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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Because it's a popular item I don't really want to be selling it with any preferential treatment to any of the members. The thing is some people aren't on here every day and miss out on the sale. I've been one of them. So to treat it in the fairest way I've posted to eBay. Not only that but I've started the bidding below it's recommended sale price. That way everyone has a fair shot at the pie.
  2. Due to the popularity of this item I have now posted a "for sale" advert of my air intake box on eBay. I have chosen to sell on eBay to keep the sale fair for those who are interested on the forum.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 0551499509
  3. If I was ine the area I'd be sure to come down and help you out. I'm sure there will be a collaboration of local people to you would kindly assist. Hope you get on your feet soon.
  4. To be honest the struts are fairly easy to remove. The only hard part is in your case keeping the boot up in place. Suggestion is a garden fork or spade, sits nicely underneath the boot and rim of the boot enclosure without too much fuss. If not a broom handle in the boot area holding the boot lid. Please note - when taking the struts off make sure you pay attention to the bracket and the orientation of the bracket. Like me I put them back the wrong way round and caused the boot to lift in areas that it shouldn't, so just be aware of the little bracket. If needs be, take a picture of your bracket before removing. Good luck....
  5. To also note, the first time you remap you'll pay for the license. Therefor upon any further remaps it will be cheaper. I've only had the one remap and scheduled for another on the 30th Oct. I'm not sure on price but sure somebody else will confirm. Seriously though, the remap is one of the best modifications that can give the car a number of benefits.
  6. the uprev opens the door to a wealth of new driving experiences.... To name a few, Wide open throttle in all gears, de-limited I've had just over 160mph in Germany before bottling it. That in itself is a very good reason for the uprev. Then there's the throttle response which is improved. You can buy an aftermarket throttle controller to do this, but the uprev includes this. Finally the uprev allows you to increase bhp and torque. There's only one REALLY huge massive disastrous problem with the uprev.... You'll get addicted to increasing the performance of the the car. Once you pop you can't stop!
  7. I've got to be honest, I'd laugh my head off if I saw a zed with a roof box! It's like buying a tandem to offer taxi services. It just won't work. If you have a zed don't make it look cheap by putting your cases on the roof If you need to take cases I suggest getting a taxi or ask a friend to take you.
  8. And there was me looking at that chilli red outside your workshop thinking I like the wheels and carbon. Very nice. Fancy buying some NOS
  9. I personally can't wait. Not for the fact it's free or exclusive, but to learn the chemistry behind the paint and of course the skills in cleaning the car to a high standard.
  10. Mine wants new Bra's!!!!!! (Only because they cost a fortune and here comes muggins to fork out an arm and a leg just so that her boobs sit nice!!) Better than drooping I guess... Otherwise it will be Concert Tickets and clothes etc. That's what she wants most. So if anyone has any spare concert tickets and/or spare clothes I'm sure it will save me a buck or two
  11. Wasso


    Superb!! All except No1 for me - looks a little too cartoon for me. But otherwise they are wicked.... If you don't mind me asking which camera and lense are you using for this sort of material? And yes, did you have wet feet after parking in the lake!!
  12. The problem is the airbox is a sealed unit, and reaching the stack to measure is restricted unless the box is unsealed to gain access.
  13. As mentioned I will post on eBay early next week for everyone to make a fair offer. I will also offer delivery. This unit will come with the section of induction pipe that connects to the throttle body.
  14. I have one I will post it on eBay next week to keep things fair..... Once it's on I shall send the link to this email....
  15. Top class.... Unibond - seals the cracks perfectly.... Clio Taurus.... brilliant!!
  16. there is not cut in SRP only filler and some cleaners. And wax surely.....
  17. I use this after the Super Resin If I have more time then I use this.... (Dodo Supernatural)
  18. I've never seen any flies or any bug for that matter.... Bonkers? True - very good for getting tar off the car!
  19. Looks like there is a replica available http://www.tougedistribution.com/item--Aeromaster-Front-Bumper-Type-5-FRP--ARM-Z33-004/ I was quoted for a replica also - the only problem being is that if it's an import replica and their are problems it won't be as easy to fix as if it was produced in the UK. Agreed the cost is mahoosive - I guess that's what comes with exclusivity. Take into account the cost of shipping and customs, this is what bumps the price up really high. Thing is though, I'd prefer peace of mind, knowing the true nissan product will fit. Well it best do!! I hear what you are saying Unabashed - I've been up and down on the bumper since day one, which is why I put this to poll. The consensus is of a possitive nature, and on that basis it's put my own mind at rest this bumper has taste! There are probably pro's and con's with every body kit, such as I heard the Ings +1 is a nightmare for scrapping on speed bumps. I may get the same problem, but I really feel the Ings deserves a white car. It makes the bumper look A1 - but on Azure I think it somehow doesn't work. It would be a bold move to go for the V3 - but then again you only live once. I haven't modified a car ever - and might as well go all guns blazing. I've been on a number of meets now and my car doesn't get photographed as much as I'd like - due to being stock'ish - time to change matters....
  20. Wasso

    more questions

    Tell me about it, what's worse is when the rain sits on the roof of the car, window open, take a left hander and in pours 3 litres of water all over the door and you!! Biggest design fault I say of the Zed.
  21. For sure don't drive forward down the slope, reverse only. Reason being is that I have a slightly awkward driveway, if I drive off forwards I scrape, drive off backwards and there are no issues in the slightest.... Can't tell you why, but I'm sure it's to do with the overhang difference between the front and the rear?
  22. Wasso

    more questions

    "Things you hate about the Zed" - this was my biggest gripe... there is no gutter to catch the rain water from the screen, and thus pours over the door cards, switches and sometimes my leg!! I'd totally avoid any wind deflectors. IMO I don't think they would resolve the problem anyway, as the water would drip down the deflector and still find a way in through the window, unless you have the window up as far as the deflector? As Unabashed says - it would look hideous.... Fitting them might result in a
  23. To be honest I have found the Resin to be spot on.... I've tried a varied number of wax's and not found them to be as effective as Autoglym. I've not yet tried any of the Dodo range... so I'm yet to explore this angle.
  24. Well, I will purchase without and see how it looks - then maybe make a decision to add them at a later date. I think the canards are a nice little touch.... Distracts the eyes away from the diving board splitter/diffuser....
  25. I've always wondered why a herd of cows suddenly appeared on my garden after applying my Super Resin. To be honest I've always used the Super Resin. Like you say the water beads, but doesn't slide off the car - but then again gravity is going to be the main requirement in the water running off. Smell/Fly's - nope.... I'm just wondering if your Resin is out of date???
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