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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. very true! but no PC can match the social element of a console. + I included with my console is a blue ray player Agreed, social element is great. The only problem is it eats up your life. How much are we talking for a half decent graphics card?? £80+??
  2. Will: The ending for me is a poor effort. The MW2 ending was simple but creative. Blackops ending is sorely let down. I won't spill any further beans. Husk: I wouldn't say there's a strain, it just appears a bit lethargic. Weapons don't seem very effective. The map - when either a enemy of friendly chopper is on the map it looks like it's dated back to Grand Theft Auto 2 days!! Moving around the maps also seems a tad boring, not a fan of the 2 or 3 maps I played. I completed the campaign in less than 7 hours on Regular. A great shame I was expecting a little bit more. The movie trailer gives it a nice look, but it's more about the gameplay in my book - MW2 and COD4 are still my favourites.
  3. That's a fair point.... I actually put Blackops down last night at about 10pm and went back to MW2 and noticed the difference - the speed of the game, the graphics and movement are far better on MW2
  4. Slow start and a terrible ending.... So don't expect much...!! I will be selling my copy of BlackOps, on-line graphics/gameplay is terrrible!!
  5. Monthly? Your not driving enough Colin Monthly Mine is called Suzie.... not sure why - maybe I'm loosing my marbles
  6. That's very helpful also as I have recently acquired a nice stonechip on my way to Abbey the other week, it's a tad on the large side, so best to get the screen replaced. I think I will ring my insurance to ask who they use for screen replacement then ring the depot direct to see if they have someone who's replaced the screen on the Zed before!! Cheers
  7. What is the shameful part ? Ive seen your stats and the amount of hours you have put in on MW2 so please explain PS Im good for Saturday Husk, how many days have you dedicated to MW2 Online play.... I have a feeling I may have done more I think I'm on something like 24 days the last time I looked
  8. Well, I had ordered my copy from Game and it arrived yesterday morning. I normally take a day off for such games but decided not to as it's a Treyarch effort and would preffer to save my days for cleaning the car Anyway, I managed to play the campaign from 7pm till 1am and 20 mins on Zombies. Thoughts.... Pretty good, takes a while to get going, graphics okay, nothing special. Very much like World of War... it doesn't have the same feel as MW2 in the slightest in my eyes. I have actually just managed to get on board a chopper and shooting around the river banks with a machine gun and rockets..... FUN for sure. So tonight will be dedicated to finishing, which I think I've got a 1/4 of the game left to finish. Then it's ONLINE!!! With a bit of Zombies!
  9. Debateable I had my lower plenum mapped and made some nice numbers, it also improved my fuel economy (after mapping). So it's a choice factor I'd say. Mark will probably comment, although if it was me I'd buy something else that is performance related and have them both mapped That's what I seem to do
  10. NOthing there, you need to hit send It's sent now....
  11. I managed 30mpg last night on the way to Devon, although got bored and ended up with 24.5mpg Mark did you get my msg regarding the NOS software version? As mentioned I'm restricted to weekends now till the new year.
  12. Wasso

    queen of the ring

    To further show how good she really is, I only managed 10mins 50 in a Zed, she did better in a van.
  13. Sounds like that where they were heading then. It was a nice sight to see on the motorway. I should have given the truck driver a flash or wave instead
  14. I haven't seen a Zed for a few weeks and heap of them turn up in one day. The pics below were of a transporter ferrying cars south on the M40 this morning (very early I may add). Then on the rest of the journey I saw 3 blade 1 GM and one black. Couldn't get to flash my lights as I was too late but sure I got a wave from LY04 xxx blade heading north I believe near high Wycombe. It was a very popular day for the Zed family.
  15. Wasso

    queen of the ring

    Dave you had to lower the tone didn't you
  16. Wasso

    queen of the ring

    Nice video, I almost shed a tear... I love the way she just flings it round a corner sideways and just laughs Top girl... And who out there would like to date Sabine just to get on the track I want to get back to the ring NOW!!
  17. That parachute clearly caused the car to swerve off, but have to say that's one hell of a crash!
  18. I find that M3 drivers like to think they are wonderful, so it's S4 for me but as stated RS4 would be preferred.
  19. I'm up for it as I'm at the limitations of my NOS and the next step is to forge although I really need to understand from my trusted mechanic what I should be looking for to suit the next size jets and beyond. To note I want to plan this for next year, if something does coming of this and we can obtain the right solutions then I suggest a slipper eating fest!
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