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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Nice one - Nurrish no longer has the axle stands, but to be honest I could do with some myself, so I shall get some purchased!! I'll either text or give you a call over the weekend as I am going to the wheel place on Saturday to get a price and "possibly" test some other colours..... Appreciated - some seriously generous and helpfull people on this forum!!
  2. Well the good thing is my NOS is almost empty, and I've not used it since the Nurburgring, and I very rarely use it, although that's probably because I only have enough for about 5 blasts anyway. Trust me your wheels would be cared with the utmost respect. I have a trolley jack so that would help with time saving. Oh and my car has not been lowered, so should be fine. I only drive 18 miles a day, so I won't be taking your wheels to Scotland. I will pm Nurrish, that's if he's not busy keeping fit and posting half naked photo's to photobucket. Cheers Grant - appreciated.
  3. I had a marathon a long time ago, I believe they call them Snickers now? I am so unfit these days, I used to be fit as a fiddle back in my youth, but can't be bothered now.
  4. Love your style - axle stands - trendy!! I was going to suggest bricks It's a fantastic offer and yes it would be in the week, potentially Wed next week, although I don't actually own any axle stands. Boy this is so frustrating. Maybe I should post another thread asking for Axle stands as well To be fair, I'd be a little worried about borrowing your 20" beasts!! Have you had any archwork done to accomodate those mahoosive wheels?
  5. I have to laugh - especially when you'd huff and puff and then get back to the next routine!! You'd dissapear out of shot below the camera and re-appear sweating and puffing as if to say you'd had enough, but no, you kept going!! You'll have to give us a live demonstration at the Wales meet, maybe a warm up welcome meeting
  6. Morning all, I am looking to get my Ray's refurbed sometime between now and next Friday (17th Sep). I logistically cannot leave my car at the company, due to having to get to work. Therefore I was wondering if anyone in the Midlands area has a spare set of alloys (with tyres of course) for loan for say a max of 3 days so that I can remove my wheels to get a refurb. I am more than happy to leave a deposit for the wheels, and there will be a crate of beers or a bottle of spirits for you upon returning the wheels. If anyone can help a man in need please let me know as soon as possible. I will of course collect and deliver your wheels. Cheers
  7. I'm sorry Dave but me and Mrs have just been roaring with laughter, in fact I'm still chuckling. It's the way you keep stopping at the beginning and the sweat clearly shows you've been working hard, hence the break every 2 seconds!! Respect to posting the video - keep at it and when is the next chapter of the pole dancing! Keep it up For all that hard work you should treat yourself to a few beers and a big fat juicy curry - I would!!
  8. It would be more than 48bhp if it's a 2003 model, they only came with 276 horse, so that makes it 52bhp!! He hasn't messaged me back to confirm via dyno reports!!
  9. I've just send the idiot a mssage asking to see dyno reports to substantiate his 328bhp. Bet the response is it's never been dyno'ed
  10. After coming back to the UK after my European trip, it was even more noticable. The roads even in the mountains are fresh, well marked and showing no signs of wear! Minimal road works, wide open motorways, clearly marked, with less traffic. You can really put your foot down on some of the roads they are that smooth. So smooth that you'd think you were driving on butter! I landed back at Harwich and the A road heading away from Harwich was full of potholes, bumps, cracks, poorly lit, terrible road markings and unsafe unmarked bends!! Considering how much money we pour into the government which is related to motoring is obscene!! If the Europeans can get it right, even up the mountains, why can't we. This country is slowly going down the pan... Roads, Pensions, Taxation, Health, Schools, Drunks, unemployed (those that are lazy), benefit scams... the list could go on..... This country sucks!! The only thing I can say the UK is good for is a Curry!! (I think I feel better now)
  11. Nurrish..................................confused
  12. Clarkie..................................envious!
  13. I know he's selling a set of 4 of which are titanium (for £85 I think). I'd also like some front ones as my front pads are back to squealing as usual!! I should have just left my original pads on - they were fine!!
  14. Lol you read my mind. Thanks for all the comments and tips guys. Really appreciate it. Sorry to hear you had a similar if not worse experience wasso, really takes the shine off. The 370 should put it straight back on again though. It's only the wheels that aren't cosmetically pleasing, although saying that I'm sure once I get them done I will kerb them or something!! I personally think getting the 370 for Wales is a great idea. The only problem is, if someone gave me a 370 for a weekend I'd cry in pain for wanting one once I'd given it back. Although if I was you - I'd def play the game and get hold of the car for your convenience, but then again, you can't enjoy Wales with YOUR motor - which is the whole purpose!
  15. I haven't got a clue. I dropped the file into Windows Movie Maker and then selected a smaller file size. I retained the quality, the sound was spot on yet the file was 700mb smaller? I left the file uploading this morning and came to work, so all I need to do is post the link to the 2nd video when I get in. It must have something to do with the codec I believe - (advice from IT here at work).
  16. First video has now been corrected for sound and quality. The 2nd video will be uploaded to youtube tonight.
  17. I've done a search and it would appear Martin Wisemann and Friedhelm Wisemann were the founders of Wisemann Cars. I am therefore guessing the MF stands for Martin and Friedhelm??
  18. Yeah and the first layby you see.........her co-driving skills are forgotten I've still got things to fit to the car before a week Fri - which includes wheels refurbing and re-spray of front bumper plus 4 other important items
  19. Good point cutting into the tray and wheel fouling would be an issue. Well it serves a purpose, just make sure no small animals end up being sucked up - they will have a hard, possibly hot ending!!
  20. Being that I cooked my brake fluid on the ring I have to say pound for pound this is a very cheap but effective solution. Pipe behind the grill with intake scoop would sort it perfect. Otherwise it looks
  21. Got to admit I didn think it would be as much as that but hey ho if that's what it costs, as I think I may have the track bug
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