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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. i have pic as well but can't upload on photobucket due to current bugs. Anyway GM spotted on said road just this second
  2. And I believe the Do-luck also have a nice price tag! Although I really like the ings+1 but it don't look great in Azure, White looks amazing!!
  3. Oh yes and I have to thank my faithful and trustworthy, reliable and courteous supplier, Sarah at ChilliRed
  4. Ever since following Clarkie for endless miles in Wales May this year I fell in love with the bumper. I can't wait to put it on her although still deciding on a front bumper and skirts. I may keep the lines by having Chargespeed skirts although the front bumper is a tough choice and I don't want a Nismo v1 or 2 as they are too popular. I wanted the V3 but at the mo I can't justify £1,400 befor painting. The shine front end is VERY tempting. I've also chosen the wheels but again can't get them in the uk and cost just to deliver without tax they are $2,980!!!
  5. Well done, I would say well spotted although it's wrapped up It won't be going on the car till March so it will stay wrapped up till then.
  6. Nope, keep guessing. Lol Zugara that's correct
  7. Well after many months of ownership and modifications in the power department it's time to look at the exterior. I've recently screwed my wheels up and front bumper so I thought it be best to give my Suzie some love (especially as she's 8 inches under the snow and feeling bruised) Can anyone guess what it is?
  8. Bad news fella, looks like we're all having an ordeal of some type. It's the inconvenience of the snow and how the councils deal with keeping the roads safe, which as we all know they fail at miserably. Glad you're ok and good luck with the Mrs
  9. Heck 888's that's a risk? To be honest not sure which tyres would have coped the back end just went? My Mrs 206 has coped very well, I may use that to get to work. It's the first time in my life I've ever experienced black ice like this, especially on a clear dual carriageway. I'm just so glad there wasn't more cosmetic damage. The front bumper is being changed in the next 2-3 months anyway, along with the wheels. Although I want the car checked over as the rim damage is pretty bad.
  10. We're staying just outside Brixham, we come down about 4 times a year as our uncle owns a luxury lodge and we come for a chill out and views over the sea. Snow hasn't been too bad although the gritters are far and few between. I can't wait for this bad weather to go, although I think winter tyres are def on the cards now. Thanks again everyone a very suppritive forum helps to get over these unfortunate circumstances
  11. Thanks you're all a good bunch. Just all be carefully. Sarah, I've got a pic but can't upload to photbucket for some reason so I'll have to wait till Mon. Journey down to Dorset was fine but not looking forward to the snow in Brum on my return.
  12. Thanks for your comments guys, really appreciated. As Rothers says each bit of road is different. I was in the inside lane, no snow, and doing around 35mph. The car overtaking me didn't flinch but I still managed to find the ice. It surprised the he'll out of me but the worst part was the noise of metal grinding and the thought of the damage. Had the traction control been on, who knows what may have happened. It just means I now have a great excuse for new wheels and bumper A shed option is very much on the list now. I really don't want to hurt my girl!
  13. I've managed to calm down after 20hours of getting over the shock! Last night on my way home I found some lovely black ice on a dual carriageway. The road changed camber and elevation which upset the rear wheels, lost traction and luckily the traction control stepped, although it was too late!! Counteracting the slide wasn't enough for the Zed to mount the kerb and see the entrance to the tunnel wall slap bang next to me on the passenger. The noise of grinding metal was painful, I managed to straighten her up without writing the car completely off. I manage to find a quiet road to inspect the damage! I looked round the car and found nothing had occurred to the bodywork apart from the nearside front bumper, although my RAYS are fooked!! I was going to get them reffurbed anyway but it's not the point. Strangley after my event the traction control light and slip gauge was continually lit, but after a switch off and back on all seems fine. Will be getting the car in the garage to check the alignments to make sure all is okay. So a warning to all,just be careful even if the conditions look fine! I'll post pics once I get home on Monday.
  14. I thought the bike rider crossing the junction who was hit from the right was funniest especially as he was ridng with an umbrella!!
  15. It's that horrible dampness on the road. I am finding exactly the same issue, looks like the conditions are fair, but underneath there's enough moisture to let that back end go. Very sorry to hear and see your news..... it's a real heart sinker.... I hope you manage to get a reasonable solution!! (Is that a police van behind your car?)
  16. Which is exactly like you Ian!! Lovely bumper as well. Shhhhhhhh
  17. Don't make me jealous.... My bumper should be delivered today, although won't be fitting until March/April when my other body bits will have arrived and be ready for fitting. I will be touching my bumper tonight.... (sounds a bit perv!)
  18. Wasso


    I'm sure like others they've seen the Jet Car which runs at santa pod and probably elsewhere. I managed to clap my eyes on it for the first time just over a year ago. The noise is knock you off your feet loud!! I tried video'ing it but fell off a fence due to the ear splitting noise. Tip for next time "Ear defenders!!"
  19. Nice one Chris - with all of your assistance during Wales (even without a Zed) it was only a matter of time....
  20. If you think Prague is cheap now, you should have tried in back in 1999!! I was touring Europe for 6 months and Prague was listed as one of our destinations for a week. Back in those days, beer was VERY cheap. Lets just say - I took out the equivelant of £5 out for my evening, the tram was 10p, the beer was 15p and the evening meal was about £4. So to come home slaughtered like b!tch with money still in my pocket was for me the place to be. We only wanted to spend one week in Prague, but due to the stupid prices we stayed an extra 7 days. Cig's back then were 70p a packet!! So you can imagine the price of the ladies!! It was a FANTASTIC 2 weeks. Oh the days...... Although - even back in 1999 the locals didn't like the brits, claiming tourism is increasing the prices for the locals. If you want to see a bit of culture visit the Charles Bridge, and the King's Castle (Charles if you haven't already worked it out). Nice cathedral at the top as well. Great for pic's although if it's winter time it's going to be bloody freezing!!! Oh - watch out for the Absynth in Prague..... their brew is shall we say a tad stronger than what you can purchase in England (probably because it's brewed in Prague). If you get any spare time and fancy a trip out, go to "Pilsen". One of the famous brewers alongside Staropramen. Both worth a visit!!
  21. That's very true.... No, funny enough that's Jayne's camera, 8mp I think, just set it onto the Macro mode and it took a great shot. Otherwise it's a fairly useless camera. I've taken loads with the new camera, although taking pictures on the driveway really doesn't set the car off. Not only that the car ends up getting filthy in minutes with this winter weather.
  22. There for passing you at the ring in April Will make sure every zed has 1clean door then too, will be up before then sun comes up polishing everyones doors so you can all be as cool as me Hmmmm.........
  23. As if you are really concerned about her whereabouts.... if you cared you wouldnt of sold her! Tut tut
  24. Black Wheels on a Black Zed - DEMON Yeah, what's with the clean door? Not sure that fashion is going to catch on matey?
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