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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wasso

    Daily Users

    Daily also and as said it perks up that normally dull drive to work. 2nd advantage and one that keeps me putting fuel in the car is the fact I drive through a tunnel twice a day. Hearing the V6 howl and reverberate off the tunnel walls is enough to keep me smiling until my journey home through the same tunnel. I quite enjoy pootling along in 3rd gear then see the reaction of depressed drivers as the sound echo's around them. If I was to drive her only at weekends then I'd not see the point of owning her.
  2. Just watched it and I can't say it was THAT bad. Cossy scooby and the Volvo were interesting and as said epic piece of kit. Ford should take note and put the 4 wheel drive in like they have been saying for years. The Albanian story was over sketched in my book, although that Merc is a superb piece of kit. I agree past series have been better, although I believe their getting stuck for ideas. I always skip the star in the crap car. Repeated guests and as mentioned a session for plugging their material. All in all I liked it but seen better.
  3. Mortgage territory I'd say!!
  4. And that fuel will disappear with a blink of an eye! I'm putting £65 a week in, before the recent astronomical price rises I'd live off £40 a week. It's a joke
  5. If you tag along to the East Midlands meet on 5th March you can hear my Motordyne XYZ pipe and Japspeed De-cats. So in essence I'm only running one Cat and sounds superb in my book. Then there's the added bonus of the increase of performance
  6. Instead of shift lock, use shift on it's own, that way once you let go you know you're no longer in CAPITALS! Opps held my finger for too long.
  7. Catching me up fella, kept your birthday quiet. Have a great birthday mate
  8. Ok no problem, I have no issues and wait for a response during next week. Yes Gaz is looking to sort the fuel tokens, and if their isn't enough I wonder if any of the other army fellas in Germany could assist if the fuel tokens dry up?
  9. Updated 4/2/10 Just waiting on Paul.... If anyone else wishes to attend, who've shown interest - Will350z, Fakeindian, NeilP get your name on the list. It's gonna be a great long weekend I mean
  10. You should be so lucky Looking forward to a GREAT trip!! (I never heard from Paul - P15ULT - so I guess he's no longer coming?)
  11. Glad to hear you're coming. In the names and accommodation listing I've selected a hotel which is right next to the track with views which I'm sure will benefit when we're not on the track. Regarding the +1 I have my own +1 so I won't need to borrow yours It may be advisable to get bookings sorted fairly soon where I see the initial layout being the Eurotunnel, and loss accommodation unless they are happy with credit card bookings. Just waiting on a response from Bennett regarding his potential accommodation which could save us some bucks!!
  12. Is that a silver koenigseg in the top left calendar
  13. Not appearing dumb about this but what are the potential issues, I guess cloning is one?
  14. nobody likes him only joking Just been checking out previous threads and forgot about this one...... I'll go on my own then!!
  15. Wasso

    Sat Nav Disk

    You could always try copying and testing in the car to see what happens?
  16. Strange I took mine to a stealer and I'm sure knowing them they didn't warm up the Cat??? Still passed way below required figures?
  17. It passes the MOT with flying colours. I was a bit dubious also being that there's only one Cat instead of two, but I have to say it works very well so no need to worry.
  18. Wasso

    Sat Nav Disk

    Nissan charge something like £400 for the disk, it's really not worth the hassle. Unless there is some way of copying a recent disk, but then again I think the updated disk don't work on the older Satnav's
  19. To be honest the driver (sorry pilot) seat looks a bit worn!! Spoilers pretty good, although not a great deal of tread on the tyres, in addition I couldn't see any road tax. I'm sure you can knock him down a few grand, especially as it's decomissioned!! Are there any age restrictions with this sort of vehicle for insurance purposes, say like minimum 25 etc? Damn - just thought, I haven't got a pilot's license - oh well forget it. (It would need to go on a diet anyway - far too heavy for my liking!)
  20. To be honest I can't use nothing but 99 or higher, due to being mapped with the NOS - otherwise detonation is highly likely!! There's a petrol station just outside Adenau that serves 103ron if I recall. Not that it made any difference, but reduces further chances of detonation. To be honest a saving is a saving, even if it's £10 kinda thing. It pays towards the drinks for me!! Oh - got a response from Darren he'll be on to confirm his arrangements soon. Although very much up for the event. Just require his confirmation of arrival and nomination for room requirements etc.
  21. Can't you say you traded it for a superior model?
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