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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Hey I got back fine in the snow last time, its all the other people that cant drive that get in the way Given the choice of snow or no snow, I know what I'd pick though! I'm with you on this one Chris. I've just been talking to colleagues at work about the snow. I don't mind if there's 4ft of snow, then I'll stay at home, if there's no snow I'll come to work, it's that in-between snow that causes the issue. You may start out thinking all is well, but then the heavens open and 6 inches of snow falls and you've had it. Slip slidding away, I recall last year I sat at some traffic lights, I couldn't go forward due to the camber and angle of the road. I just ended up sliding towards the gutter and remained there until I could find traction. Then there was my attempt at going up a hill, lets just say the car was sideways the whole way up!! Great fun yes, although when it catches you out, that's when it's unpleasant!
  2. Wasso


    top stuff, the quality of the graphics are immense.
  3. Wasso


    I actually turned off my connection the PSNetwork and it made a suitable difference. I've also now finished modifying my Zed and she knocking out over 500bhp - which reasonable I guess. I've also purchased the short ratio gear box, hmmmmm me like this, I can see that being put on my Christmas Wish list - anyway, just thought I'd share one of the photo's I'd taken it was my first photo, so a little more practice and I should be able to get some cracking shots. This picture was on the final bend before the end of the race and I managed to step the back out and get a nice drift. What do ya think?
  4. Wasso


    I found the Photo Area of the game to be AMAZING!! I've got a great photo of me drifting a nice corner, tyre smoke everywhere, sideways on, and then applied a filter to the photo (can't think which one). I'm going to try and get it on here for all to see. Although can't do that till tonight. I love the game, the realism of the Zed is spot on, brakes, cornering, sound, interior, apart from the MPH gauge on the Zed is a little out. I've had the needle off the dial, which isn't right... I also believe the OEM aerial on the car looks too long? Maybe there should be an option to go Stubby!!
  5. Wasso


    Sorry Neil just managed 2:11
  6. Wasso


    Top Gear test track was a bit annoying, great layout, graphics etc, but the "special" race was very slow. The vehicle provided was a VW Camper Van from the 1960's, I really don't think these are racing material. I guess I can chose to race on this circuit a little later on in the game with a car that goes over 55mph!!
  7. Camera has turned up today!! Looks a fine piece of kit!! Charging the battery now so I'll take a few pics at lunch of my dirty car!
  8. Wasso


    I noticed that the controller I am using is not as good as it used to be in the good old days. I'm guessing a wheel may need to be purchased. The only thing is, if I do that I'll want a nice chair to go with it!! Here comes more cost again!! Looking forward to earning some decent cash tonight, so that I can get my SC and start reducing the weight of the car. I was surprised that within the parts list (apart from PM Zmanalex not being there) there wasn't an option to upgrade the brakes?? Everything else seems to be there, and the wheels option is quite nice, for instance Volks make an appearance, and then there's the body work, all you can do is install a front lip and rear spoiler which sort of mimmicks the Stroesek. No side skirts, no chargespeed, Ings or anything - shame really, although I guess a different game would suit those needs. Purchased my suspension as well last night, so I can't wait to have a play with that!! I'll try and post a video tonight, if not tomorrow - although my iphone for some reason won't record sound at the moment which is VERY ANNOYING! All in all, a great quality game!! Loads of features and nicely put together, feels more connected than in previous version. 9 out of 10 for me.
  9. Wasso


    Okay I've done some karting, enjoyed, then some NASCAR, then with all the money I'd earnt I went shopping. You'll Never guess what I bought..... Okay so it was obvious a Zed of course. Details of the car are perfect even the startup of the engine etc. I've been practicing on the F1 track at Nurburgring and managed a time of 2:27 although cheated a little as I purchased a few things with the spare cash. Induction, suspension, clutch flywheel, titanium exhaust, engine rebuild stage 1 to 3 and I've got 420hp. NICE! there's an option to install a supercharger which will come from my 1st race I guess. The video footage on the replay is awesome, very realistic. So at the next meet I'll be bringing my GT5 Zed
  10. Wasso


    There is no reverse gear on a kart surely??? Funny vid though. Just doing my B license but working on gold trophies so that I don't have to go back but excited to get in the game. First car purchased a second hand 60k miles MX5 I have noticed a fault with the game. In the parts area there's no icon to................ Wait for it................
  11. Wasso


    Received my copy today, watched the startup in full, kinda odd beginning but can see it's meaning a little further on. The detail is stunning, just loading 8gb of data to the hard drive very slow. Apparently it will load the tracks quicker! Review of gameplay a little later. Only 15 mins of loading left to wait. Ho hum.
  12. Should be here tomorrow before 1pm so I shall get the camera, and take some pics of the car in the carpark if needs be
  13. Thanks for your input guys - appreciated. Canon EOS 500d has been ordered This thread can be locked.
  14. Thanks Chris. The other good point to note is the price of the 500d is now £479 with the stock lens. It's highly tempting especially with the reviews, but just wanted to gauge interest from other camera go'ers to see their commentary. I see the vots for the Nikon D3000 are coming in even with the 500d. I'd like to see if there's much between the two? Here's the comments I have on the two models: Nikon D3000 - £450 (Classified as entry level) Nikon's baby DSLR is tailor made for the DSLR novice upgrading from a compact. It features a built-in manual-cum-tutorial guide that explains how and why to use the major settings, and if you can't be bothered with that there's always the fully automatic point-and-shoot mode. As you'd expect from Nikon, it takes cracking pictures, too. Canon EOS 500D - £600 (Classified as Mid-range) A high-resolution LCD screen and HD video mode are just two of the features Canon hopes will tempt buyers to invest in this 15MP mid-range DSLR. WDC's Matt Golowczynski enthused that ‘the overall handling and performance are close to flawless' before giving the camera a Gold Award. (I beleive these were current prices in April 2010)
  15. The canon 500d is also the camera I seem to be looking at most, good review and for the price packed well with goodies and apparently picture quality is highly rated. Great to see comments flooding in.....
  16. I used to have a great deal of interest in the old 35mm slr camera's years and years ago. I need to get to grips with the digital world and with the camera being digital I won't be wasting film like I used to with the 35mm. Therefore I'm more than happy to delve further into the digital world and fully understand it's capabilities. Agreed the lenses are just as important as the camera, although it's only for the car and to take some serious close-up's. I have looked at the hybrid camera's but feel I could be wasting my money when I want to expand my options say in 6-12 months time. Cheers for your input!! Anyone else??
  17. The camera will be used for taking pictures of the car. I'm not fussed about the video recording quality if applicable. I will not be taking hardly any night time shots, unless suitably lit. Budget is upto £500 and no more!! As fast as you can with your vote and comments please..... (I'm not a photographer and won't understand all the technical jargon, although I've wittled my list down to the above). Cheers!
  18. I think everything about the Nissan is PERFECT (now where is my white stick!) To be fair I'm not that disgruntled with the car, I went in purchasing the car knowing it's interior is plastic and that's about it. I've had one slight annoyance with a dealer and since then avoided them. My car is serviced and modified by Abbey and I've been happy ever since. I've not had any clicky axles, or droplink issues, sticking window motors or anything of that type (touching wood!). I am 99% happy with the car, and since I get services outside of Nissan Dealerships I'm happy furthermore. I see what you are saying - and clearly some have been more experienced with the issues the car can potentially place on the owner, but I'm happy. (still touching wood). If I had the money, I'd purchase a 370 or GTR - so there's not enough negativity for me to say Nissan are terrible?? I guess everyone experiences good and bad in a car/dealer, and for that reason have suitable grounds in which to rant. So what's on your mind today then Husk! Thing is, if there's a serious problem ranting about it won't get the message across, so what's the next step? Get in touch with Nissan HQ and give them a piece of your mind!
  19. The front's of course take a lot longer to wear down, you could always get the rears this month and get the fronts next month. Although I am not actually looking forward to winter with my 452's! (Are we ever going to do that Airfield destroy our tyres thing that was suggested!! )
  20. +1 In hindsight I would have stayed with the RE050 - I was in the same position as you this year when my fronts weren't so bad and plumped with changing all 4 to 452's. For the money they aren't bad. Although anything other than dry roads I find they are not as good as the RE050's. If it was me I'd just replace the rear tyres and maintain the RE050. If you change all 4 you are looking at £400+ fitting, get two new rears and you're looking at £300+ fitting? Personally I like to have grip in the wet!! Although it's totally up to you of course....
  21. Heck man I hate this phone sometimes it's writing the wrong words and my last sentence looks a load of crap and I can't edit the message unless I turn the laptop on!
  22. Yes welcome Jetset I hate it here cos I have no money left!! My car was oem 4 months then I stumbled across this forum and now look what's happened. I have no money left and now 3 points on my license. It's a greasing ground for modifications, o seduce cleaning and meeting strangers. I NEED MEDICATION!!!!
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