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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Great video and hilarious at the end with the capture moggies. But.... Your car no longer has central locking for the rear door No Car battery Or No Home Security Alarm because it's been dismantled No toilet roll And you can no longer water your plants in the garden Even though I like cats I still found it hilarious....
  2. I received an update from RT Performance today. My chargespeed bumper and V2 front will be coming back from the fabricators this Friday (originals), so I would hope they should be in the pipe-line for producing the copies fairly soon.....
  3. Up for grabs is my Heads Up Display which I never got round to fitting and need to free up items sat doing nothing in my house. (Please note this has never been installed and is brand new!) Here's the features.... Speed/Visio displays the vehicle's speed directly on the windscreen in the driver's line of sight and sends out an alert when the vehicle exceeds the programmed speed (if required). More Safety... > Reduced risk of accidents linked to inattention or slow reactivity when checking the vehicle speed. > Drivers can remain focused on the road. > Better reactivity at the wheel. > Stay under the pre-programmed speed. ...and Comfort > No need to take your eyes off the road to check your speed. > Reassurance for the speed limit and control of the vehicle. > Equip your vehicle with a technological innovation from the aerospace industry. speed/visio fonctions: > Every time you check the vehicle speedometer, you need to take your eyes off the road for few seconds. > If an obstacle (vehicle, pedestrian, animal) appears in the vehicle's path during these few seconds, reaction time is reduced, which can be very dangerous especially at high speeds. > A few seconds of inattention are sometimes enough to inadvertently drift off line. > The system also helps you to stay within the speed limit by informing you whenever you exceed the pre-programmed speed. Speed display on the windscreen > The vehicle speed is transmitted by the electronic control unit to a screen positioned on the dashboard. > The screen projects the speed onto an oval-shaped film placed on the windscreen in the driver's line of sight. > The speedometer reading and the projected speed are initially synchronized when the vehicle is at a standstill. > The speed reading can be made even in bright conditions as the brightness of the LED is adjusted according to the ambient light. > The crisp digital display is immediately legible. Overspeed alert > Drivers can set a speed limit for their journey. Visual and/or audible alerts inform the driver whenever the preset speed is exceeded. > Five different speed levels can be set. > These speed levels can be selected when the vehicle is at a standstill or when in motion. The current vehicle speed can also be saved as the speed limit value. > The audible alert can be switched off. Here's some pictures.... And here's the price £70 + Delivery £5. The cheapest I can find is currently £85 on eBay - so there's a small discount.
  4. Wasso

    z dust caps

    I have those also, everything intact after about 3k miles and they haven't corroded either.
  5. That is a steal at that price considering the mods. I was seriously contemplating making an offer but I'd screw myself into the ground with 2 Zeds!! A shame you are selling such a wicked example. What are your plans for the next motor? GLWTS
  6. I thought I'd do the first test before going to sleep, and this is no word of a lie, 50 out of 50. I was well chuffed!! There's some really tricky questions in there, a hell of a lot harder than what our driving exam was like all those years ago. Experience tells you a lot, and had I done that test when I was a kid I'd probably be still trying to do my test now!! PS - I took my test 20 years ago (hell I feel old now). *Edit* wrong screen shot loaded - turn the page and the bad news, I scored 43.... (I'll get my coat)
  7. +1 Always fancied a new knob but have always resisted the temptation At this point i will end the conversation about knob's and Wales Nismo Earplugs would be a strong seller......
  8. They want you to get rid of the car, don't sell up. Setup traps to capture the crims!! There has to be a way to win. Do what the South Africans do, and will be a nice feature at meets? Ok so it needs some adapting so that it will go off automatically. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQbHnLSasfQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player Seriously though I feel for and hope you manage to resolve the dispute. It might be worth having a polite chat and confront them, they might backoff?
  9. That is oooooooooooooooooober sexy!! Great choice in exhaust - I think I will def get one now. Just waiting for funds to replenish!! I already get a nice warble once the throttle is released and the revs reduce, so it would be kinda interesting to see what would happen after fitting a Greddy! Snap Crack and Pop comes to mind. Great work and looks fantastic
  10. So are we saying affix to the wire mesh?? I was thinking there may be some kind of bracket I could attach to the inner/under side of the top bumper lip which would then hang in front of the wire mesh, rather than attached to the wire mesh?? Looks like then the rear bumper is a simple fix, sticky pads. A shame as it would look really nice with a bracket maybe? But then that's adding weight
  11. Surely somebody has some suggestions?!
  12. As I'm changing my bodykit, I now have to review my options for fitting the front and rear number plates. My question to you all is..... 1. Where would YOU fit a number plate on the Nismo V2 front? Centred on the bumper (maybe one of those stick on style plates? Underneath the upper half of the bumper? To the side? 2. Rear bumper has the JDM style plate recess, what fitting options are there? Fancy designed brackets? Standard style holders? Etc? Options, pics, Photoshop replies are most welcome. Cheers
  13. I would recommend a doctor for your front lip, not a chip man (I'll get my coat)
  14. Nice but I'm thinking subtle ie a lot of the work is engine related so going to stick with the slam panel me thinks and some subtle writting to go with it
  15. There's a choice?? Send us some pics and I'll make a choice. Might look nice with a bit of additional writting and placed on the slam panel under the bonnet. Cheers
  16. I've never received a sticker, and I've spent £'s. Although I wonder if cake and coffee replace such gifts
  17. You're never grumpy are you Mike Hello Octet How many followers are there of this thread To be fair I can understand our love for the forum, and how we'd all like to contribute, I'm sure the site does need a little jazzing up, but as others have mentioned, it's simple, does the job it's asked (although has it's temperamental moments) but at the end of the day, do we really need a ooober sexy website with all singing all dancing features? I can view the forum on my iphone with no issues, it's quick and clear. I'd say let the Site Admin do their stuff and as mentioned by Mike, review the options for the future. Lets get past the initial down times first before stepping forward into modernisation!
  18. 1. Driving down a highstreet, man crosses road in front of me, double takes and says "wicked car mannnnnn!" 2. Stationery at lights White van man says "wicked Porsche mate" 3. Picked up McDonalds from drive through window, chap says "looooove your car mate" - not sure on how to reply I said "looooove McDonalds Mannnnnn" he then said "I don't make the food McDonalds do" 4. Yesterday morning a Black 370z sat at lights (gorgeous blonde driving) going the other way looked at my car, smiled as I drove by whilst her eyes were affixed to the car (or me lol). I didn't know whether to flash, wave or slam the anchors on or to give her my mobile number. I did neither of these and drove to work smiling like a Cheshire cat!!
  19. Alex has holes in his front bumper. Check out his sig, you can just see them.
  20. Those who may have seen - We're getting a FREE BBQ during the Wales Meet!! I'd say a big thanks goes to those who have contributed financially and of course the generosity of the forum. Cheers 350z-uk.com As Graham would say "This site is the double dogs danglies!!"
  21. Cool maybe meet up for a mini meet and drink maybe?
  22. Are you local to Solihull, as I'm in Hall Green. Not that I was part of your mini meet
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