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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. After reading the note supplied it appears crash helmets must be worn?
  2. When you have a re-map I suggest one thing (especially if it's likely to snow again or next winter) which is to ask for a conservative map, that's if you are able to use multi-maps (car year depending). I'll be asking Abbey for a conservative map next time I visit. For those who have Throttle Controllers, imagine trying to drive in the snow on SP7!! My current map of course is giving me max power, stupid me didn't think about this during the snow and it's become a nightmare to drive anywhere. So a multi map is one heck of a solution if you are able to run multi-maps. Will - get a remap.... you know you want to.... Just think of putting your foot down on a motorway (sorry Autobhan) open her up to 100mph then floor it till it hits speeds in excess of 155mph. I managed 162mph (on the Autobhan) after chickening out due to the bumpy road surface.
  3. So does that make the XF non-compatible with an iPhone? How about other phones, or is it Apple related? Really odd for a car to reset via the introduction of a phone - crazytown.
  4. Ladies and Gents - Update! I've been in contact with the boys and girls at the Nurburgring to investigate when the tourist days will be provided on their webspace. Their response is below: Hello, Thanks a lot for your inquiry. At that moment we are unfortunately not able to tell you at what times the track will be open to the public in 2011- the schedule has not been posted yet. But if you contact us again by the end of January, we should be able to give you further information concerning the opening dates. On our homepage www.nuerburgring.de/en -->â€offersâ€-->â€tourist rides Nordschleife†you will find the provisional opening dates until the end of March 2011. But please note that as changes concerning the opening hours can occur every time, we strongly recommend you to contact us again just before your visit to check whether the track finally will be open to the public or not! If you should require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us. Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards, Sabrina Berresheim Ihr welcome°center So until they are published this event is of course on hold. Not sure if there are any other peep's interested in the event - if so please add your names to the thread below: viewtopic.php?f=97&t=42285
  5. That would mean my iPhone wouldn't see the images?
  6. Although illegal, do what everyone else does... Keep it quiet until you are ready to inform the HMRC. If you feel the size of the business becomes obvious you should have notified HMRC. if it ticks over at the weekend, put £250 in your pocket at the end of the month I'd keep hush. Might be worth talking to other traders in here to see how they have approached the situation?
  7. I'm sure it's only light hearted banter.....
  8. I've not heard that to be honest, best thing to do is check out the HMRC website, it has all the info you require. Next alternative is to take someone to the pub who own's their business, be it a partnership or limited and then make your choice. Limited Company costs more to setup and requires monthly accounts and submissions yearly to Companies House. Your accountant would charge you more in this instance. Partnership costs nothing to setup and is far easier to manage as you startup your business. Read the following it will help make things clearer: Partnership http://www.bytestart.co.uk/content/19/1 ... ship.shtml Limited Company http://www.bytestart.co.uk/content/19/1 ... bili.shtml The only advice I give is the following: If things go t!ts up as a partnership, you and your business partner are liable for any debts the company get into, this could if required by the "supplier" to instigate legal action against you as a person, which could result in a CCJ being registered against you personally. If you maintain your business in a way that does not fall into debt, there's no worries. As a Limited Company, if the same issue was to occur and the business went into debt, you as a person are not at risk, only the business, that would either go into liquidation, receivership or wound up. There will be records held against you at companies house, so say in the future you were to become a director of a business, any previous failings would be recorded against your name. Both have their pro's and con's. Personally as mentioned you'd be best to startup as a partnership, if it all goes wrong after 6 months you just get back to your old jobs. If the business succeeds and warrants the need to be a limited company then make the change.
  9. Probably wise to setup the business as a partnership rather than looking to go Limited Co straight away. Run the business as a partnership for 12-24 months before thinking about going Limited (less hassle). Read up on your insurances, I got a quote for my business idea online and found it 5 times cheaper to actually call them up. You'll also need a business bank account!! Good luck
  10. A lot is planned rear bumper purchased front and sides to decide upon. Suspension and brakes, wheels have been chosen, some more engine bling and a few more engine and NOS tweaks, which will require a few more visits to Abbey. Completion date Wales in May. That's if I don't end up bankrupt first!!!!!
  11. Happy Birthday You're a cruel man Husk!
  12. I think all cars do the same, especially after damp cold or wet weather. Nothing to worry about. I rock the car in gear to loosen them up.
  13. I was going to get the Brera instead of the Zed but power and price weren't to my liking but everything else was spot on. It's a great looking car. Not sure if you recall the Top Gear review and said it was the sexiest car on the road at that time. You don't see Alfa's strewn at the side of the road broken down, and mentioned the stigma of old Alfa traights may have gone. Go with your gut feeling. Look at the Skoda Octavia it changed the face of Skoda. I even drove one years ago and thought it was pretty good. Not that I'd buy one but it proves cars are better built in today's world. I'd go for it. At least you won't be called a hair dresser anymore
  14. I purchased from Tim a while ago and these were the results. Great fun to use and yes the neighbours look on with curiosity...
  15. You're such a romantic Dave. What if your real girl (the zed) wanted to wed? Would you woo and romance her into the proposal?
  16. +2 I lost mpg although I've put a number of mods on to increase power.so the remap really should be focused around power improvements. If you can have multiple maps vehicle year dependent, then you can look to have a conservative map for saving on mpg. Alternative to that purchase yourself a diesel car then your mpg will be far improved. The Zed wasn't built for economy!
  17. Hey welcome! I don't suppose you purchased the number plate V6 NOS to go with the car as I know Andy was looking to sell the plate separately?
  18. Blasts from the past eh! 350z Azure 56 plate MGTF Cool Blue (loaned from the Mrs as my Focus was poorly) Ford Focus Zetec 2dr Limited Edition (owned for 9 years great car) Opel Manta GTE Exclusive (blue) Opel Manta GTE (black) Escort MKII 1.3 (modified by previous owner with Weber Carb, K&N, Sports Manifold , straight through Japspeed Exhaust, bored out to 1.6 as the car was standard 1.3) It turned out the Escort was a cut and shut, so I had to get rid of it.
  19. Interesting.... So he's not a forum go'er then? Nice to see Mr Nurrish on the forum
  20. Thanks for the advice guys..... Going to get one final quote before I proceed - keep ya posted with a success or fail story some time soon. I guess that's £1,600 I could have spent on the Zed. In fact that's the cost of the wheels I wanted...
  21. Reg "MAN# B" (Off Stratford Rd - Birmingham) spotted, flashed, waved and acknowledged Looking good with the V1 kit very tidy. Although I don't recognise the Reg or vehicle from on here so I'm guessing not a 350z forum go'er?
  22. His arm or my arm as trade off against the cost?
  23. My quote was £2,400 for removing and re-fitting the boiler in it's current location, again like yours Flue heading north to the roof. I've received a reduced quote to £1,600 and that's to replace and move the boiler to an outside wall. This way I don't need any Flue modifications which cuts the costs. Might be worth considering if you can move the boiler to an outside wall?
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