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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Aren't we missing the point here somewhere? The Zed is a GT car hence thearge fuel tank. It's filled with all your creature comforts, and that signifies it's purpose was not to be super quick off the mark, and handle like an Elise in the corners. As others have said, had the weight issues been taken care of, it wouldn't have the luxuries or huge fuel tank. We are discussing a car that was made as a GT and turning into a slim tuned track car. Personally I chose the Zed for it's ability to serve a number of purposes, looks, power, price and luxuries. It's served it's purpose very well. It's not too difficult to reduce the weight of the car but it depends on what type of car you end up with. I've reduced the weight by 66kg and haven't compromised the comfort of the car. If you want to lose 200kg from the car it's not that difficult to work out how to lose that weight. Same applies for adding power, not difficult to understand how to add this. I don't think we should ask why Nissan made the car, or how it should have been better. I bet you could name a large number of cars and how to make them better. Although if that be the case the choice of cars out there dictates you've bought the wrong car. I have changed the cosmetics and tweaked performance and handling. If I wanted a super light super agile car I would have thrown in another 40k and bought a Porsche.
  2. Are you deadly serious? 740 That's a stupid amount of incidents.... surely the road is insafe if it's causing this many accidents? I know a report was done of all the UK roads, with selected roads being named as the most dangerous roads in the UK. Surely this road you have mentioned is a likely contender? Or is it idiots just not paying attention?
  3. You don't want to look inside mine either, hence the hoovering in the morning. Martin - don't tell me you've forgoten to clean tug!! I'm sure my girl will get dirty during the 150 mile route (the car that is), loads of brake dust and rainwater (probably), dust and the likes. So I'll be bringing her mac and cleaning equipment!
  4. Thought I'd shove up the starter of pre-lakez photo's. She's been cleaned, first coat of Supernatural applied, just a quick hoover and engine bay clean and 2nd coat of Supernatural in the morning and she'll be ready to enjoy the weekend.
  5. If you fancy a good drive head down to Beachy Head, park on the cliff (if you can) and that'd be pretty cool.
  6. Funny this subject has come up because I was having a good read on my350z last night and stumbled across the Revup oil issue. A large number of Americans chose not to purchase the revup which is why the HR was born. The oil consumption is much higher, it revs slightly higher, not only that but ive had my limit increased at Abbey, and from my experience the added hp has increased my consumption from 2-4 litres upto 4-5 litres. I don't have any oil leaks neither am I burning oil, it consumes and it's well known for having a higher usage of oil.
  7. The Insignia is plagued at work, that's all they are allowed. Bored of them now. Nice but boring. Although the elite I think it is has waggling headlamps and flashes at you when you press the "open door" button!
  8. Why not get in touch with the insurance companies in America. I'm sure there are certain companies which dictate cameras as part of their policy. They may be able to direct you to the cheapest most effective route?
  9. I keep playing this over and over - it just gets funnier
  10. This must be how they celebrate the happy bride and groom! I'm surprised some idiot came along and put the fire out, it was just getting interesting. Would have been hilarious to see them all get cooked after the fuel caught on fire
  11. Or run a XYZ pipe which has a single race cat within. I thought it wouldn't pass the MOT but did as if there were two cats?
  12. I shouldn't laugh as it could have been fatal but I just couldn't stop laughing at the way he tried to fumble away at a steering wheel that clearly wasn't there
  13. A few being the ultimate word. I gained 18hhp with CAI, plenum spacer, motordyne xyz pipe, decats and uprev. 18hhp doesn't create hardly any difference really. Next year will be a little different
  14. Hmmm I doubt it 20bhp over 15bhp from Japspeed http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350z-DECAT-PIPES-JAPSPEED_W0QQitemZ190547909599QQcategoryZ38786QQvarZQQcmdZViewItem
  15. Say to him put 6 months tax on and I'll pay the £11,250? I agree with you stick to your guns on this one
  16. Next time he contacts you say you've reduced your offer down to £10,750 due to being so pathetic.
  17. Clearly not, I'm sure you spot one weekly!!
  18. Correct - your first purchase includes the Uprev Licence, and any future tuning will just be for dyno time. Unless there's forced induction, which demands increased dyno time.
  19. How many Zed's do you see a week?
  20. No problem payment received and will be shipped asap
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