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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Ha ha Met office have changed their mind. Thursday was supposed to be Thunder, that's changed now to sunny lol. They now predict Fri as rain all day. If the weather is like Wales very unpredictable I'll bring shorts and sun cream just in case as well as my car mac!!
  2. Agreed but the outlook is negative rather than positive. I've been able to predict cleaning sessionsto the hour via the Met office, but the we are still many days away from the weekend so it could all change
  3. I'll be doing mine Thur night and Fri morning. Although looking at the forecast I'll be bringing my rain jacket for the car
  4. Some friendly Met office weather reports. Friday daytime Friday Night Saturday Saturday night
  5. Sorry fella reminds me of a Renault Clio but good to see people reaching out to new ideas, if you dont try you won't know. If you like it that's all that counts
  6. No Dave that's not a conference that's called a whore house!! (she looks pretty hot to be fair )
  7. Speaking at the 2011 Whiplash conference in Leeds I just have visions......
  8. Abbey Motorsport RS Tuning Horsham Developments They are your 3 official Uprev options. All 3 are traders on here.
  9. Why are so many people walking away, what you saying to them Cook?
  10. Part of the reason a TT is more expensive. Nissan may have skimped on some of the lighter materials? Saying that we have an aluminium bonnet and I believe a carbon prop shaft. Don't forget the amount of luxuries in the Zed too.
  11. If you feel it's The One go for it.
  12. It is £460 It's your choice and I don't want to cast a spell, but personally I would still walk away. I just don't get the vibe he's taken good care of the car and hasn't maintained it with the same live you and I would give. I could be talking complete crap and the car is superb. But you know when you just get that gut feeling. If you are really interested as I can see you still have something for that car. Why not ask for 6 months road tax and I'll take it for £11k - final offer. You can see he wants rid of the car, so he may be tempted?
  13. I can't remember what mine used to look like too lol. You'll be fine just whack it in! Just out of curiosity why is the air intake being put back to stock?
  14. I notice the seller didn't exactly have a good feedback rating. If he sends both you can sell the HR for the same money and you have yourself a free airbox Edit - yes you can sell the HR box Unless of course you're planning on dropping a HR engine in
  15. The DE will fit your car, the HR has no chance as that's for a My07 onwards.
  16. I'll be at point C for 1pm. Not gauged the distance yet but I'll be there on the dot! Could you pm me your mob number just in case there's any issues
  17. I haven't got a clue on price, make me an offer.
  18. Dave that's terrible, hope you clocked him one!! I'd have cried desperately!!! Hope it gets repaired back to A1
  19. Why not take a look at the selection of pics from Wales as there's loads of examples. viewtopic.php?f=57&t=49771&hilit=+Wales
  20. This was something I started last year. I also think it's a great bumper but the cost is shocking. viewtopic.php?f=26&t=41824&hilit=V3+nismo
  21. His chuckle and shaking of head is still the best
  22. I'm dead sure this is a but still laugh at the car and reaction of the bloke filming!
  23. I have one but will need to get it removed from the bumper and packaged up. The bumper at the moment is in Kew, so I'll need to have a chat with the guys to work out when I can get it to you.
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