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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. If you don't fancy memorising the route or punching into the sat nav, the next alternative is to follow Colin. the phrase @*!# to a shovel is a good term to make sure you don't get lost. I made sure I was in sight of Colin in May and didn't need the sat nav once. Although the Sunday was a bit tricky due to the amount of people attending and then of course it was a leisurely drive which caused a few lost zeds
  2. I'd be up for that..... I was going to wait for Darren B to have a chat with him at the Wales meet coming up, but as I know you track your car (as well as stack it full of track goods lol) - I may as well ask you. I've looked at the prices at Donnington Park, something like £239. What will that give me? A period of time on the track, a certain number of laps, or am I looking at the wrong price and it shouldn't actually be that much. Secondly, what's the easiest way to obtain a db raiting of my exhaust? Thirdly what do I need!! Might be worth starting a separate thread for all of this - as I'm sure there would be other people interested in having a few goes on the track, not only that but a possible meet at a track would be good?!
  3. M8 i did 10 mins with a passenger, overfilled boot and totally wrong cambers. the understeer was epic!!! haha couldnt do more than 2 laps at a time as the brakes were getting cooked and they were upgraded ones as well. Best thing to do get granturismo for the psp like i did. me and my nurse have been watching the vidoes at work and i was telling her the corners in advance lmao she thought i was a ring legend or smth hahaha thats after 200-300 laps of the ring on the psp. i bet you can easily do 10min with the car as it is if you get to know the track and improve the lines. btw last time i went there it was exactly a year ago. i only got the granturismo a few months ago awesome trip nevertheless. sooooooooooooooooo jealous I probably could achieve 10mins if I tried a little harder. I had issues though with cooking my brake fluid. This meant for most corners, or any crests that I came upon, I would have to pre-brake and then brake again, due to the fact I only had 40% brakes by the time I had gone halfway round the track. I am going to try and do some UK tracks to get the right control, direction and understand "how much" I can give the Zed on the corners. I was probably only driving at about 90% capability, due to the fact I didn't want to crash and fork out loads for closing the track! With the new fluid and lines I would hope - with a bit more practice the 10min mark is achievable. I also played GT4 on the PS3 to understand the length and corners of the track, but it doesn't prepare you for the size of the hills on the track, or the adverse camber you experience on a number of corners. On the video (Once I get the sound sorted) you will see that I have a bit of tyre squeal on an adverse corner, I correct the car, but then for some reason the car twitches and I lose the front slightly which was a bit odd. So future is - a good old practice on the UK tracks with correct braking mods installed and maybe a little guidance or tuition from a pro!!
  4. I am interested but the price is out my league. Sorry. I'd only pay a max of £1k for any plate even if it said my name on it. I'm just a bit tight when it comes to number plates! I hope you get it sold as it's a good plate for those who have NOS and not specific to a 350z!
  5. I managed to get hold of 102 octane at the Nurburgring.... Had to check with Scott @ Abbey to make sure after remap the car would be okay to use this. Apparently the increase in Octane to 102 won't give any performance gains, although is a "safer" fuel for the mapping.
  6. Cheers fella - I actually keep looking back at the video's it's quite funny because I kind of commentate to myself and ah yes, that's the bend with the right hander after it. Then the video displays a left hander.... I'm like Geewhiz - learning this track is a nightmare!! I want to go faster!! I believe I could hit the 10min mark with a bit more experience of driving on a track, along with improving my brakes (which is a must with Wales coming up). Tighten the suspension up and practice I think under 10mins could be achieved, although I'm sure that's a looooooong way off!
  7. NICE!! The sales lady "Andrea Neal" (who tells lies) said to me "am I serious about purchasing the car as she's fed up of taking people out in it!!" She made me feel like a timewaster!!
  8. Did you ever sell your number plate V6 NOS?
  9. I couldn't be bothered to drive all the way to Leicester for a survey on the wheels for them to then work on them. The inconvenience would be too great. I will get them done nearer to me - which will be better.
  10. I'm more than happy to name and shame: Sturgess (Leicester) I looked around the car prior to purchase and the sales lady said "oh yes the wheels are NEW". I said how come they are all "NEW". She said "As the guy who owns it works in the service area - he managed to get new wheels through the Warranty". This was a bonus - brand new wheels. Six months down the line of owning my car I noticed the alloys were - shall we say peeling! I phoned Sturgess to find out if I can obtain replacements under my extended warranty. Sturgess "Yes we can replace the wheels, although what sort of issues are occuring" Me "The wheels are peeling"! Sturgess "Hmmmm let me check to see what we can do - please hold" Sturgess "Okay we can't replace the wheels" Me "Why not it's within the warranty" Sturgess "I'm afraid not - it turns out the wheels weren't knew they were otherwise reconditioned" Me "So when you sold me the car you told me the wheels were "NEW" and they clearly are reconditioned" Sturgess "Yeah sorry about that - I can put you in touch with the company who reconditioned the wheels" Me "No you ring them - their work undertaken is shabby" Sturgess "Sorry no we can't ring them - would you like the number" Me "May as well - thanks for being unhelpful" Sturgess "No problem" Let's just say I was not pleased. The wheels since purchase now 1 year old look terrible - which I am now in the process of having reconditioned myself. Furthermore Sturgess sent me a letter recently asking if I'd like to have my MOT done at their dealership - no blinking way are they getting near my car! I recall upon leaving their garage that I'd leave the car standard - she replied that would be nice as the previous owner would hate for his EX car to be modified. I'm so tempted to go down there and do a nice little burnout in their carpark displaying all the modifications!
  11. Oh come on that was terrible..... On a different note a little but can you give me some tips on uploading the video from one of those £10 cameras. The file is of course AVI. I need to chop the sections from the start and finish of the file as they are not relevant. Save the file, then upload the file retaining the original quality. I've loaded my Youtube version and for some reason the sound is about 3 seconds behind. The original files are fine on my computer, but through youtube they are delayed. See my European trip thread. Cheers
  12. To be fair he could hold slightly more baggage, although the for the experience of the drive the Zed wins in every corner possible. We were driving through little villages whilst on our way to Chamonx/Mont Blanc. As we sat at traffic lights people were looking at the car and taking photo's. When we were leaving Chamonix we parked the car up to get a McDougals breakfast, upon returning to the car there were about 7 people all looking at the car and a couple were taking photo's. My mate was massively jealous and said "I can't believe people are looking so much - it's not as though they've never seen a zed before". I smilled!!!!!! We only saw two Zeds on our whole trip, a 370z whilst cruising to Paris, who I waved to but didn't get a response in return. Then a fellow 350z at the Nurburgring - he was from a different club, one that I didn't recognise. He said hello. The amount of people that checked out my Zed during the whole trip was amazing, I felt like a superstar!! Gota say she was looking kinda cool.....
  13. That is good to know! And could you see out of the Rear window at all? I left enough room for looking out the rear view mirror. Yes there were some obstructions, although enough to see above the items in the back shelf area. Example of gleaming car whilst camping!
  14. Try travelling Europe for 10 days with clothes (partner took more than required), camping equipment, cooker, pots pans, plates, cool box, safety equipement i.e. high vis jackets, warning triangle, tools, car cleaning products, chairs, airbeds etc etc. Okay I removed the spare wheel as well, but it all went in!! (Just!)
  15. Buy a new headunit - the BOSE units are far from capable, with speakers dropping sound, CD's jumping when cold (for most people). Although if it's not reading the disks during your drive, I'd say the unit's knackered. I've gone for a 7" unit and it has made my day. MP3, DVD, Bluetooth etc etc.... It even shoves out a few more amps than the BOSE unit, so sound is a little better. The only problem for me is the satnav lady now doesn't speak over the unit. Not that I am bothered as I never used to have her shreaking at me when I made a wrong move anyway. Get a new headunit. There is a thread somewhere with pictures of other headunits installed in their cars. Have a search for what you are after and get it swapped into the car. You won't regret it.
  16. Well I took my first journey to work after the RE-GREASE and there is a massive improvement. The brakes no longer squeal, instead they just squeek!! No honestly, they are massively better. I did notice though at the end of the journey they began to squeek, rather than squeal. I'm not too fussed as it's only minimal and I can live with it, so 95% of my journey is now 1000 times better! We shall see what happens after Wales when I give them a fair beating!!
  17. blinker fluid for your indicators review below: This stuff works too good! I had some splash in my eyes, and now my eyes blink constantly. Fixed the blinkers on my Pinto though! Rating: [5 of 5 Stars]
  18. It's on youtube.... and how would I load them to your laptop? It would still take an age for sure being 1g. I will try another upload again tomorrow to see if that fixes the issue. Cheers
  19. Some people do the strangest of things!! At least heat soak would be reduced, but hey, what if they were smoking some whacky backy and puffed that into the air intake - would the car get stoned??
  20. Something strange is going on here. My original files on my laptop are fine, the sound syncs fine with the video, but on youtube it's out? Should I try a re-upload? (Please no, not again!)
  21. Have a good holiday mate and make sure you're not too drunk for Wales
  22. That's what I tried first and that ruined the quality and the window size of the vid. I can't seem to win.
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