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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wasso


    Yes there is Martin in your sig, looks great
  2. Wasso


    Are you telling me you can't see the pics you posted
  3. See, all that stress for nothing. Wish mine was a few weeks away
  4. Wasso


    Looks perfect matey nice pics
  5. I'll second that! Wing isn't so bad though, fits in and looks aggressive!
  6. Sounds like you need to work on plan B. If he's got no time to work on the engine popping a standard in will at least get you moving forward. Hope you can keep it going matey
  7. You need to clear up the position with your chap doing the work. Establish if it's a no go. If it's a go, man up and get it moved to the next stage. I've had to wait a month for the chap to sort the headers and exhaust and even then he's only just starting. Impatience is only because problems crop up. The prop shaft place again hasn't even started. So basically for the last month everything has been on hold. Get little bits done if you can here and there, keep the spirit alive You'll get there and I'm sure you're chap will find a solution.
  8. Exactly that. Press the black button thing near there speedo and that will change between A and B. Hold it down and it will reset either A or B depending on which is currently displayed.
  9. At least they were tight and not loose!
  10. Good job Suzi is at phoenix in that case. Good job, fits in nicely
  11. Just lift it, surely it weighs the same as a small child?
  12. Happy Birthday gentlemen, have a great day
  13. Okay mini update: Suzi is now with Phoenix for Headers and Exhaust for the scheduled 2-3 weeks which in "garage" terms means we shall think about it for 2-3 weeks and then call you to say they're stacked with work. Anyway, in the meantime I've now received my Race Dash 2 from Race Technologies. A plastic case And the showpiece! Binnacle was already taken apart last weekend ready for my dremel and some ABS plastic to creat my new dash. The Race Dash incorporates everything from indicator signal lights, headlights, battery and all you'd expect from a dashboard, all be it in a more compact solution. Further updates to follow as I build the dash.
  14. Not here It would be here if I had any say in the matter, but it's got a hell of an immobiliser on it at the moment. That's a point made very well. I'll update my thread with updates later.
  15. I've lost mine, let me know when you find it!
  16. I don't think that car was stopped. Otherwise he wouldn't have hurled "are you ****ing stupid" at the guy despite pulling over probably 100 yards beyond. They weren't hooning it but based on the fact as people have said "anything can be round the corner" always best to play it safe.
  17. #RaceCar Well one that won't get off the line so to speak. But looks great cheers both. Fingers crossed for the next process. Did you read up on what Sky said from NZ?
  18. Thanks EVERYONE for the birthday greetings. Decided to have a day of rest today considering the drinks last night Off out now for another birthday meal and surprisingly more drinks. Also got some booze for my birthday too, RESULT!! Here's to another year! cheers ALL! Happy Zedding one and all.
  19. Okay a little update: She is FINALLY going in for headers and exhaust on Wednesday!!!! I've received my dash/binnacle from Chris so that I can gut it ready for my "Race Dash 2" to reside inside the binnacle. Prop shaft I believe is at the fabricators. @ Grundy - I'll be using another company. Already got quoted on the Candy but may go with a wrap to cut costs @ Will - there will be a big party. A street party with lots of Zeds lol @ Graham - as above lol
  20. This is the problem, £20 will get you some of the way, but to really get the results you need, you require machinery. Pop into YouTube - polishing Aluminium and you'll see why machinery is needed. The initial process is by hand, but to get a top notch finish, our little blessed hands don't cut the mustard. By all means, have a bash, at least I respect you for giving it a go. Don't expect to get the results you want though over a weekend. Also as mentioned by AliveBoy, the pitting is the nightmare. These need to be removed to get a perfect finish. Then, to top the lot, you've got the awkward areas, which are truly a bastardo. Give it a bash and see how you fair. Happy to help with tips.
  21. Good luck - post pics of your progress
  22. £140 on an exchange basis. That's a good price! would probably cost not much less than that just to buy all the compounds, sand papers, discs etc! My setup costs were around £400, with mops, sand paper, bench polisher, compounds, flap wheels. There's an ongoing cost, but yeah when you look at the cost and the return, it's not profitable really, especially with the amount of time it takes.
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