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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. You can see the resemblance between the Z and the Manta..... If Opel resurrected the Manta just like the Sirocco I'm sure it'd be a hit. Another great car I always wanted to own and modify
  2. Manta for me also, owning two - one Black GTE and one Blue Exclusive. Those were the days.... Examples Sadly both got written off...... (probably something to do with the handling)
  3. Crazy how life expectancy changed so dramatically. Just shows how medicine and world aid has changed matters. China was very interesting. They should do the same chart for world oil/petrol prices. The UK will be fooked then! Very interesting
  4. Tell me about it - this has to be contender for post of the year!
  5. This is my poor effort (Still learning)
  6. I'm trying to have a go myself to be honest, and Dave I'm quite admiring your work. It's a better effort than I'm getting at the moment, and as I type this I'm having a further chuckle! Problem is when I change the colour, I lose the effect of reflections etc. Ruddles is brilliant at this sort of thing.
  7. My god Fabric, they were the good old days, alongside Turnmills, Paradise club, The End and not forgetting Club UK. Not my kind of music but enjoyed watching, also like some of the electronic influence is some parts. Sod learning or even remembering Stallions lyrics. So how was Nandos! Oh and great work by the way....
  8. I forgot about the headplant into the "presumed" soft snow. I cracked up at that one!! Agree with you Husky on those points by the way.....
  9. +1 Although it has been below par recently. Glad it's made an improvement and I have to say I chuckled at least 10 times out loud!! Especially Hammond when he fell over - had to rewind it for extra laughs!!
  10. I was invited to a Shell loyalty card seminar this evening at a local hotel to discuss the current and potential future plans for the Shell reward card. The seminar was conducted by an outside agency, although a representative from Shell also attended. Who turned out to be the Midlands area manager. Currently we have two cards, one for standard fuel and the V Power. They asked why we liked the card, why we used shell and what we thought of their products and overall service. The general consensus was that Shell was the preferred service station, for cleanliness and overall quality. Not overpriced in comparison to other fuel suppliers, although 3 out of the 7 of us all uses V Power for the higher octane. We were asked what did we think of the reward scheme. The consensus was that we don't earn enough points especially those purchasing V Power which is more expensive. Currently you earn 1 point for basic fuel and 2 points for V Power for every litre. We all agreed this should be increased in comparison to other loyalty schemes such as Tesco's and Sainsburys where their food purchases earn you far more return. We were offered 4 potential reward schemes for the future. 1. Pretty much the same scheme we are on. 2. A one tier system that rewards the same as the basic fuel although with 10% off things such as Halfords and Kwik Fit. (funny thing is nearly all said they avoid both like the plague!) 3. A reward scheme which has 2 tiers like we have now but with a minimum buy in, 150 litres in one month (for V Power) and a further 450 litres for the rest of the year. This will give you benefits such as 10% off halfords, Kwik Fit, AA membership, John Lewis and Waitrose discounts/vouchers, half price Pizza Hut on Mondays and various other discounts. The other feature of option 3 was the increase if the rewards for V Power to 3 points per litre. 4. The final option wasn't great but contained options to save money for your kids, so whilst you fill up, they reward you with Kidstart donations. I guess this would be fairly pointless as the rewards are fairly limited and your child may end up with £100 after 10 years of filling up with fuel. A lot of the people were using the rewards to fill up at the pumps via the vouchers, although I've been collecting airmiles with them for the past 15+ years. As I mentioned to them, it needs to reward more as I've saved enough for me and the other half to go to Central Europe for 3 nights which includes hotel accommodation. Although that's taken 15 years and I daren't start to count how much fuel I've purchased as a loyal Shell customer. Anyway, just thought I'd mention it. So look out in the future for some potential changes that could (hopefully) help towards fuel, discounts and added airmiles? It was made even better for two hours of my time to get free sandwiches coffee and £50 in the sky rocket! PS I also asked them to sort out the quick pay machines, as you can't quick pay and obtain your points at the pump. They found this a rather interesting point and so hopefully they might listen, or maybe not?
  11. My whole 1hr journey home was enjoying the sound of the V6 and the exhaust. I hear that tune every day and always turn the music down. Those same goose bumps return every time I open the window. There is no soundtrack better than that!
  12. Brilliant!!! Many a laugh and chuckle, love the combine gritting the car. Then the stig wiping the flies off the stupid matt paint. Although currently on pause whilst I checkout Amber. Kwoar!!!!! I am more than happy to watch instead of curing her to be straight again. Def the best one of the series!!
  13. Hook of Holland is what we used also for our European trip. Wake up 7am and you're in Holland
  14. I have to agree with you hatterjon - I can't wait to get her back, but love the simplicity of the Micra. It may convert me to get a shed for the winter months, or potentially place the Zed as a weekend car. Then if she's a weekend car we can look to remove comfort and useability and swap it for raw performance and harsh ride!!
  15. Stop being a wus and get out and meet up!! Yes it was the Nissan GTR plate It's a great car if you want an A to B car, that serves a purpose very well. I was more suprised with the fuel economy on the motorway.
  16. At least I'm driving the same family of vehicles, so everything is pretty much the same, even the fuel release flap!! Although the sound is completely different..... I may play on the stereo the sound track of my Zed
  17. I can't upload from work, but it's a..... Nissan...... Micra.....
  18. For those who've had the pleasure of driving the Abbey Motorsport Courtesy Car - I'm rather impressed. Okay so it's no looker, although it's benefits outweight the negatives. For instance..... Fuel Economy - I managed 54.5mpg on the motorway during my return journey from Oxted to Birmingham - This is twice the mpg I was getting with the Zed on my way down. Driveability - Superb for every day driving, point and go, handles well on the corners and leaves junctions without you thinking "will I make it" Comfort - Okay so the comfort isn't amazing and wouldn't be recommended for long journeys, although it has all the mod cons you need, Aircon, Electric Windows, CD player. Visibility - you can see everything, no blind spots, mirrors are more than suitable, fantastic to park. Fuel Refills - I put £20 in at the motorway services at £1.35 a litre, with the DTE saying I had no more miles left in the tank. The £20 I put in, gave me half a tank of fuel. You don't have to worry about finding the right bighting points with the clutch, just slip it in gear and away you go. Braking is just as good as the Zed. No need to worry about wheelspin, or loss of traction, even drives well in the wet. I'm sure also it would fair a 1000 times better in the snow in comparison to the Zed. Steering feels solid and planted. The other thing is nobody wants to race you off the lights, it quietly slips in with the other boring traffic without raising alarm bells. All in all a fantastic car..... The only problem is.... It's god damn ugly! Although, I will enjoy driving to work for the next 5 days knowing how much money this car is saving me, the only problem is I have lost all my friends due to the reduction of my street cred!
  19. Go for the squirt.... NOS!! You can chose any size jet for instance 25, 50, 75 - It'll cost you about £1,000 to achieve what you need. Oh and the jets are £12 a pair, so changing from 25 to 75 is a case of £12. Some like it some don't but if you're not looking for all out beans then NOS is a good alternative?
  20. Anyone want an original Chargespeed bumper? (only kidding by the way before I get any PM's)
  21. Aha... I see. It's the original that's a bit of a problem.
  22. Congrats mate, sounds like a viable option..... So all that money spent on my Chargespeed could have been saved. Don't forget those extra grams of material will add weight to the car It will be a great saving for those who wish for a great bumper.... I chose the Chargespeed rear as they are hard to get hold of, now they are going to be everywhere Any chance they can make a Nismo V3 front??
  23. Fair comment Neil. It feels like it's a slalom on the roads today. Swerve left, swerve right, avoid the car, mind the massive hole!! Oh then there's road works!! I was watching some Nurburgring action last night on youtube, and it reminded me of the condition of the track - ACE!! You don't even get motorways in any condition near to the ring. There's certain sections of the M40 where the road has subsided, they've fixed some of it, but left other parts just to rot!! There's more chance of causing damage, either by hitting some noob who hasn't got a clue, or wrecking your wheels and suspension on our fantastic potholed roads!!
  24. Interesting comment on the PF disks. I have a serious amount of brake dust that come off my PF pads and oem disks. I was wondering if PF disks would reduce some of that brake dust? Only issue being the front's are £550 if my memory serves my right from Alex - which I could do without paying, although my car's in at Abbey at the weekend for a good checkover, so it may warrant new disks?
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