'm pretty much happy. To confirm there is a 0.6 second difference per the book 0-60 between me and him. It doesn't sound a great deal and if you were to visualize this on a track - there would be maybe 1 car length or so difference. So the answer to your question is, it's all down to the driver! If that be the case the M3 should win, Zed second and Integra last.
  10. What the hell you doing with my struts, give them back I could of sworn I had them back but clearly not. Best I come over tomorrow night if you are free. Still can't believe you've got them. Maybe I'm loosing my marbles
  11. Well where they have gone I don't know? Nurrish they aren't at your place are they? I'm sure I didn't sell them and all the other boot bits are there but no struts!!!!
  12. Thanks for the pm, if that's sorted your problem, guess what I'm about to do!!!! If it works I'll post a pic
  13. Let's hope it's something minor that's causing the noise and can be resolved quickly and of course cheap!
  14. Azure with nismo spoiler as that's all I saw reg XXX POU - Dudley road Then a GM on the Stratford Road - Sparkhill. Nismo front and rear by what I could tell as it was parked up as driving by. Both vehicles B)
  15. Mark, I get the same issue - although more severe, as it lifts the entire boot whilst being locked down. You can almost get your hand inside the boot. Although I get exactly the same distortion at the top of the boot as Nurrish. It really doesn't add up, as my car never had the same issue as Nurrish as it's my original boot. We even tried swapping struts and the problem was the same?? It can't be bent otherwise it wouldn't sit back down, unless the struts are like you say on the wrong way round, but then I didn't think it would be possible to make that error??? Bonkers!
  16. I swapped boots with Nurrish - the bonkers thing about it is, my old boot fit snug. When we swapped neither of our boots would sit flush anymore. There is 1 year between our cars... this surely should have no effect. Even the Seibon one that sat on Nurrish's car was perfect, and now on mine sits out of place. I've had to resort to removing the struts so that it is now flush. (well 95% flush). If I put them back on there's serious pressure being applied to the boot and thus putting the body line out of shape. Nurrish - if things get bad there's a place in Derby that sell struts cheap, where the amount of pressure they apply can be tuned to your requirement. It might be worth a visit, but a pain in the bum, as it generates extra cost!
  17. can't believe they are still causing a problem. It's bonkers don't you think. I am still drving around without mine installed on the car..... I'm sure I can see the boot bounce around whilst I'm driving. I should do something about it, but can't be a$$ed. You free this week to swap knobs (Nismo knob for anyone thinking this is a strange post)
  18. Wasso


    I pasted the link from my iphone - I guess there's a problem?? (Probably some WAP code in the link). I'll send from home tonight as I can't access youtube from here. If you enter LS2 "for sale" there's a chap on a forum selling a LS2 - good price too by the look of things, although wouldn't want to hear what the quote is for shipping!!!
  19. I think you'll find this was last year mate, hence the photo's. You've also just missed Jap2 although Zedfest is coming up - check out that thread - should be on one of the first 1 or 2 pages.
  20. Wasso


    Here's another link with an engine view nice and rather compact under the hood, I mean bonnet sorry the yanks lingo is still in my head. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?client=mv- ... 70-xI-OgU0
  21. Currently have ZERO points which has been that way for about six years. My very first speeding ticket was 6 points and a £330 fine, and that was 17 years ago. The copper said do you know how fast you were going and i said no officer. This was because my speedo cable had snapped. It was 4am and the other 2 cars in tow was all going to France for the day and was late for the boat so we floored it. The copper said he was following me for the last five miles (it was dark and thought it was my mate behind). My speed varied from 125 to 135mph. I felt stupid for not realising it was not my mate but they shared the same headlights vauxhall Carlton and Senator. So it was my bad luck. I was lucky to get away with 6 points. In total I've collected 21 points and a six month ban for totting! I'm a good boy now
  22. I'd guess not, all dependant on the mileage. Although like others have said, the choice in modifictions are particular to your requirements. If 3 people turned up to purchase your car, 2 out of the 3 would probably say no, as they wanted an unmodified car?? You need to prep your car so that your audience would ALL like to buy your car. Condition, age, mileage, modifications and price are all key. I've got to be honest, I'd not buy a car with a turbo or SC already fitted. My thoughts would be the car's been thraped. But then we are talking a sports car, so yes people will give it the beans. It all depends on how often and how hard the car is driven. To see external modifications can also portray this same feeling. Best thing you can do is start at one price like you have, and reduce as and when you feel the need. You will sell, it's just a matter of making sure your car is marketed correctly. I personally would not be too bothered about your bonnet, I quite like it, the wheels def no no for me. I think it's just the colour really. Think of selling the car as if you were to buy it.... that way you will get a better perspective of how it should be sold. Good luck... I have to be honest, going to be dreading selling my car in 2-3 years time.
  23. Shaun the main problem is the age of the car. Since the 370z came out the earliest cars will suffer. Don't forget the whole range from 2002 onwards to 2008 will suffer the cost of the new model. When I bought my 56 plate last year there was a saving of 14k from new and the car was only 2 years and 9 months old. We all pride our cars no matter what age, but with the Market currently offering 07 and 08's and amazing prices it will push those cars older into further depreciation. Its one of those things. Get the best but fair price for your car, and make it clean and as presentable as possible due to the fact there may be a similar car down the road at the same price and year. Your car and the other chap should make the car as clean and presentable as possible. It's the only way in which to get the best price.
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