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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Go on then.... I have only just purchased my Z caps (original Nissan on eBay), but if they ever get stolen I could use these, or maybe mix and match either way here's a Fiver! 1. BulletMagnet 2. BulletMagnet 3. BulletMagnet 4. BulletMagnet 5. BulletMagnet 6. 350Russ 7. 350Russ 8. 350Russ 9. brown7758 10. brown7758 11. brown7758 12. brown7758 13. iain10101 14. iain10101 15. fakeindian 16. fakeindian 17. fakeindian 18. fakeindian 19. fakeindian 20. sparky 21. sparky 22. sparky 23. sparky 24. sparky 25. simonzed 26. simonzed 27. simonzed 28. simonzed 29. simonzed 30. Haydn 31. Haydn 32. Haydn 33. Haydn 34. Haydn 35. Marzman 36. Marzman 37. Wasso 38. Wasso 39. Wasso 40. Wasso 41. Wasso
  2. Just out of curiosity, what time on the Saturday will this occur, as I'll be joining the spirited drive in the daytime.
  3. Take a late afternoon boat from Dover, 1hr later you are in Brugge. Hotels or B&b's aren't cheap nor expensive but in Brugge they don't like cars, so parking can either be difficult or restricted to parking in their underground carparks which are cheap but not best located. Car stuff has been covered, although run out of fuel on the motorway in Germany and they slap the book in your face and give you a heavy fine. Watch out for crossroads this can be confusing, I made the mistake of naturally filtering to the left and ended up going down the wrong side of the road, only to be confronted by a mahoosive 18 wheeler! I said to my mate "that truck is on the wrong side of the road" which I then suddenly realised it was me in the wrong and quickly slung the car into the correct lane. I was only 18 at the time. You will notice motorway driving is a bliss in Germany, the majority strictly follow the retire to nearside lane without fail and move over from the outside lane once they've undertaken their manoeuvre. Oh if you float in the outside lane accidentally and you see a Beemer baiting down at 130+ it's advisable to move over as they don't like using their brakes.  Watch out for the French they flash you whilst in the outside lane yet you have 20 cars in front of you or are stationary in roadworks. I think they just love to flash people. Try to avoid filling up in isolated villages or motorways they can be expensive. Oh if any men in those hi-vis jackets wave at you whilst going through customs, just floor it. They'll be asking all sorts of questions about where you've been, what you ate last night and so on. If you do get stopped make sure you have nothing illegal on you. I've never been stopped but you never know! Like I say floor it through customs otherwise you'll be late to your destination. (you can ignore the last one if you want Most of all enjoy the Autobhan!!!!!!!!!!
  4. You're supposed to be on your honeymoon, I can't believe you couldn't resist placing a post on the forum. Dedication!!
  5. Not sure on price (depends if there are any in the UK for sale), or the model of car (needs to be 06 onwards, but I'd recommend the MREV2 lower plenum with spacer. More BHP per £ on that one I'd say. If the engine was coming out I'd add a few more parts whilst it's out?!
  6. I don't think that's anything to boast about Martin But to clarify 3" aerial should be fine....
  7. Wasso

    Drunken Purchase

    I'm de-badged Shows how much attention I was paying.... I was staring at your detailing job on mine too much Like you say must have been that "shine" blurring your vision
  8. It's the V3 Nismo kit. Dont even begin to think this can be purchased on a small budget!
  9. Wasso

    any1 selling

    I use the Bosch blades and they wipe just like all the rest. But then my wipers don't really come on much as I use RainX on the glass.
  10. Lets hope there's NO accidents within the forum!!
  11. I don't think I have any mods under £50 to be honest... Oh... Stubby Aerial.... although I think the only other mod which can be nominated to be my favourite is the personalised 350z-uk.com forum window stickers with user name, made by RT Biscuit.
  12. Same here... or so I thought. Went out in her yesterday and it rained RainX did wonders! Plus even though I was driving down country lanes full of dirt... when I got back, she SHILL looked clean! Ian must have put some kind of anti-dirt surface on the car! Ha ha - you'll find that in the first week or so dirt or rain just comes straight off. Hence the car will stay cleaner longer. I've also noticed if you machine polish the car, it somehow seems to form a better bond with the bodywork, which helps the wax work longer. Glad you liked the RainX - it's good stuff eh. Best noticed on the motorway, you no longer need the wipers when it rains. I love the stuff.
  13. Nice tour, but did you notice the Golf was following you at each photo opportunity? Maybe the golf fancied your car?
  14. Cheers fella - no probs. It was pleasure! Hope you didn't get her wet in today's rain
  15. I've never seen anything over 5.7 0-60, all of the "official" places quote 5.6 or 5.7 but then again how legitimate are these numbers. Probably best to do a few timed runs at SantaPod as they do a 0-60 test thing.
  16. i found this, so much that i couldn't get them off while the car was on the drive, gunna have to get it over the pit so i have better access lol! If you turn the wheel to the right or left giving you more access you should be ok. I applied some WD40 30mins before trying to take them off.
  17. You may find the caliper bolts are a tad tight.... breaker bar or something of the kind may be required
  18. Sorry How about a bucket of mud.... Sorry I forgot to add the weight to those stats too.... Weight 1545 kg
  19. This has been taken from Parkers Online. Engine Size 3498 cc Cylinders 6 0-60 mph 5.7 s Power Output 276 bhp Valves 24 Torque 363 Nm 268 lb-ft Top Speed 155 mph
  20. I just pretended it was worse than it was so he would spend more time cleaning the car! Juts don't tell Ian! I wondered why you were taking forever.... to be fair I enjoyed cleaning your car.... it felt like an old tank and needed some TLC. Thanks for sorting my caput laptop.... it runs so much faster now. I think it even feels lighter now that you've ditched all the junk that was on it Pics look great by the way.... As mentioned I was going to use my supernatural, but with the sun closing in on your car I wanted a quick finish so applied Autoglym High Gloss instead. I'd be curious to see how the supernatural performs on a GM. Funny thing is, some of your pics have almost turned your car into Blade?
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