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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. So how much should we expect to pay for something like this?
  2. Andlid post up a pic see what we can suggest. I use Velcro on the slats of the grill and works wonders. Next alternative is to get a bracket for the inside of the windscreen. One with those pads which suck to the window. Then mount camera on top of that via Velcro. I have a snooper so all I've done is mount it on top of that. Added bonus is that I can slide my snooper off to reach the camera without moving it's mounted position. Inside the car you still get to hear the engine not but then you have interior noise such as talking or music over the top.
  3. This was a company I was going to use - they are based in Derby, worth a try? http://www.sgs-engineering.com/shop/cat ... gas-struts
  4. Well done..... !! Booo hooo hooo hoooo - I'm gunna sulk now
  5. Nice one they look mag quality bet you are well chuffed
  6. What happens on a hot sunny day, does the paint run off the car
  7. Sod it may as well join in with this jolly frolicking banter. Might even put my heels on for this weekend!
  8. As per my post a price all in for the V3 will be fab
  9. Don't I know it.... I was looking at the cars of Graham and Liam - and thought something has to be done!!!
  10. Perfect a picture of me - well the car.... She so needs a lot of exterior work...... Camera work is truly fantastic - I think even the less selected shots should be posted as well, because I am well impressed with the evidence so far. Great work Bruce!! As Colin says, sign up, and maybe get a Zed too
  11. Not only that, but how unforgiving our English roads are. During my European trip the roads abroad are better conditioned, far better quality of tarmac, signage and run off areas for people to rest - away from the main cariageway and so on. English roads are notoriously bad even before it rains. I could rant on for ages......
  12. I also cannot make it and was thinking it would have been nice to represent his passion for cars by providing a Zed meet/drive. I hope that some from the forum can attend tonight.
  13. Jeepers those latest pics are awesome. I guess they were taken by the chap in the alfa. top banana can we have photos like that at every meet. Maybe get a shot of me too
  14. you're not the only one +1 alao used to like playing DTE chicken +2! +3 I laugh every time I have been gaining miles yet using petrol. I think this is the way motoring should progress in the future. Likewise with the Satnav, I love confusing it.... but then it got it's own back when I was travelling and said 480 mile journey is going to take 10 hours - I laughed in it's face - yet it took 11 hours.... the blasted thing was set to avoid toll roads!! My mate was not impressed when we left the standard motorway to go over the top of the mountains. I swiftly turned off the functionality to avoid toll roads!!
  15. Wasso

    Kick Plate LED's

    I've seen them in the flesh and they look SMART!! I'm very tempted myself but couldn't wire something like that up.... Good work!!
  16. This is very sad news. Not that I knew Ian personally or chatted with him, I used to see his banner and avatar appear on some of the threads. Me being an Ian also, always keen to meet the Ian's in this world. The one thing that we all have in common is the Zed. I'm sure there are a number of members on here that would have met Ian - and this makes it that little bit harder to comprehend for those members. I hope that Ian's family can find some peace behind these terrible times.... All I knew of Ian was he had taste and that was the ZED!! Best wishes to all the family.....
  17. Or this one - viewtopic.php?f=32&t=41427
  18. welcome - There's a Midlands meet happening this Sunday if you're interested?
  19. From what mark showed - it's a case of turn ignition on and select the map via the cruise control buttons. It will indicate via flashing the cruise light a number of times to indicate which map you have selected, then start the car. I believe to change the map you would then turn the car off and select the same process to apply a different map. Although mark may have more info regarding changing the map with the engine running?
  20. Looks like mark beat me to it. I was going to suggest a 95 octane map. But then why by a zed to conserve fuel it doesn't add up. Ask yourself what is the zed for? What does it represent? I'd get a cheap small diesel to run alongside the zed. The money you save on the diesel costs will benefit the pleasure you have with zed. If I was forced to drive the zed in a reserved manner I'd go crazy. I'm sure you would too. I'd rethink your options.
  21. I will be in Devon that weekend. Gutted because I fancied another meet
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