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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Good looking pics and the car looks great outside the pub..... At least if you have your own/meet/drive there will be nobody lagging behind or speeding too far ahead....
  2. I have the reverse photo, can you see me in the road, behind James? ^^^^^ So er Colin, what's with the the strange position you appear to be standing in? It wasn't anything to do with the meal the night before?
  3. how to make an innocent photo look guilty! Gota say some excellent photos there Darren. Some great colour and despite the poor weather the pictures are nice and clear.
  4. I was there for a reason, I was waiting for you to run out of petrol so that I could get next years calender pic for september Nice one!
  5. I see your point, but why pay £100's pounds just to warm the bottles.... I could possibly sleep with the bottles at night and slide them in the car in the morning I may just try the heated blanked first, see how that goes - I'd be looking at nearly £300 just for two bottle heaters - so saving a few extra hundred pounds means that I can spend the cash on other important parts I'm saving for the body kit for 2011, along with suspension modifications.....
  6. For safety if the bottle pressure gets too high, there is a special release valve in the bottle neck. At any time the pressure is too high, it simply releases the over pressure until safe/normal pressure is resumed. There is a pressure sensor that connects to the lines, and as such reads out on the display. Herewith the wiring diagram (am I lazy or what) http://www.noswizard.com/hpsnw_admin/pd ... 1.9_8A.pdf The pressure indicator is there for gauging bottle content and of course if too low the NOS will not activate, which I believe is under 600psi. NeilP - It is a lot of pressure - not that I personally understand HOW much pressure - although luckily it's behind the passenger seat facing left and right, so hopefully it would miss me if heading my way. The bottle is supposed to be positioned front to back, although the area in the glove box couldn't accomodate that option. Would I recommend NOS? It's a tough question as it only fits a gap between simple modifications such as bolt on's and then Super Chargers or Turbo kits. Turbo and SC cost lots of cash. This has already been pre-discussed somewhere - where a SC and Tkit will continually be active, and thus potentially straining the engine when driving. The NOS can be activated at any time you wish. Therefore the extra strain only occurs when it's on! NOS I believe generates a different kind of power and is very much Torque orientated, as such I am currently limited to running no more than 300tq to the wheels. I am currently at 298tq and Mark @ Abbey has said it will be unsafe to proceed any further unless engine strengthening is undertaken. The NOS Controller is programmed to initiate at 4k revs and at 85% throttle. Therefore only a small window is open to use the NOS. Although, hit 3rd or 4th gear and the benefits are much better than stock! You can have the NOS active although if your pedal is less than 85% it won't squirt! So -- benefits are it's cheaper - although depends on how often you wish to squirt. (How often do you REALLY want to use a SC or Turbo) I managed to get 4 laps of the nurburgring and used a bottle and a half (I have two bottles at 5lb each). I also have 75 shot jets, so the larger the jet the more you use. Upgrading from one size of jet to another is a simple as £12. So if I wanted 300 shot jets then it would be a cost of £12. Bottle refills - 10lb - cost around £40 to £50 and if used on the street will last on average around 30-40 blasts using 1st 2nd and 3rd gear. Negatives - it's not as good as a SC or Turbo - clearly! I'm running 309bhp to the hubs, which is roughly an improvement of 70bhp - please note that I also have other mod's working with the NOS to achieve this number. I'm guessing that I'm running about 360-370bhp at the front? NOS has to be refilled. This can be a nuisence. NOS at my current state as mentioned only runs between 4k and 7k, therefore a limited window. A SC or Turbo will give you better performance as it's active pretty much at the point you hit the GO pedal. Summary - it's a good alternative if you don't fancy going the whole hog to SC or Turbo. I spent a fair amount of cash on my system because I wanted a stealth system and wanted to retain my boot space. It was also installed and mapped at Abbey, so again I could have saved money by doing the install myself. Although I'd have messed it up!! There is also Dyno time required to set it up. In addition I had the higher end controller - although not essential. Not only that but my two bottles instead of one 10lb bottle - which increases cost. It depends on how far you want to go. Yes the added power is what I call nice. It's not "fast and furious" - I'd have to forge the engine to go that far. If I was to estimate a basic system you're looking at around the £700 mark. Then there is Dyno time / install time (which is also costed on where you locate the bottle(s) - then there is the cost of the refill's as you use the sytem. I am power hungry and should have just gone straigh for the SC (because I wanted a luxury install) - but I still love my NOS as it's simple, handy for the odd blast and is stealth. Nobody knows apart from you lot
  7. Will it fit a right hand drive car? Please - I'd like one! If you fancy coming to the Midlands meet this weekend? - I can then give you the cash direct.... If not I'll go for the postal version.... any idea of cost. Let me know the total and I'll send some wonga! (pm me your details). Cheers
  8. Camera on dashboard - check Turn camera on - check Heater - nearly there - call it check Use Nos - check Post film - that wouldn't be possible as I may be dead.... When I say "winter" I of course don't mean during a blizzard or when it's chucking it down with rain. There are "some" dry days in the cooler parts of our year, such as early this morning and probably upto and including December etc. Although it would be funny to post such an instance with the snow. But then again knowing how bad the traction is in the snow, with the NOS activated I'm not going to go anywhere fast!! (Probably just spin round in a circle!) Ekona - I've tried the turning heater on solution - only problem being is because the bottles are in the glove box, it's very difficult to get the heat direct into that area. In the meantime I'm sweating buckets just to heat the bottles. ChrisS - I'm in favour of that cheap blanket - out of stock not an issue, although a possible solution. I could try and see if it works, and if not it's not a great loss due to the price. Husky - Sounds simple when you put it like that, although I have issues putting a battery in a torch - well not that bad but I'm not a soldering master. Maybe I could possibly swing some work your way with reward! *Based on bottle pressure shouldn't be too much of an issue. I have a reading that comes on the controller indicating the bottle pressure. I can simply turn off the heater when it reaches the desired level. Currently the cold weather is generating a low pressure of 550psi - I need to reach a level of optimum 850psi - so I guess a minimal amount is required. Note I should avoid going over 1000psi! I will of course try the simple option provided by ChrisS to see if this will work - if not - plan B - the technical way!! Cheers
  9. I like it, simple and effective if not a bit direct!! Only problem is when going round a corner or accelerating it may fall over and set fire to the car, and if that hasn't happened maybe a small explosion, or shall I say TWO explosions!! Husk - me likes that idea. I was personally thinking of one of those plug in heaters you can purchase, i.e. warm the air around the bottles?? But then it's a bit cheap and would probably take longer. Here is the link to the bottle heater supplied by WON http://www.noswizard.com/hpsnw_admin/pdf/heater2.pdf I guess there may be some information on the bottle which may help provide some of the information you require, I can take a look and maybe that might answer some of the technical questions? I have the UK facelift, so my heater switches aren't elbow prone.... although I actually have my Nitrous ignition switch in the space rocker space next to the heater switches, so I was thinking more of hiding it away in the controller area?
  10. Okay so winter is approaching and my NOS bottles will be dropping pressure due to the colder climates. In order to resolve this issue I need to install a bottle heater(s). If I was to go for a bottle heater from the Wizards of NOS - I'd be looking at £140 per bottle heater. Okay I could get by with just using the one and transfering each time I wished to use the 2nd bottle. Although I'm sure there's a number of techy people here to invent me a low cost, simple installation that will serve it's purpose. Here's a picture of the bottles which are in the glove box behind the passenger seat. The next question I'm sure you'll ask is how warm/hot do the bottles need to be. I would pressume around the 24/25 degree mark. I'd like a nice simple switch option that I can locate maybe where my controller is - which would make sense as it's right near the bottles... So - any suggestions please post.....
  11. Okay here's my small low quality contribution (phone) I need to work on the video's - which were all of shire - although I'm sure he wanted to take the limelight... SATURDAY SUNDAY SPOT THE DIFFERENCE!
  12. Good point Rich - it just didn't feel like a supercar! Okay the Gallardo is a baby supercar in my eyes and Murcielago is the creme de la creme of Lambo supercar muscle. Although again it looks a tad boring. I still say bring out a modern day Countach, a bit like revamping the Fiat500. If they relaunched the Countach with today's technology it would be awesome!!
  13. Updated mileage.... SpursMadDave.............54................. 84k bodyboarder..............57................. 19k 350 Russ.................52..................54k Friddela.................04.................101k Clarkie34................06..................23k Ian......................03..................35k ChrisJones6699...........04..................67k MacW.....................54..................89k bigbramble...............05..................37k doogyrev.................07..................33k Wasso....................06..................42k (Now 46k (4k in six weeks!)) James B..................53..................83k craigo...................05..................25k Beavis...................05..................17k CaptainSensible..........06..................47k Watshot..................57 ................. 3k Zugara...................07..................17k Stretch..................04..................45k Andlid...................03..................42k Goldcrest Four........06.................. 7k Neilp....................06..................23k Jay......................03..................43k Richt....................56..................16k Daveparkin.............57..................14k RichIOW................07..................29k DontPanic..............54..................73k JetSet...................55...................8k Jerry3167..............04..................28k glrnet...................54..................31k Andyzed................07..................34k Greido...................56..................44k Niko.....................54..................15k Un1eash................56..................11k geoler...................57..................21k Aust350z...............03..................34k j33p1995...............06..................36k ChrisS...................54..................31k Posidrive................55..................50k BladesGrant............53..................24k AndWood...............04..................41k neil354..................06..................31k Gibby....................55..................80k Zee......................03..................46k Danny 350z............06..................25k Anubis...................52..................29k hoffs350z..............07..................24k fakeindian..............53..................39k karl922..................07..................52k pimm.....................04..................40k JAMIE MOY............08..................6k mattbowey............05...................30k kazman.................55..................69K Maccaman.............54..................30k Narcotix................04.....................47k maz0....................04.....................37k Toon Chris.............04.....................92k Demolition49..........06.....................15.5k bigmike20vt...........05.....................32K 350zStephen..........53.....................54k Ruddles.................53.....................60k Zazur....................52.....................42K Andyvvc................53.....................105k Sam McGoo............54.....................12k urabus...................07.....................22k Davebod89............06.....................23k Ace......................56.....................15k Will350z................55......................33k PDean350..............05......................84k chris p..................03......................46k martinmac.............55......................44k Sidekickdmr...........58......................6k Newbie.................53.......................72k kms
  14. I drove one on a driving experience day. I have a big passion for Lambo's ever since the Countach - although when I drove one on the driving day I was massively deflated by the interior, the driving position and of course the length in which you have to press the clutch. The Gallardo is not a good lambo in my eyes anymore. I still love the outside, but the inside is a big let down. There was also a Ferrari 360 which I drove after the Lambo - now I hate the look of the 360 - looks too clean - needs some aggression styling! Although after driving the Ferrari I felt like a superstar. The driving position, dials, pedals response from the vehicle impressed me no end! Nicely put together! I left that day very confused as for the last 30 years I had loved and cherrished every Lambo on the planet. But now, since that day Ferarri has a little piece of me.... My opionion on the Lambo will never be what it was as a child....
  15. He's such a window licking noob, you can be allocated his new carer. Make sure he doesn't escape! Was the date already in there..... heck man I'm tired.... p***ed off with work, heck hope I don't end up selling the car and buying a smart car.... then things would be bad....
  16. Interesting response so far..... I would have chosen one or two - but if the scenario is that of their denial - I have made my honest opinion. I think you should also update your thread line with the date of your "poll for the day" - that way we can see which poll's are new and old etc!
  17. Good choice in car Mr Nurrish - sensible, economy, good for 4 passengers, cheap to insure, easy to clean, low on emission, no more racing people off the lights, no more modifications.... the list could go on.... Can't believe you used those crooks online - I daren't ask what they gave you for the motor! At least if the relief of paying nearly £500 per month for a car that sits doings nothing over christmas it's a wise decision. You probably are still bonkers for chosing a SMART car - but hey-ho! Let's hope you can jump back to the Zed in 2011!
  18. Good to see some new faces, I'm no longer a virgin at Wales so it was nice to see the smiles at the end of the day. Colin is yet to describe is driving exactly how it is, terms such as "Spirited" or "Enjoy the car" normally means that he's not going to hang around. The Saturday moring was superb for weather, although after lunch it was a bit touch and go, especially with the standing water and heavy rain. Despite this is still was enjoyable as some of the roads in Wales are truly amazing, add to that the views and the company of those who attended made it a superb weekend. The Moreton Hotel was as succesful as before, despite being told upon check in that I wasn't expected until SUNDAY night!! They blamed it on the computer system, but after some nice offers to stay in Colin's room I thought it might be best to get our own room - anyone remember May and the noise!! Thank you Colin and those who lended a hand to prepare, book, sort, investigate the routes and prepare maps. It's been another great weekend, just wished we'd booked the Sunday night also. Although it only turned out to be a 1 hour 20 journey home!! I'd also just like mention that we all managed to escape alive even though the rain was rediculous in the mountains/hills although the benefit being there was a very tiny amount of traffic. Great to see those from recent and was thoroughly enjoyable driving with you all. A good little driving pack has been created, although we may have to work on Darren's driving as he for some reason was always at the back Great weekend - those who didn't attend I'd recommend you get your names down for the next one - which Colin has agreed to prepare a sunny weekend! Going to sleep now as I'm knackered!! Pic's will go up tomorrow....
  19. I'm sat in curry house waiting for take away nearly home just ten more mins then after curry I'll post so words
  20. Sorry mate they only deliver. They are also a tad expensive!! I spotted them also, although would prefer to see the refill done with my own eyes as they can be a bit cheeky and not fill it correctly. Cheers for looking I had a good search myself last night, but can't find anything apart from Cardiff?
  21. I know Greekman can get hold of the stuff - not that I've asked - although he's also all the way up in Hull.... Thanks for your input though Andlid After speaking with Demon Tweaks they don't supply NOS - they claimed to have thought about it 2 years ago but decided not to stock it. I asked if they knew of any other business or garage that may stock and they didn't have a clue. Looks like I'll have to preserve my half a bottle!!
  22. Busa - try this one.... It's the tallest roller coaster in the world at 420ft (My passion in life is to get on this coaters before I kick the bucket)
  23. Could be worth a try I'll give them a call. Cheers Dave
  24. This is a bit of a long shot.... and I know it's a bit short notice... although anyone know if there are any NOS refills near to the Wales meet? I need to know for this afternoon if at all possible
  25. I've now finished my final mod install I was cutting it a bit fine to start last night a 6:30pm and the loss of light. Had to finish off this morning. Car won't be cleaned for the journey down as it's going to get filthy due to the state of our weather and english roads, so the car will be cleaned at the hotel (Just don't look at my peeling bumper and wheels)!! Looking forward to yet another wicked meet....
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