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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. (just got your msg) I'm back Monday, could slide over when I get back Monday afternoon, and I'll give you a hand with the video and sort bulbs etc
  2. I've not played mine much lately and not too fussed. They don't hold your 3 digit security code neither do they have your card expiry date. It would be hard for the data to be used, although not dismissing fraud may occur? I'm sure Sony will screw things up and lose my trophies or something!
  3. Looks like you had a good time. Not too sure about taking a pic just shy of 160mph. Naughty Ring pics are superb!
  4. I have to say that is awesome!! Keep up the good work, next you'll be piloting your own spaceship built by your good hands to Saturn!! If I hadn't already shipped in my gauges from America I'd have snapped your hand off for this!! A great bit of Tech!
  5. I don't think I was on, but my phone might keep me logged in? But yeah good to see a new record has been set!
  6. Okay - remove brake calliper from the rear, then simply (with rubber mallet) hit the rotar from the rear to disslodge. There should be no other bolts or anything of the kind holding the rotar in place. It may just come off without too much fuss, although there are claims the rotar may become rusted in place? So technically the same as the front rotars!
  7. Oooh heck not done rear disk. Let me search!
  8. I've got the rear spats un-primed!
  9. If you are just replacing pads it's the same process.
  10. The ones I purchased from the Gadget show last year, basically turn on and off by any given IR signal. For instance I could have 3 of these in the room all within the same line of fire. I can dictate the control of these by 3 different signals, or by 1 same signal. I have setup my Logitech to send a random signal which the plug socket learns. I would have thought all plug/switch sockets are the same? Or at least have a learn facility so that you don't have to use the remote control provided with the socket?? They can also be used for 4 way extension leads for instance. So you could turn off a number of items with one button?
  11. I've got one of these to power my Hi-Fi, TV, Sky and Lighting in the lounge. Controlling the lights I use one of these (sockets are self learning) Yet to get my main lighting in the lounge - simple remote switch on the wall, but would really like some of these bad boys.... (Remote control blinds/curtains) I'm yet to find a suitable chip to control the Mrs....
  12. That's not Bennett then. He would have Nismo spoiler plus a multitude of other mods.
  13. That could potentially be GT4 Zed coming back from the Ring!
  14. I rate them highly for when they are fitted I wanted 30mm drop and a name that can be trusted, and from previous forum commentary the Eibach's are the ones to have. The Tein's have a shorter drop, but still have a good name.
  15. I'd personally run two passes. First application, wipe, then a second go and so how it turns out. If that fails you know to invest in the heavier duty stuff.
  16. Start with the megs and then decide. I would go all guns blazing on the paper to be honest. You'll be surprised how well the megs and a DA work together. It may save you money or give you realisation to purchase the sandpaper?
  17. I use Megs ultimate compound and they come up a treat with the DA
  18. Impressive!! Just out of curiosity what size spacers are you running? Any scraping woes? i.e. Speed bumps?
  19. Thanks G Man yes I should have put x2
  20. Yes to everything apart from naked dancing in the rain.
  21. Looks like you're having an amazing time, I'm very jealous. Table mountain is one place I'd love to go to, along with Cape Town! Bet you're getting a nice tan too with that weather! Enjoy!
  22. Very odd but funny, especially when it was trapped against the wall!
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