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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. What were the internal engine changes between non revup and revup, were there certain parts that were forged? I can't for the life of me think of what they were and can't find the answer on the web. (search criteria is clearly not enough). Ta.
  2. If you already have the license you'll pay for dyno time by the hour. If it's FI tune it costs a little more.
  3. Wasso

    Name this kit...

    Def Nismo skirts, although the splitter has been nicely painted - not sure what it is?
  4. Great idea.....(can't help with the design) I'll take a T-shirt for when the time comes. Maybe for co-drivers or partners there could be another T-shirt design - maybe saying something like "I'm with him/her"? Maybe T-shirts with our forum names on as well - would be helpful. There's been times when I wear my european hoodie, which has my forum name on it, comes in handy during meets so that we can identify who we all are....!!
  5. I guess we're talking the GReddy exhaust. I'm keen to see what this bespoke company can do first, if I can save £300 then I'll opt for that to be honest. Although, if I'm not happy with their offerings I'll be in touch. Cheers
  6. I might be away on the 1st May - I'd have to consult my social secretary (my other half).
  7. http://www.motordyneengineering.com/ind ... a48eb2be3e Half way down the page. Basically it's a modified 03-05 lower collector. Sits underneath the upper plenum and will aid air flow into the cylinders. (this is the long story cut short). All you need to do is swap out your lower collector (06+) with the modified lower collector and hey-presto. Dyno results I achieved below viewtopic.php?f=25&t=42676&hilit=+lower+plenum
  8. All I can say then is enjoy..... (once it's mapped of course)
  9. Best mod ever fitted in my eyes! But must getted booked in for the re-map now Beavis, you've not re-mapped after install of the MREV? Tut tut.... I noticed a loss in MPG - although sound and performance puts a great smile on my face!
  10. Best mod ever fitted in my eyes!
  11. Here's the Dyno results page: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=24431&hilit=dyno+charts And the Discussion Thread: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=26040&hilit=+dyno
  12. Mods are in my signature and yes mapped last year. If you search for Dyno Charts (top right hand corner) there's a comprehensive list of those who have Dyno'd without mods, with mods, with FI etc etc. Various gains comes from different cars, so I can't be specific to provide you with a true answer. Atlhough our cars are of the same breed they may result in different gains.
  13. Performance Throttle Response MPG Performance Increased - depending on modifications fitted before remap. Throttle Response increased MPG - depends on the modifications fitted, if they make sizeable bhp/tq gains then you may see a drop in MPG. If you are fitting the items listed, you should see the same or improved MPG. Uprev will also provide you 100% throttle in all gears. Nothing too serious to worry about, i.e. wheels spinning etc, although when in motion, i.e. 30mph+ it massively improves the response and power to your acceleration. In addition it will also remove the 155mph limiter. So you are free to push the needle just that little bit further. To note the GT4 is basically the 06+ model (296bhp) until the HR was launched having 313bhp
  14. I'm heading down to BMC on Friday http://www.bmc1.net/exhausts.php Lets see what they have to say.... they are interested in providing a copy very simular to the GReddy.... wonder if they can get a sound comparison also? Watch this space.....
  15. +1 I am the same. Anyone used the eagle yet? No, but a mate showed me the other day and it looks wicked....
  16. All episodes of Angry Birds have been completed I'm B go back and get any stars missed.
  17. Maybe that's a sign to get a GTR.... Gota say that is pretty poor quoting!! Either the Zed has become high risk or they have no clue what a GTR is?
  18. Simple answer to both bottles running, potentially no. Your bottles will need to be turned on independantly, as your gauge/readout will provide you the PSI for the pressure being received, if you put both bottles on, you'll get a mixed/incorrect reading of true pressure. Not only that, you'll never have the need to have both on. If you have a bottle contents readout as well, this will help you gauge which bottle to activate. You will also notice a drop in bottle pressure the more NOS which is used out the bottle. Heating the bottle will help to use as much out of the bottle as possible to create the PSI required. For me I don't have that option, so once it drops down below 650 I normally deem that bottle used, hence I never have a full re-fill. You mentioned changing the bottles over, I guess you only have one bottle bracket and one input to the NOS system. If that be the case, then yes a simple swap out is required. I have both my bottles in the glove box which are connected to a splitter. I can then turn on or off either bottle. I also don't have the option of remote bottle opener, and that's purely because Wizards don't trust them. Although I'd love to have one, but not sure I can mix and match with the American units as the bottle valves are completley different!! (to note) For safety I have with the Wizard bottle a pressure valve, if the bottle pressure increases beyond safe levels it will open and release excessive pressure. This doesn't happen very often as the bottles are hidden away in probably the coolest place in the car. So if you have the bottle(s) mounted in the boot of the car, I'd suggest putting them in the Spare Wheel area, although not sure a 10Ib bottle will fit. Just be careful with the rear hatch and sunlight. Don't leave the bottle exposed to very high temp's such as direct sunlight in the scorching sun otherwise the car might have a big hole in the boot from a bottle ejecting a 200mph!! Oh yes another tip.... when you first install the system start with the lowest jet size (25). Test and run the car say for a week or so and make sure the car is settled, no sporadic jumping, issues or anything that maybe untoward. Then step up to the 50 shot and so on to the 75 shot. This was a recommendation of Abbey and Wizards to make sure the car is perfectly tuned before heading towards the 75 shot mark. Talking about all of this is so tempting to move up to the 100 shot, but know Mark would go bonkers at the risk of doing so. How often do you use the Nitrous and how long does it last. How long does your fuel last - this is exactly the same question. It all depends on how happy you are with pressing the go pedal. I know that doesn't help and a lot of people say that squirting doesn't last very long at all. For an indication I used it at the Nurburgring on the 75 shot. I managed 3 laps on 3/4 of a bottle (5Ib bottle). Okay so I may not have been doing 85% throttle all the time, but the straight sections and pulling out of corners were a massive benefit. If you are using the 25 shot, the juice will last 3 times longer, put 100 shot in and it doesn't last as long. To put it another way, a 1/4 mile run at Santa Pod (I've not tested this but would pressume) you'd get probably 30+ runs from a 10Ib bottle. How often do I use it. All depends on what the purpose is for. If you fancy drag racing the Zed at Santa Pod, or blasting an M3 from the lights it's totally up to personal prefference. Last summer I used it on the Ring as mentioned and found it very handy. The odd motorway blast, or if you just want to show off etc? Oh bear in mind that if you fancy showing off with the purge kit, you are actually using NOS - so don't be using it for screen wash!! You'll have no NOS left and look a bit daft at the end of it. Oh I've just thought of another important note - do not use the NOS in 6th gear!!!!!!!!! The amount of Torque generated will melt a few important engine components. I've used it in 5th gear with no problems and it pulls nice. Any further questions let me know....
  19. Paul's kit is to be honest a good price, considering the amount of tech included. If the original items were purchased from the states there'd be a fair amount of cost. I'm not totally aware of how the progressive controller works on the NX systems, although my controller was £450 alone. Bottles you're looking at £175 each!! Bottle heaters are around £150 purge kits are around the same mark. So if you add those kinda things to the stock system you're looking at £1,500+ In terms of what do I think of Nitrous, yeah it's good for it's purpose and cost. I'm restricted to a 75 shot myself as recommended by Abbey to go no further than 300tq at the wheels, due to the way Nitrous works. My controller initiates the NOS at 4k up to 6.9k I think it is. So in order to kick in you need to 85% throttle or more, and above 4k. This is all dependable of how you have it tuned. I did ask Mark if I could reduce the 4k down to say around 3k although it wasn't advisable and for the life of me cannot remember why. The key window for Nitrous is around 750-950 psi. Optimal is 850-950. Anything higher than 1000+ psi or above and you have a risk of running lean as there's too much Nitrous for the engine to cope with. Achieving the correct PSI is driven by heating the bottles, too cold and there's no performance, too hot and you're risking a costly bill for engine repair. Issues with heating the bottle for me is that I don't have a heater, so it's off most of the time until the summer time, although something I am looking into. You have the benefit of the heater which will resolve PSI problems, although I've heard it can take anything from 10-30 mins to heat the bottles depending on the starting temperature. In Paul's sale picture I can see some braded hoses, they can be re-used, although if damanged in anyway bin them and get new ones. With a wet system, you'll be needing to drill into the Air Intake and the fuel system as NOS and Fuel is injected into the Air Intake (hence the name Wet). Dry systems do not use the Fuel in the Air Intake. Oh - the super mega important part of NOS - the main rule..... if you are using NOS do not for any reason have your traction control activated. You WILL cause damage if the traction control is on and you create wheel spin, the traction control kicks in and reduces power to the wheels. In doing so if your NOS is running, i.e. 85% throttle and within the RPM window area the NOS will still be pumping into the engine. Result is less fuel more NOS - BOOM!!! Jets - the Wizards kit uses small nozles (as advised from Mark @ Abbey) which are motorbike jets or something. You may need to purchase a varying range of jet sizes when the car is being tuned. I think I am running 75 NOS and 50 Fuel, Wizards jets are £12 a pair, so the solution to upgrade, mix and max, downgrade is fairly simple, although as your system is from America you'll need to resource these potentially with a bit more cost. The size of your bottles is perfect, I run 10Ib (2 x 5Ib bottles) in the glove box which lasts quite well. You're two 10Ib bottles will be sufficient for plenty of squirt. I pay around £45 for a re-fill which around 8Ib's worth of NOS as the bottles never really get empty. I am aware that Websters Race Engineering fill American bottles, they are based near Santa Pod, although that's probably of no use to you being so far away. There is a company that provides a courier service, you send you're bottles to them and they return them full There's a slightly higher premium to this, but it saves a lot of hassle. I think I've covered all of the main factors..... Considering Paul's system is nicely priced you'll save some money in that area. Depending on how confident you are with installing the system yourself will save mega bucks!! Although tuning I would leave to the Pro's. So there's Dyno time and tuning time to take into account. I think I paid for 2 hours originally. If you've got any other questions let me know.
  20. Husky, I wouldn't blame the rasp on the decats. I still have oem back box, XYZ pipe and Japspeed Decats and there's no rasp! Neil - the American bottles should get filled up over here without any problem. The issue is sourcing a local supplier. I have two options (both being dragster outfitters). Wackyracers (don't use pressure fill and the bottle is frozen prior to re-fill) Websters Race Engineering (use pressure fill, but takes 1hr to get there!) The only issue you may face is fixing a british bottle to the american systems such as Nitrous Express, although don't hold me to that. Although is it wise to mix systems? There are various discussions about who's systems are better, the brits or the americans. Both will point fingers to the opposing systems. Although since installing my system I've had no issues (apart from the controller - although still not sure if it was a fault with the controller or a wirring issue?) Have you researched if NOS is for you?? There are rules with using the system.....
  21. Ibe made my initial research and so far no it's not in the UK. so maybe a trader could confirm?
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