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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I changed my pads recently. Make sure you get plenty of copper grease applied to the rear of the pads. I placed a smithering of copper grease and I now have squeeling brakes once they get warm. Something I need to sort this weekend. You don't really need any special tools, unless the pins are hard to remove from the calliper. Only one of my pins required some thin nosed pliers. I also used the guide which has been posted by doogyrev and they were very clear and helpful.
  2. I once hit a cat which I also had no hope of avoiding. It hit the wheel so there was no damage but the cat didn't survive. It was on a 40mph road and was well under the limit but still a car and cat are no match. It's horrible when it happens and when you get damage to the car also the owner must feel gutted especially with the dog coming off fairly bad. Hope you both get a positive result.
  3. Wasso

    Truth or fiction

    I had my car vandalised years ago with brake fluid.... eats everything in sight!! If it eats through the paint it will soak into the bodywork.... this equals write off!! As you won't be able to paint over the vehicle again! It also eats into plastic rather nice!!
  4. Wasso

    dead zed

    Is there a difference for Auto jumping??
  5. My late contribution..... ECU self learning took about a week for me, I drive 18 miles a day, so from Monday to Thursday was great, but by Friday the car was working it's way back to stock settings. REMAP is the way forward, there are too many benefits, especially for the price.
  6. I'd also prefer the Q7 - although I wouldn't own one - just for the fact it's a wooking great beast!! Talking of cars.... I spotted a Porsche Panamera on the roads in Europe - another ugly invention!
  7. how exciting!! Hey mega cool - is that 4 people with 1 vote each.... So when are we likely to hear the outcome? Oooooooh exciting! :kicking
  8. The X6 has an identity crisis going on.... Is it a 4x4 Is it a car.... It's ugly I know that for sure... Clarkson tested it and hated it's inability to serve either purpose on road or off road!! oh and it starts at £45k - what a way to throw money down the pan!
  9. That's a good point, the closing date was some time ago! Any news on this?
  10. Hmmmm good point..... I guess a simple clean up and refurb is in order - I will be replacing them next year so I just want something to keep the car looking less tatty!!
  11. Late entry here.... been away.... Congratulations Andlid..... !!
  12. Nice one - sounds a good price - will that include smoothing out any imperfections, I mean kerbing.... Nice one Mike I'll see what this place can pull out the bag being that it's Nurrish approved, although I just hope they don't come out PINK!!
  13. As the subject says.... I believe from other posts I'm looking at around £200 - although I need to know if this can be done in one day, i.e. a Saturday if poss and where in the Midlands can I find a reputable outlet that will under take a good clean up. (I may even post up some nasty pics of the wheels a little later - as she will be cleaned tonight) There is one slight issue..... When purchasing the car from the stealer - they advised the wheels were "new / warranty replacement". After 6 months of driving the paint has been slowly peeling off!! I phoned the stealer to find out they were telling porkies and in fact hadn't replaced the wheels but refurbed them. As the alloy paint is peeling is this going to undertake more work, i.e. rubbing down? Also would there be any potential increase in price to have them powder coated in maybe in a slightly different tone of silver?
  14. Dave you need to see someone and QUICK! Mod the car then strip and now cos you've done some stripping you're now into pole dancing this has got to stop mate I'm worried about your health!
  15. I bet chris it was at the point where the car was speeding towards a junction and hit a jeep up the rear. Only to find the car was allowing a mother and kid to cross the road. Now that I wasn't expecting and it just shows. I'm sure we all put our pedal to the metal on a number of times, little can we expect the unexpected. I watched the whole video - some of the clips were trully gut wrenchin to think of the damage and loss of life - especially the un-acted scenes. This film should be shown to all new drivers as part of their driving course.
  16. I smile the more I spend on the car but my bank balance weeps constantly! Talking of brake calippers I had my tyres fitted last weekend and the guy taking the wheel off said "who painted your calippers mate!" I had to shake my head in horror! I don't think he knew a great deal about cars despite working at a tyre place!
  17. Your thread is on page two. I new of this thread which is best used for dyno chat. Nice response Andlid looks like you didn't care about the missing thread
  18. Don't get worried get VERY worried Gota admit you are a good talking point! Any new mods to expect for Wales then oh and get your name on the list! remember if your name isn't down your not in! wordup!
  19. I've got to say this is a very sorry looking list, in comparison to May!! What's wrong with people - this is probably the best 350z weekend in the year - well it's got some beating to do after May!! The weather is picking up (as I look out the window at the pouring rain) - well it's supposed to get better (I heard). Colin - you need to get the word out a little more!! Nurrish, GT4zed, FakeIndian, Ash, to name a few midlanders - why aren't your names down on the list! I don't know..... What's the carpark going to look like with only 10 cars in it!! The lady in the hotel is going to think the Zed has gone out of fashion!! Get your names down people!! Even if it's only for the 1 day!!
  20. Greeny: You recently posted your dyno report, I wouldn't be too upset about those figures mate. 5 years old - I guess is the 276bhp model - if you are producing 254 at the fly - surely that's only a loss of 22bhp. You will lose horses for sure - and the exhaust won't deliver a great deal. The torque figures are good - mine was 240 torque before my mods and I'm a 297bhp model, so I'd be pleased with that. It could be worse - some people lose barrell loads of power!!
  21. Nurrish was telling me that you are also a fellow Seibon boot owner. I was going to pm you later but save the bother you are here. Ta da!!!!! I'd love to come up - problem is I'm leaving for Europe tomorrow for 10 days - so I was hoping to get a fix before I leave. I need I would say a total of 6mm movement in all - maybe 8mm at a push. Would you be able to give a brief guide over the forum or pm either way, just so I have a quicker route to the problem. I'm guessing plastic removals in the boot area - and then a simple case of a spanner and lowering the lock mechanism. I haven't actually removed any boot plastics as yet, only because there's always a starting point with these plastics as I found in the interior!!! Help greatly appreciated!!
  22. Agreed - I am thinking about sourcing one that would be shorter, maybe from a different model of car. Might have to take a visit to the scrap yard!!
  23. Yeah I've seen that company advertised. The only issue being - take the struts off and it's still not perfect - looking for the snug fit, i.e. the boot doesn't lift when you pull it up (when shut). I believe the lock is the answer to my woes..... and to be honest the struts are just perfect. I press the button and it lifts on it's own without any hassle or drama. So I don't think I'd need a de-gas it's just the fitting against the lock which is the issue!!
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