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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Next time which I hope will be May next year will be new wheels uprated discs, lines fitted with brake fluid and an overhaul on the suspension setup to give it some tighter stability on corners etc. I've also noticed since the power upgrades that the front end lifts quite high on acceleration and drops on gear change. So suspension is a must for next year.
  2. The next level jets will cost me £12 to upgrade 25bhp or even 50bhp simples. The beauty of NOS. A donor engine will be some time next year although I wouldn't mind having any condition engine to work on the lower the value the better.
  3. It's AVI straight from the £10 cameras. I wanted to edit the films before posting so that just the driving was shown. My final attempt went well with cutting the video but now the sound is out?
  4. Okay well I've managed to improve the quality of the video, although now for some reason the sound is about 3 seconds behind the action!!??? I give up with this video upload business!! HELP!!!!!!!!!! (I've spent nearly 4 hours uploading just 2 videos!!)
  5. Probably, I wasn't too fussed as it was a simple fix (I actually had my 75 shot installed at the same time ) I'm so tempted to up the NOS the next level although I know Mark won't recommend it!
  6. I've wondered what happens to the "spare" O2 sensors too. How many of the original 4 sensors are left? I would guess an uprev remap is essential for this setup so that the resulting CELs can be disabled? I had a CEL issue with the cat's once I'd had my XYZ pipe fitted. I took the car back to Mark and he tinkled with the ECU and told it not to look for the cat that was once there?? All is well no issues.
  7. Colin - they are a bit pricey for a small piece of titanium!!! Heck man oh man!! I may just make some myself... where's husky when you need him!! Thanks for the heads up!
  8. I will be giving mine a good run tomorrow to see if the squealing has reduced. I hope it has as it was really annoying me. If not I may see a specialist brake place and ask for some advice. If not try and find some front brake shims. The ones that were on the original front pads were stuck to the pad, so just re-used them. The rears had their own small metal shims. Might see if it's possible to get hold of the front metal ones?
  9. First video uploaded to youtube, but again the quality is terrible. Going to see if I can send up the original file using the larger file option!! (tomorrow)
  10. Cheers fella, I've just checked the video links and for some reason Photobucket has chopped the end of the video's. I guess I'll need to upload them to Youtube - something for tomorrow. I'm also not very happy with the quality after compression!! I've also been thinking how good it would be to organise a Z meet for the Ring. Say like a 4 day trip over the weekend. It's only about 3hours drive from Rotterdam!!
  11. Just thought I'd post up a short, okay it will probably be a long thread due to the fact I waffle a lot. I've been back a week now and have finally managed to compress some video's as they were 1.5g long (I took that long to get round the Ring). Story goes like this: Friday 20th August leave Birmingham for Harwich to catch the 11:45pm boat. No hickups and all goes well, board the new ferry which was very clean and cabin facilities were superb! Ferry cost £220 return with sleeping arrangements on the way out. Had a couple of drinks then bed!! (Only to be woken dead early in the morning by the Dutch lady over the tannoy speaker which was directly over my head)!! Landed at Rotterdam to drive to Amsterdam - pitched tent with no hickups (pop up tent) and headed into the centre for a cup of coffee at the "coffee shop" Had a few drinks - bit of light shopping for dinner tonight and purchase a number of spirits for the Spag Bol that would be cooked by my cullinary hands!! (Yeah Right!!) Next day again a nice sunny day more "Coffee" and then drinks in the evening at Newmarkt. A little word of warning anyone who has been to Amsterdam before will of course know that drinks can be pricey!! Well, this is probably my 6th or 7th time and I've never paid £7 for a pint there ever!! So that's the end of Amsterdam from my European tours!! Not only did we get stung once, but twice!! During the night it rained like no tomorrow - where my mate in his single skin pop up tent was leaning out of his tent in the pouring rain with 2" of water inside his tent Sorry I had to laugh as he was actually holding an umbrella inside the tent it was leaking that much!! That will teach him to get a single later tent! But then my lesson of experience is to bring an airbed - WITH THE BUNGS!! We slept on an airbed which would slowly deflate throughout the night - very uncomfortable!! Packed up in the rain/muddy field and attempted to put away my pop up tent. My mates tent folded no problem, but as my tent was slightly larger had to be folded in a different manner. Lets just say the tent never made it back into the tent bag again that holiday!! Further advice, if you fancy a pop up tent, just throw it away when your done with it on your trip/holiday - I could have spent 3 days trying to get it back in the bag. Monday 23rd August today we are heading to the Nurburgring This is my first ever time to the ring, not only that my first ever track day!! I had prepped my car with the relevant modifications over the last 6 months, which included performance and lightened body parts. I even retired my spare wheel for the trip (a little tip - if you need more space in your boot - remove the spare wheel it came in very hand for loading things like car cleaning bits, dirty clothes and various non important items). There was only 2 purchases that I made which did not quite make it on the car (Hel Braided lines and Motul brake fluid) - I had installed my Performance Friction pads. So we head to the Ring - a good few moments on the various Autobhans to give it some stick - although we wanted to save our spirited driving for the track. We arrive at the empty campsite which was a stones throw from the track. Setup camp and washed the car ready for our drive of 4 laps the next afternoon. So with the afternoon free my mate decided to purchase a gazebo to stand over his single layer tent if it were to rain, and I headed out to find a new airbed!! So the gazebo was up, and my and the other half had purchased two kiddies lilo things, one red and one yellow for sleeping on!! They took an age to blow up and were again very uncomfortable and narrow!! So the inorgral day - the RING!! We head out to the track only to be met by an unhealthy amount of Porsche's and Beemers. There was a brand new Morgan can't tell which it was, although someone might confirm. I prep the £10 camera's I have 3 but only 2 were working. So I have one on the grill and the second on the dash. Both give totally different perspectives. My mate who drives the Civic Type R was absoloutly bricking it! He had to visit the loo at least twice before getting on the track. I was a little nervous, but nothing worth worrying about. We'd purchased our 4 laps with a view to drive all 4 on the one session. Our first lap was taken very easy and we achived 13 minutes. Our second lap which we found was littered with Porsches once more who thought they were invisible decided to stack their cars into the barrier. A total of 4 crashed on lap 2 with 4 bikes and 2 Porsches! So by now we've experienced what the Ring is all about. My 2nd lap was around 11 and a half minutes, which I was quite pleased with. Although I wanted to get to 10 mins!! I also found that my car was running great around the track with my other half who was crapping herself the entire time!! There was one slight problem - by the time I'd done half the lap my brakes were only performing to 40% of their ability - I have put this down to my OEM brake lines and fluid of which suffered badly due to my tentative drive - due to the fact I was braking at every crest and of course every corner! A lesson to be learnt there I think. We planned to leave the next morning for Chamonix and Mont Blanc, although we still had 2 laps left of the ring and with the track closed we had no alternative but to....... Stay an extra day!!! So we cleaned the cars again and prepared for day two!! Below is a video of lap 3 with camera on the front grill. Please note as mentioned this is only my 3rd time on a track and was very cautious due to my lacking of brakes and my daft mate who wanted to tootle along the track! I think my time was just over 11 mins. Here is lap 4 with camera positioned in the car - note - it rained for the first 1/4 of the track and so I was extra cautious. So after using up 1 and a half bottles of NOS - wearing out my pads and melting my falken tyres I've got to say it's one of the most addictive and fantastic moments of my life. I have decided that I will return at least once a year. Thursday 26th October We now head to Chamonx/Mont Blanc. Cutting a long story short now as you're probably getting bored. Journey time should have been 7 hours and we took 11. Sat nav chose to avoid toll roads and I never thought to check why it's taking so long. By now we are tired, fed up, used loads of petrol, although the view we got just 70km away from Chamonix made up for it, including the amazing twisty roads on route. Oh and my mate almost ran out of petrol on the way!! We arrive at Chamonix around 11:30pm only to find the campsite is FULL. We decide to sleep in the car overnight. Not very comfy I must add sleeping in a ZED!! We are woken early and head to the campsite as people have started to leave allowing us to stay. Oh guess what, it starts to rain again. My mate a little pee'd off says he's going to sleep in the car again as we will be leaving for Paris the next day. So we head up to Mont Blanc to see the Glacier etc. Go shopping in town - purchase alcohol and food for the evening meal - which was a curry - although cooked on the campsite by yours truly!! (Yes it was a Balti mix bag thing). So it rains through the night, cars are dirty again, backs are hurting and we are all pee'd off from the weather. Maybe Paris will have better weather. Saturday 28th August We head onto the Toll roads this time (I gave the Satnav a right kick up the ar$e) only to find it would be a costly trip! A tank and a half later - 45 Euro's in toll costs, as well as service station food. P.S. I hate French arrogant drivers. We're doing 90 in the outside lane, Ford Kuga comes up my rear and I mean bumper to bumper with him flashing is outside indicater light. I'm not moving as there is my mate ahead of me and 4 other cars overtaking. I dab the brakes - he still persists with driving dangerously, now he's flashing his lights. So I move over - not that he'd make any further progress. He is now pi$$ing off my mate by doing the same. He moves over and once the traffic had cleared - I thought I'd show him who really is boss. I floored it whilst flashing my lights and waving nicely to move over!! He politely moved over and despite leaving my exhaust dust all over his white car - he proceeded to follow us for the next 200 miles!! Okay but this time he wasn't trying to get past us - and understood the fact our cars were far more powerfull than his!! We arrive in Paris - with lovely weather and chose to pick a hotel as we were now fedup of camping. Looked around the sights of Paris - which I've done many a time - but thought it would be a good location for my mate. Up the Eifel: We went out on the final evening (Sunday) to have a curry. Nice place with live music (a bloke playing a sitar - or whatever they are called). We had finished dinner and paid when my mate said "On the QT - RAT!!" I said "WHAT" - he repeated - "on the QT - RAT!!" I said "RAT!" - "yes" he said. And there it was sat in the middle of the curry house twitching it's nose!! I couldn't believe it RAT!! Anyway, we couldn't get our money back, decided best to leave (Oh it's raining again!) and go back to the hotel - hoping that we weren't going to be ill from the curry house. (now I'm getting bored of typing now). So anyway, we head back to Rotterdam, get on the ferry, land at Harwich at 8:30pm for the drive home. I sent my mate down the M1 as it would be better located for him and I took the M40. I had a great drive home and was in the house for 11:30pm. My mate on the other hand didn't arive home till 1:30am as there were mega amounts of roadworks. Ooooops! He wasn't too pleased. That was our trip!!! The car was amazing - spent well over £400 on fuel and thoroughly enjoyed the Ring. Hope you enjoyed my little (I mean long) story!
  12. Okay I have now re-greased my front pads. Let's just say it's 90% better although from my first application of copper grease when the new pads first went on had totally disappeared. I therefore whacked a load of grease on. I still get a squeal but this could be from my rear pads which I will do tomorrow as I can't be bothered to do them now, it's hard work you know If the squealing comes back to the fronts I lost for solutions. It may be the case that performance friction pads love to squeal????
  13. I also have squealing issues which I hope to cure today. I also noticed the lack of shims on the front pads so I took off the shim looking material off the back of the front pads and used them on my new pads. I hope that ooober amounts of copper grease will resolve the problem. My brakes only squeal after the brakes are warm although apply more pressure to braking and the squealing goes away. I will see the results hopefully after the re-grease
  14. Wasso

    Drfting vid

    If I did that I'd probably take out the wall the camera crew and half of America. And I bet the bottle would still be there!!!!
  15. Wasso

    Front bumper

    Alex is there anything you don't have. It makes me laugh every time somebody posts "wanted" and zedmanalex always pops up with the goods. Have you got like a mass of land with loads of dead zeds!
  16. I'm sure to see a difference over the weekend when I load those pads up with loads of grease I'll keep you posted.
  17. Yup, followed the procedures, 5 runs at around 70mph down to 10mph with firm but not agressive braking. The bedding in seemed to go well, it's just the squeeling when the brakes warm up. I went for the Z compound. I will take them off at the weekend, give everything a cleanup and replace with ooober amounts of copper grease. The thing is, I was using the grease sparingly due to the fact of the cost from Halfrauds, and thought best keep some for my next application. The tube to be fair should have been used on all 4 sets of pads. I now have a larger supply and will now give the pads some extra juice. If this doesn't work then there is something else causing the issue. I am just wondering if the discs aren't happy with the pads and as such need new discs, maybe PF? Only problem is they are £500 for the front pair!!
  18. I have decided to go ahead and book up my UPREV with abbey and im defo looking foward to the remap, my question is though, what kind of extra stress will be put on my engine and transmission, None really unless you go FI can the Z handle the extra horses Yes, Mark will give you a full run down etc? im expecting my clutch to wear out faster but anything i should be aware of? Clutch should be fine. I.E what upgrades should i get once i have a Z with more HP than normal, does the tranny need uprating + engine components... No - although from this post I believe you are just going for Uprev and mapping of your air intake - I do not believe there are any gains from the Uprev alone (BHP) what it does is tune the engine to be more fruity - i.e. more in tune with performance. Don't forget the car which comes out the factory is set for optimum MPG / BHP / Torque and safety - the UPREV will give you the best possible gains from what is under the engine.(my main concern is 100% WOT... im not sure that IS a good thing? especially in say 1st gear. WOT is fine, I thought it would be a big difference, but there isn't - all it does is provide you the option to wide open throttle the car in first, but realistically this isn't possible as you'd just lose traction, I believe the benefits to be more in 2nd and 3rd gear when you can WOT without loss of traction Also im contemplating getting a plenum spacer fitted for the remap to go along with my K&N panel filter on my otherwise stock Z... how much would it cost for you guys to fit a plenum spacer? If you check out my dyno post viewtopic.php?f=25&t=24431&start=15 - I have a map that shows the before and after UPREV, although this includes, ARC Air Induction, Plenum Spacer, XYZ Pipe and De-cats. So there's a whealth of add-ons there to increase BHP and Torque which I gained 18hhp - this is only slightly noticable, although the UPREV which tightens the throttle response and give the engine life is the best modification.
  19. He was my source of information regarding my upgrad (sorry partial upgrade). I might create a separate thread to see who wants to come and fit my braided lines and flush out my old fluid and replace with my new Motul. Refreshments will be provided
  20. I installed PF pads - these are the buggers that are currently squeeling!! (I am sure it's my fault more than the pads) Got to say they work very well!! They managed to hold the road very well whilst at the Nurburgring, just a shame I never got round to fitting my HEL lines and higher performance fluid. The result of using stock fluid and lines resulted in getting a very squishy brake pedal half way round the track I managed to manuever the spring clip thing out before taking the pins out. Just make sure to have one hand on the clip as you retract the pin.
  21. +1 on the copper grease! I clearly did not use enough and they also screeeeech when warm The funny thing is, I purchased some copper grease from Halfrauds... this tube was say the size of a toothpaste tube and it cost me something like £6. I went to my local auto parts shop, very small shop, friendly stock all that you need and by chance noticed the copper grease. In his shop this tube was twice the size of the Halfrauds version and a quarter of the price!! I know where I will be shopping in future. I will apply a wealth of copper grease on Sat or Sun - I will let you know how it goes.
  22. If you dispute the charge by law they cannot take action unless they respond notifying the charge is legitimate. Best option is to find out what the parking rules are at the services before proceeding with payment or dispute?
  23. It's a tough one - I'd suggest writting and disputing the charge, you have every right in which to do so. They cannot increase the penalty whilst you are in dispute of the charge. If they find you are still in denial they must allow you a further 14 days in which to pay the lower charge. I've taken this comment from CP Plus Ltd site - Car Parking Control Our client-focused approach involves working closely with all our clients to ensure that every factor is taken into consideration. We can advise on equipment, control, revenue generation & protection, parking enforcement and many other issues. Could be a revenue generated ticket and that you are not in breach of the car parking regulations. I'd contact the motorway services direct and speak with their site manager and discuss what the rules are??
  24. I can't read it that well, I guess you've parked in an area which states maximum stay 2 hours or something?? That is a bit cheeky I've got to admit. Might be worth checking out the signage at the services to establish exactly what rules have been placed on their carpark. Gota say - damn cheeky!! They must have sneeked up to your car, took a photo of you sleeping and slapped a nice ticket on the window!! They've got balls some of these parking officers!!
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