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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. If you PM Nurrish he does a superb aftermarket SATNAV. Here's the link viewtopic.php?f=38&t=24395&hilit=nurrish+satnav
  2. I once experienced a blockage just prior to the jets (not on a zed), which required taking the hose from the nozzle off and clearing the blockage. It had me baffled for weeks as to why there was no water coming through. Just a thought?
  3. No worries. Right - gonna msg Darren to see if he's still coming on this trip?!
  4. Try skiing in -19 !! That's Brrrrr!! Nice one Gaz - appreciated. Andlid, let me know if you fancy taking the offer of accomodation the night prior and if returning the same time - the same in the way home
  5. Andlid - they cost 7-8 Euro's each so that would be roughly 4800 Euro's! How many laps do you plan on doing Or are you bringing a TANK!
  6. Gaz - that's terrible news..... You seem to always have the hassle of being moved around - that would do my head in - especially with a Zed Ring Meet!! I'm sure to be in touch soon for some tokens for sure - that would cut some serious fuel costs! (I will take your name off the list ) A great shame.....
  7. You're more than welcome to crash at mine the Wed night if you travel over the day before. Bennett is close by me so we could have a 3 car convoy via the train and like you say end up at the ring in time for a little driver around "The Green Hell" Everything is negotiable to accomodate.... so leaving earlier is more than possible. It says 5 hours to do 300 miles. Hmmm me don't think so. Flick the NOS on and away we go! (although I don't think my 2 bottles will last 300 miles and there's no refills for me, so I'll be saving it for the track).
  8. Mark that don't count - your car is orange!
  9. Cool nice one Bennett. Okay I've just checked the prices for the Harwich Ferry and the Eurotunnel. The ferry has gone up to £213 (which includes the cabin for the outward journey) - which is an increase of £30. The tunnel has gone up by £8 to £98. I'm starting to think Tunnel is going to be the way forward, which will mean leaving the Thursday morning 10am train. Total extension to mileage in taking the train 65 miles. I think Amsterdam is going to be a little extra on the juice and price of the weekend to be honest. Therefore I'm going to put the first firm offer on the table. Outbound Thursday 7th April - Leave Folkestone 9:50am train Thursday 7th April - Land Calais and drive to the Ring (est 5hr's 203 miles) (arrive Nurburg 5pm'ish) Return Monday 11th April - Leave Nurburg 12am - arrive Calais 5pm'ish to catch 6:50pm train back to Folkestone Monday 11th April - Land Folkestone 6:30pm'ish (and how depressing to be back in the UK oncemore!) Hotel - I've kinda fallen for Hotel An Der Nordschleife http://www.hotel-an-der-nordschleife.de/hotel/index.php Only because it's slap bang on the track, with views of the track (as long as they don't start testing/racing at 5am waking me up!! Priced at 45 and 75 Euros (Single/Double) per night it seems reasonable!! This would bring the cost as follows (Excluding fuel) Eurotunnel £98 Hotel Thur to Sun night 4x75€ = 300€ / 1.165 = £265 Ring Laps (15) 300€ /1.165 = £265 Total excluding food and fuel £628!! (I think I might take my tent!!) Anyone fancy joining me with the above plan.....
  10. love it Andlid. Good to hear from you. I'll update the main thread and send another pm to the stragglers. We should very soon be able to work out numbers and rooms. Bennett once updated have a chat with your friend to see what price they can do for accommodation. I'll also later work out the latest ferry prices. I'll also txt Darren who's being very elusive. It would be good for the UK cars to tango together.
  11. Mr Ruddles, how the devil are ya? Cost/Mileage All depends on how fruity we are with the GO pedal to be honest. Total estimated mileage is 1,200 miles. That includes going to Amsterdam (potentially) + 15 laps of the ring. So this really is a ball park mileage estimation. So if you said the average tank did you 300 miles against estimated cost of tank £80 you will be looking at around the £320 mark. Although to be fair this is a light estimation so I'd say nearer the £400 just for fuel !! (if not more) Heck this could be expensive!!
  12. Hmmm see ya point. I quite like sitting on a boat having a few drinks then sleep. Wake up in Holland. Although I could be persuaded. Well I'm game for this anyway. Let's see who the drop outs are. If by the end of the week nobody else confirms I'm getting booked up!! Those who have confirmed we could meet in the chat room for further discussion and finalisation of route accommodation etc
  13. I was in Amsterdam last August. The prices for drinks are through the roof. I swore I'd never return since August due to the prices. I've been doing the dam for 15 years, Dance Valley, Gaswork Fabrique, Queens Day 4 times (those were the good ole days) Amsterdam has changed, although for one night it may be worth it as the Track evening on the Thursday is fairly short. It's a shame we can't all get together to sit down and sort this all out over a beer, but with everyone all over the UK it becomes very difficult, especially when you put all the work into organising this only for people not to respond to the thread or PM's
  14. What position are you in within finance?
  15. DIRTY HOUND AMSTERDAM It's a good thought though. I've pm'd all on the list and waiting for answers from some. I will be booking myself the relevant ferries or train etc depending on my choice very soon. So those who (pardon the expression) miss the boat - will either not turn up or book late and pay higher prices. I'm not sure if the Amsterdam thing will be convenient for parking our Zeds to be honest. The back streets of the Dam aren't the best places for a nice car. It would be good though to get the final names confirmed on their requirements. I know how the Mods feel when sorting out the various major meets
  16. Nothing bar a mess - identity crisis - the car (sorry stand corrected) THING is probably the most ugliest creation known to man.... (well in the car world)
  17. Mine have been fitted since May I think, no problems this end. (I think)
  18. Those are the great reasons for taking your car to Abbey. The whole crew are great, back when I was purchasing my lower plenum I was offered a loan plenum to utilise prior to the trade. I never ended up using it but the fact of trust counts a thousand times over. Since purchasing the car, its only ever worked on at Abbey. I'll be scheduling a visit very soon for a service and tune. Even if it is two and a half hours away. I trust Abbey implicitly and enjoy learning more about the physics of the car whilst talking to Mark.
  19. Accomodation listing updated 31st Jan 2011. Any comments as before in the discussion thread please. Thanks
  20. Sounds good to me, not even planned a route yet but happy to tag along
  21. I've gota be honest and say I'd have a stab at Marko Martin doing the Rally section. He does tuition for Subaru in the UK and being a WRC fan I just had a strong feeling it was him. It would make sense to plant a Rally Driver in the car. The transit was insane. You could tell something wasn't right by the wheels and aftermarket dials on the dash, but still it kicked arse!
  22. I have updated the listing which now indicates names and accomodation type. In order to get prices, or negotiate prices I will need firm numbers of who's attending. PM's have been sent to those on the list requesting this information. If you can purely maintain this thread for numbers and any further comments via the discussion thread (to keep things tidy ) viewtopic.php?f=97&t=42241 Don't forget anyone else who wishes to join in please add your name accordingly!
  23. Cheers Rob thanks for the update. Lets hope you can avoid the course somehow
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