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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I don't think Avis Rent A Car will have anything like that I'm afraid mate..... When I hire a car I'm happy to spend minimal amounts like on a corsa or something. I guess it's for something a little more special - although I wouldn't have a clue on any reputable, reliable or competative outlets to comment upon.
  2. Love the stubby aerial - classic!! I wasn't aware that you could get a heated screen version for the Zed - my god - that was my favourite feature of my old Focus!! (Thinking about it the only decent feature!)
  3. +1 Awful bloody noise. It seems that is the consensus with the K1 - Nurrish was also pleased to remove his!!
  4. Like it - door stop!! To be honest I'd like to avoid adding weight - hence the CF boot. A good idea for sure, although the boot is still going to flop around a bit as it's not snug. It was a fraction better without the struts, but now the struts giving just a slight amount of lift. Going to have a bash at fixing tonight. Cheers for the offer!
  5. It was supposed to be ready last year - but I think this latest proposed date seems pretty firm. I am unsure if it will be full 1080p - I believe the prologue was - good question - I'm sure somebody will confirm - can't be bothered to search the net now.
  6. I haven't - I think pendulum is fairly recent isn't it? I went on the Jilted tour - and I've just looked at their site and it was March 25th 1994!! The Prodigy are long gone in my days of music. Classic! Anyway - back to the subject of GT5 - Here's a link to their gallery and graphics. http://eu.gran-turismo.com/gb/gallery/ Like I mentioned above the graphics are all out supreme!!
  7. Hmmm I'm slightly convinced, it's worth a shot. Cheers Husk!
  8. I think all the MODs on the forum are okay - okay some can be a bit picky about spam!! Oh Mod's modifications.... (only kidding) I haven't yet purchased a mod that I have regreted. I think if you put enough time and effort into research you can't go wrong. The forum is a great tool, the 2nd is a reputable garage that understand the right and wrong for the car - such as my experience with Abbey. If I had to say one particular mod could have been taken differently, then I'd say the NOS. There is a good reason for this. I am greedy for power. I am otherwise restricted with how much NOS power I apply via the jets. I have been advised by Abbey the amount of torque I am currently producing remains safe, although is somehow different to the torque delivered by a SC or Turbo. I want the turbo power, but can't do so because of this torque restriction. I'm guessing because NOS is direct power in one lump, the strain can cause issues, where the SC or Turbo increases it's torque levels as the revs increase. Thus generating less strain? So had I not spent a fair few £'s on the NOS I would probably have gone down the SC route. Especially after hearing Nurrish's SC - I fell in love (not with Nurrish!! ) Although I am very happy with my NOS - I just can't resist wanting more power.
  9. Wasso

    350z Remap?

    +1 good write up. I had fitted a job lot of mods at the same time - as the remap is of course not cheap. I had Air Induction, XYZ pipe, De-cats, Plenum Spacer and the NOS all mapped at once. Only issue with that is I couldn't tell you what gains I achieved individually.
  10. Right - I've checked the hoop. It's a screw in fitting - I guess a bit of cutting and welding would sort the problem. Alternatively source and fit a smaller hoop. Only problem being is that I am due to travel to Europe tomorrow - so would really like to get this sorted before I leave. Slightly distracting seeing my boot flap just a little. I wish I had never put my struts back on - at least it sits more snug, but during the trip it's going to be a pain to keep opening the boot as we are camping and staying 4 different sites. There's got to be a simple solution!! A small child would be good for weight - i.e. super glued to my boot lid. Although it wouldn't make for a good spoiler! Thing is, after searching the interweb and on here - there's nowt written about the lock mechanism!
  11. When the struts were off - the boot would sit about 3mm away from snug. With the struts on they sit about 6mm from snug. There is literally no weight in the CF boot. The rubber seal that sits around the boot of course diverts water away from underneath the boot. It's this rubber seal that is slightly lifting the boot (this is how light these boots are). I can apply a light amount of pressure to the boot and it sits snug. I feel that giving the lock mechanism and bit of a jig will then hold the boot in place. Currently - with or without shocks the boot can be seen to bounce slightly in my rear view mirror. This is where I think the lock requires adjustment. I'm about to pop out so I shall take a secondary look at the lock hoop on the boot to see if it can be adjusted. Any more comments or suggestions are welcome.... (no I'm not going to put the oem boot back on - or add weights to the boot )
  12. The boot bushes or springs what ever they are called are already removed. So there is no adverse pressure lifting the boot. Due to the oem boot being so heavy it aids with sitting nice and tight against the bodywork. The struts seem fine in terms of pressure, it does slightly lift the boot in comparison to having no struts fitted. I believe the main issue is the lightness of the boot not getting a firm seating against the body of the car. The suggestion of reducing the catch loop seems a good one although I think being Seibon it may not be user friendly and allow me to shorten the catch length. I really think I'm being forced into lowering the lock mechanism.
  13. Wasso

    350z Remap?

    Didn't think you would say otherwise Very true.....
  14. I have, as some people have read that I have put my boot struts back on my carbon boot Problem: The boot being so light needs some assistance to sit snug around the boot enclosure. I can slide my finger underneath the boot not inside, but to the lip surround just inside. My thoughts on this is to lower the lock mechanism which holds the boot in place. I'm thinking that lowering the boot will produce a tighter seal between the car and the boot lid. Those with Carbon boots may have experienced this, so any tips would be appreciated. If anyone has the answer - how to lower the lock please let me know asap! (I am guessing a large amount of boot plastics will need to be removed - a mini guide on this would be helpful! Cheers Wasso!
  15. Wasso

    350z Remap?

    (Looking forward to Wales - not long now!)
  16. Wasso

    350z Remap?

    They are actually Oxted in Surrey. http://www.abbeymotorsport.co.uk/
  17. Funny as hell - unless you are kicked off the plane - but why does it then link to find-a-bike.de Hmmm I know I am going to Germany next week, but don't fancy buying a bike in Germany whilst I'm there!!
  18. Funny thing is the pressure is just right. Okay you have to guide the boot up rather than just letting go of it, other wise as you previously quoted it will fling a cat 100 yards!! There is a slight amount of lift at the back - so I shall need to find a way of lowering the lock down to bring the tail of the boot closer to the bodywork!! Another job succesfully completed.
  19. That is classic!! He really feels the music, it's either that or he needs to the toilet!! At least the kid isn't growing up with Simon and Garfunkel like I did as a child!!!
  20. My boot now opens on it's own!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank holy mother of god for that!! I press the button and boot pops up - like automatically.... This is now a new found luxury. I might dissable my power steering, and after 3 months put it back on to feel how nice it is!! Funny how you get used to luxuries in life - anyway some photo's of my old shocks but now fitted correctly!!
  21. I'm bored, would be playing GT5 if it had been ******* released yet I bet after all this wait it will be a load of cack and just like all the other GT's. Although we only purchase it for the detail on the cars anyway. The lobby of GT5 prologue - I love the german village with the coble streets and a 360 view of your car currently selected. The level of detail is outstanding. I collected my PS3 on the day of release - I will be doing the same with the PS4 comes out - one day! Question: How old do us gamers anticipate gaming until - maybe this is worth a separate thread. I don't think I will grow old for gaming and still be playing Grand Theft Auto at a grand old age of 80 (well if I get that far)!! Ive often thought this sort of thing Will I be an embarrassing Grandad raving to Prodigy at my grandchilds wedding???? I can imagine getting told off by the missus for overdoing it Isn't that what grand parrents do already?!!!! I can relate to the Prodigy thing - damn they were the days.... Brixton Academy - it was messy to say the least!! I saw them many times but the early days were truly the best.
  22. I'm bored, would be playing GT5 if it had been ******* released yet I bet after all this wait it will be a load of cack and just like all the other GT's. Although we only purchase it for the detail on the cars anyway. The lobby of GT5 prologue - I love the german village with the coble streets and a 360 view of your car currently selected. The level of detail is outstanding. I collected my PS3 on the day of release - I will be doing the same with the PS4 comes out - one day! Question: How old do us gamers anticipate gaming until - maybe this is worth a separate thread. I don't think I will grow old for gaming and still be playing Grand Theft Auto at a grand old age of 80 (well if I get that far)!!
  23. Woo! I madethe internet! Where does fame go from here?
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