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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Top photo's and very You done well with some of the F1 shots, caught some great action. I also love the warp speed shots.... I didn't realise the Intergrale was that quick!! The ending photo's were clearly what made the trip worth it
  2. Good to hear it.... So we shall see you at the next meet
  3. I feel left out....I've done 15k miles and only been spotted once..... Time to rectify this with some modifications.....
  4. He's pants on in the WRC - although credit to him for trying. It would be interesting to see what Loeb could do side by side with Block during his little play around sessions. I know Block is a bit of a trickster, although the sheer skill of Loeb I think he'd pull something off even more creative!! I've not caught up with the latest of the rally so please don't tell me who's won or the standings etc. Just out of curiosity why did they take the WRC off from Dave? I've had to watch it on Motors TV and it's 3 hours worth - okay it's not too bad if you watch it on the day but when you sky+ it, it becomes a pain in the bottom!!
  5. Surprise surprise I wondered when Husk was going to start doing some trading!! Bout time! Good luck fella, you know it's going to be busy times from here on in.... Headlights for me sometime mid summer next year if you would. Somehow I managed to miss your 10k post.... which one was it... was there a drum roll - anything exciting or was it the post in this thread? All the best for the future....
  6. I have a carbon boot and currently I can see my boot loop clearly due to the plastics being removed. There are two bolts which hold the loop in place, and it sounds your's have worked lose? I am unsure of the order in which you remove the plastics, although they can be taken off to expose the loop. The best person for the order in which you remove the plastics is Nurrish - although be very careful as the lugs which attach the plastic lining can snap!! Then you'll get more rattling noises. PM Nurrish to see if he'll give you an idea on the removal process.
  7. Wasso

    Darren B

    Foot op. Going to be without the zed for a fair few weeks.
  8. Wasso

    Darren B

    Best wishes to a top fella hopefully you'll be back before you know it. Gran tourismo will be out soon so you can still play with the zed. Maybe you could learn to power slide with crutches? All the best. Oh and the in laws hope you recover soon, especially from Jo
  9. Gutted!!! I can't make it and would have loved to have seen that beast run!! I've seen it in the flesh and it looks truly stunning!!
  10. I have one at home if you want to borrow, before I sell it.......
  11. Yeah that's about right just rotate the jack 90 degrees towards you and you've got it. But to be honest you can leave it like that it doesn't make a great deal of difference
  12. Welcome back..... I'd go for the 370z if I was you
  13. Minus the modifications I'd say that was a little high. With the Mods I'd say that's fair. Does look good though I have to say Good luck.....
  14. Did somebody call? I would really like them but you see they would be adding weight due to the mass of the fibre against that of which I'd cut away. No seriously I would of had them but will be going down the nostril route on the new bumper. It would be pointless for me to cut out my oem as there is always someone looking for an oem bumper at some stage for when I sell it. Glwts
  15. I'd be asking for royalties rather than a calendar entry
  16. It's a pretty good price - being that it's a copy. It's more like the cost of a finger than an arm and a leg....
  17. I'll take you on, get over here and go faster around that track then me... But then again have you seen Husky's wheels - it would only take one revolution and he'd be round the track Ian - 15 on motorways - Jeepers, thought I was using fuel like it was going out of fashion - but clearly not!!
  18. Lucky, unlucky, either way - sorry to see the painful pic's. It does make you think, especially if you are driving a road you're used to. I guess with the wheel alignment issue also - could be in for a costly repair bill, although like you say - ring that insurance bloke!!
  19. 21.6 on track? That's normal driving mpg! Me too - if that... average between 18-21mpg in town. Motorway average of 24-28. But then I am running an unhealthy fuel rich setup!!
  20. Not sure if it counts but Mark @ Abbey left my gauge reading 7mpg after running on the dyno. I did take a picture but looks like it was with my old phone....
  21. I'm sitting on my sofa sod sitting on a fence, I know there's a recession at the mo, didn't know things were that bad. Personally the wheels don't do it for me. Just don't have any pazzaz? But then each to their own. If you like them get em?
  22. I'll get some pics in the morning and load them up. I find the one on the screen is the easiest solution as you can turn it in and off very easily. The front mounted on the other hand gives more sound effects. If you look at my European trip vids the first vid is grill mounted and the second is attached to my snooper.
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