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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. No worries, it was part of my weight loss program so I was kinda glad to get rid of it. You should have come in for that Curry it was superb!! Nice to meet you and hope to see you at a Midlands meet some time in the future!
  2. 297k on DOA and those codes work on the PS3 great find!!
  3. My fuel economy has dropped to 15mpg in town - it used to reside at between 19 and 21 mpg - this is painful to the wallet and the eye as I look at my mpg gauge. But you know what, I could be doing 5mpg I wouldn't care - the amount of looks the car still gets, little kids, those in Z4's, Boxsters, TT, and some 911's, I could never change this car out. I still believe that I will get rid of it in 2 years time, but I dread that moment, what will be the next move, will I get another Zed, will I keep the one I have - or will I have no funds left to buy a car because I put too much money into this one and it's now worth nothing at all hardly (lol)!! Nothing can beat the Zed feeling.... We shall see you next year with a nice shinny Zed!!
  4. Wasso

    "Way Back Home"

    Only just been able to watch this, truly amazing - he's definetly "at one" with his bike!! Very creative and made great use of the telphone box, might try that one day (If only)
  5. Wasso


    I'm not sure to be honest, although now you mention it, it may have exclusivity!! Superb!! Looking forward to a bit of online racing - I think for this thread we should include online names so that we can catch up and challenge etc!
  6. Wasso


    im up for some of that. Me too, although who's PS3 and Who's Xbox?
  7. I've done it. Makes for interesting reading I know I saw your parts list and could see the digits in front of my eyes thinking boy oh boy that's some serious outlay.... worth it though for the enjoyment factor the only sad horrible part of it is when you want to sell and you see all that hard earned cash diminish into a very small amount of cash at the end of it. When I first set out to get some mods on the car I said I'd only spend a little (hence the NOS being the cheaper option) - no chance!! Power = ££££££ I've not even started with the exterior yet and I've probably spent £6k'ish (probably more but I can accept £6k until I check exactly how much I've spent).
  8. I feel your pain Chris... I've been power hungry and spent FAR TOO MUCH!! I keep meaning to put a list together myself with dates and costs, but I can't bring myself to do it, as I know I will have a heart attack!!
  9. Wasso

    RE050 good price

    Hmmmm.... Interesting find though.... I don't really want to purchase more rubber for my 18's till I go up a level - which I was going to wait till next year... just searching the web for a place to purchase the wheels of my choice, but it looks like import only so far!!!
  10. Wasso

    RE050 good price

    Based on the standard 18" Prices are £353 for the rear and front are £301, so that's a grand total of £654! Still not bad, cheaper than normal.....
  11. Wasso

    RE050 good price

    That is a good price!! Where's that airfield so that I can scrub the tread off these tyres!! (Alternatively I could always get some new whees) Hmmm there's a thought...
  12. Wasso

    Interior updating

    It's great inspiration for what I'm looking for I wasn't sure Husk had done it because there's no LED's on it???
  13. Wasso

    Interior updating

    Husk, sorry to side step on your thread. What software did you use to create your banner - i.e the text and logo etc - was it Photoshop?
  14. Might be worth sending a PM to each name on the list to confirm their attendance. I'll be there of course and happy to join the tail end of the convoy.
  15. Class act there Husk, good session of laughter especially Simons cat. Not sure about the bloke with a pussy in the shower, I think he's got it well wrong!!!
  16. A Moderator and Site Admin pulling out..... tut tut tut Good job members are dedicated!!
  17. This is why I traffic my sales to eBay - it saves all the hassle! I was stung on a tyre - lack of information provided - I threw it away in the end. I agree though, clarity on the sale is imperative!!
  18. I see the Tesla is included - surely there's no requirement to reduce the "gaming" carbon footprint as well - what is the world coming to? A serious list of cars I have to say.... No wonder it's taken so long for them to make this game. There also seem to be a large number of versions for the 350z, and not so many for the Germans!!
  19. I think the value of the Falkens is for sure a winner and to be fair isn't far wrong from the more expensive brands. There's a lot worse for your money I'm sure. Then again tyre prefference is normally goverened by the driver.... I have a fluid right foot and as such feel the Falkens don't perform to my requirements. I also didn't like them on the ring, not the greatest amount of grip I have to say, which actually lowered my confidence with them. I'm hoping to wear out my Falkens by April to test some Vred's or MPS? But then I need new wheels before then - so I guess the price is going to be a little painful!
  20. Probably due to the price of replacing a full set of 4 boots in one go, easy option is to take the cheaper alternative. Husky has the Vred's - sure he'll comment. I wanted the MPS but I was looking at £800 (good price) for a set of 4. Whereas, the Falkens cost half that price. To be honest I think I may try the Vred's unless I feel flush and go for the MPS?
  21. I've also noticed this morning the Falkens don't perform as well as the RE50's (Lost but not forgoten!) I was slipping around like nobody's business, this is on normal roads in and around town. Although I must add the car is setup differently to last winter, so I need to tone down my driving during the icy periods. But I have to say the Falkens aren't that great in the wet/ice. (for me anyway).
  22. Well that's 3 launch controls used up, 3 to go then voided warranty I believe, or is it more left. Either way the will probably just dismantle the car and use parts as ornaments in their home Does look quick and you have to laugh at the guy checking the exhaust. I can understand the clearing of the stones from the tyres but the exhaust bloke what issues could there be? Small rodent stuck up the pipe?
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