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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. LED lighting is styling, in a round about way?
  2. Dear Nissan, It appears that after purchasing my 350z there appears to be a number of critical parts missing from my beloved Zed. For starters the Twin Turbo is missing, the forged internals appear to be forgotten and the Weds SA-67r in BLC wheels are also missing and appear to have a brand called Rays As your factory line have clearly pushed this vehicle through inspection without having these critical parts I demand a resolution and clearly the sacking of someone who forgot to install these items Kind Regards wasso
  3. Husky you are terrible at sales... Try these... Custom White dials including centre console, LED under strut lighting, LED Front Audi style driving lights, LED side step lights, BOSE iPod hack. Pizza and you'll have some left for spacers, CAI, plenum spacer and maybe half a tank of fuel!! Simple!!
  4. I was going to shove it on eBay last night but I can wait till the end of June if you wish?
  5. +1 why do I LOVE those things? Cos you can turn it into this!!!!!!
  6. Not sure on prices - but a Ford Pop would be a cool project.
  7. You could always cut a hole in the dash and sink it flush, but to be fair all of the HUD's are like this, unless you want to go high tech.
  8. Simples again.... viewtopic.php?f=35&t=18962&hilit=valeo
  9. Simples viewtopic.php?f=32&t=49251
  10. There is no point A) ?? I think it was a trick question, as there are only options for route B and C..... I had to look twice and work out what happened to route A!
  11. Love the rug for a picnic!! Great pics and superb guide. When you mentioned the miss-alignment of the undertray etc, I thought hmmmm gota have been taken off in the past and not put back correctly, and like you say, spray on the washer jet pipes. Oh sorry mate forgot to mention about the pipes, secure these in a upright position so not to drain your fluids away. (ooops bit late for that tip now ) Oh and the car looks like it needs a good clean
  12. The one I had on my groin was in America - and their machine was silent. I wonder if that was a CAT scan, or their machines are more robust?
  13. Good luck mate - it is an experience I have to say. Oh watch out for the ghastly hospital gowns!!! Keep us posted RE your results.
  14. I've had a couple of MRI scans, one on my shoulder and one on my groin! (long story). You just lay there very still for anything from 10 mins to 20 mins and listen to the noisy machine take pictures of your internals. It sounds quite scary as it judders and makes some serious noises around your body. The nurses and doctors will of course hide in a special coated bunker so they are not affected by the harmfull rays being shot through your body!!!!! If you find that you come out the room green, it's not gone well. Good luck mate as I know you were suffering pretty bad.
  15. Looking much better now lowered. Just be careful with speed bumps now. I drive like a granny now it's lowered, well, sort of . The pulleys are a nice weight loss. Might have to consider these, although need to sort other issues first. I also have that exact same oil cap, it's a great looking cap but a real barsteward to undo!!! I use a screwdriver carefully place in the holes to rotate it. See ya at the weekend
  16. Wasso

    tommy kaira badge

    I swear you have a load of pics on your hard drive waiting for the next question for a pic, either that or you're tapped into the search mechanism of this forum?! Cheers though - looks pretty mental. (Out comes the wallet!! )
  17. Wasso

    tommy kaira badge

    Me thinks a Tommy Kaira would look rather neat on it's own on my smooth rear!!
  18. The GT or GT3RS - then for sure I'd like a Porsche - but only for messing around in. I wouldn't want to drive one to work?! It has no character. Although, I quite like the Cayman S - nice looking
  19. It took Darren B a further 90 mins to work out how and why we still had a problem despite replacing all the plugs. But the problem was found
  20. Still easier than changing a few sparkplugs though eh Ian? It would have been any easy task had it not been for Pretty sure I can match you there... I changed some sparkies and put the leads back on teh wrong way! got 6 and 5 the wrong way round or something... Exactly what happened in Wales.....
  21. Still easier than changing a few sparkplugs though eh Ian? It would have been any easy task had it not been for
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