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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. It's only numbers and letters don't get too worried about it. It's more about the car than a plate?
  2. Don't worry there are plenty of annoying people that appear now and again on the forum. They soon disappear.
  3. I have to agree with biscuit on this one. If you want a VERY fast car either get something other than a Zed or spend a fortune on FI'ing the Zed. The Zed owns it's looks very well, it's a GT car not a racer unless you strip it out. For a medium to high budget I'd do the SC but if your budget is low you can always go for NOS. although, NOS won't give you 400bhp unless you forge the internals, then you're looking at £5k+'ish I'm contemplating a Stroker kit for next year, this will give you a great platform for 400bhp++
  4. But why mess around with plates that don't actually read what they should, and those ones will be cheap. Fast Zed is unique and that's why it will cost more?
  5. Via the cruise control buttons. If you'd like a full explanation there's either a thread in the Abbey section or you could give Mark, Tony or Scott a call tomorrow, although I dint think Scott works Saturdays. They will give you all the info you'll need, otherwise in the meantime the search button is your friend
  6. Secret cos I'm getting it No seriously i was contemplating it, but not sure. Your welcome to it as I'd rather spend the money on mods than a plate. I can't recall which site it was on, although it's def on more than one, but not DVLA for some reason?
  7. Well I know FA51 ZED (Fast Zed) is available, and there's no way to rearrange letters and numbers to repeat that reg.
  8. Do a search on the forum for Uprev. This is the software which allows you to map the car. 3 licensed outfits in the UK. Abbey Motorsport (Surrey) RS (Leeds) Horsham Developments (Basingstoke way I think) Here a link that maybe useful viewtopic.php?f=114&t=49315
  9. I would go for any of them as they erm.... Don't actually say Nismo, I'm sure N1 SMO has gone so why not just stick with a standard reg. To be fair get something different and unique?
  10. We need Mark on this one as he will know the stock and fly figures
  11. I doubt it from the description of the post.... Maybe some more information will come along soon
  12. I doubt it just from a remap. Stock to the wheels is 263. So to meet 325 at the fly....??
  13. No, sold the SC and a number of other mods then sold his car to webuyanycar.com
  14. Couldn't have chosen a better car. Doesn't it just sound the best car in the world. Think I may pop to the carpark for some V6 satisfaction
  15. viewtopic.php?f=38&t=47591
  16. I was talking to Jayne last night about the ring, as we are going to see my dad in Hungary in August, so was contemplating stopping off at the ring for a couple of days on the way out, or maybe on the way back? Oh by the way, that video above took 30mins to upload, so depending on what you pay for broadband I'd be moaning at BT or SKY to get a reduction in fee's.
  17. You're going soft in your old age Shire
  18. Wasso

    Crazy Saab

    It'd be interesting to see this compared to the powerhouse Audi and Merc estates.... Who would win??
  19. Right, loaded Bennetts video file, he had a little issue with cutting the video and ended up with a nice green section on the video. Something to do with the video size I'd say, so here's a taster until he cuts another version. (You'll notice the video has a cut section, he's cut out the section of the F1 track) I also asked what is the slidding noise in the video apparently it's the video unit slidding across the seat
  20. Colin can we have one one lamb and one turkey please guv! I was tempted by the Salmon but as mentioned they have to catch it first!
  21. Why are there no lights in the moderators office these days?? Well done Andy fantastic that you're a mod. Well deserved.
  22. And to make it go back up is the price of a small mortgage!! I try not to look at the fuel pump when filling up, it's shocking now how fast the £'s go as you're litres are just slowly ticking over! The horrible part of filling up is you put £60 in and it only just goes above half way. I get so angry leave the petrol station and put my foot down in anger, then kick myself because I've just used quarter of a tank!! But the smile whilst hitting that loud pleasure is worth every penny - which is why we all keep filling up!
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