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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Has loads of poke but may not be practical?
  2. I hear an echo echo echo echo By the time I'd written my post and submitted (whilst playing mw3) you'd beaten me to it!
  3. I wouldn't be announcing illegal acts on an open forum along with Insurance companies who frequent here. I personally wouldn't want to be hit by an uninsured driver. If you can't afford the insurance then get something cheaper. Showing off to your mates that you have a 350z but actually not insured isn't clever.
  4. You need to speak to Wasso. He did about 150 miles on a quarter tank That is true. Quarter of a tank no word of a lie and ended up just shy of 200 miles. That was 35 miles into the - - - - readout. I was rather pleased
  5. The Zed has addictive obsessions to want to MODIFY. (Fact)
  6. Just finished watching and thoroughly enjoyed. The MINI won this time because the road surface wasn't deep with snow and ice unlike last time with the evo. She is HOT that's for sure. The Jag section was fantastic and lived the new version. Sometimes I wish they left history as it was, the GT40, Mini and the Stratos as Biscuit mentioned. But the Jag looked fantastic, is it worth £500k doubtful and it will never tell the story of it's predecessors. Still if I had that sort of cash I'd still buy one as it just looked stunning, sounded mental too Beemer was great but it's still a 1 series. Just looked boring, still the lotus and Porsche looked the better car IMO.
  7. It's a bit of a bargain to be fair, all inclusive but reviews are good, not expecting the Ritz though. Went to Tunisia 17 years ago and didn't like it. But free drinks for a week, paid for by our generous uncle I just can't refuse.
  8. I'm gonna have to cancel this as we've recently booked a late deal holiday to Tunisia. Next time though
  9. not a hope in hell would that embarrass you! However, did you see wasso doing his hair with hairspray by viewing his reflection in the car window! Was really funny! You try making yourself respectable after sleeping rough in a tent! Does wonders for your image. We were the unlucky ones to have no running water in the toilets and freezing cold showers. Had to try and make myself decent you know
  10. Nice one Will starting to get a collection of mods now. Do I recall somebody saying they were happy with the car stock just a nice chargespeed rear and something for the front and rear
  11. Aye top draw and a great idea to set the categories. Lobed the older Zeds, a shame there wasn't more.
  12. Dont tell Wasso that! Grrrr £10 and there's me slipping £20 to come nowhere!! You deserved it Graham considering you did a lot of the work yourself. I chose to pay people and yet that didn't work. So for the next best of show it will be time to up the Anti a couple of notches.
  13. Petrol station is just 400yards from work, so if it does conk I can always walk up and get some fuel. I did recall your attempt at seeing how far you could go with the - - -.
  14. Wasso

    lake Z photos

    Photobucket for the WIN!
  15. Wasso

    lake Z photos

    You'll just have to drink more!!
  16. Funny you say that, after stopping at the BP which didn't serve super, I then checked the Nav to find the nearest Shell. It claimed there weren't any. I checked the DTE, Checked my distance home and I was presumed to have 9miles left in the tank by the time I got home. After the blast out the Toll booth and various other catchup bits and pieces my dte claimed I would get home with Zero miles left. My local petrol station was closed as I didn't want to peel off for expensive fuel and I've even managed to get to work this morning (9miles) and I've done 35 miles into the - - -. Luckily there is a fuel station just round the corner from work, but it just shows you can drive economically. I managed 26mpg on my way to work this morning, and normally I get 19. That's a week long saving of £17 a week, or over the year £915!! (Just by laying off the loud pedal!) Enjoyed the drive back
  17. Wasso

    Boot lid

    The rear boot lid weighs a complet and utter TONNE!! I have a Seibon boot and I have no real issues with it. There maybe a very slight fitment issue, because it's so light, it struggles to compress against the rubber cushion around the edge of the boot and may not seal as good as the oem. As you can see from this recent pic from the LakeZ I am looking to have the boot catch shortened so that it seals better. The only issue in reducing the weight from the back is when you come round to slippery road conditions, being lighter the back end tends to step out a little easier, and in the snow it's even harder to obtain traction. Weight saving is: from oem to carbon will save you 21kg if you ditch the spare wheel and tools you'll save a further 23kg So that's 44kg loss very easily. If you go for a Titanium exhaust, you'll save 23kg. Lose the seats, cats, lightened fly wheel, pulleys, lighter strut bar, lose the aircon or any other luxuries the possibilities are endless. Although remember the car is already pretty much 50/50 weight distribution, or 49/51 not sure, so if you start messing too much it could unsetle the car? Although I'm no expert on this. I've managed to shed 66kg and I personally believe it makes a difference, not massively, but just a slight edge.
  18. Wasso

    lake Z photos

    Ricey this picture was actually taken whilst my jeans were drying out on my plenum
  19. I'm home and just eaten a big fat JUICY curry  sat on my sofa with my tv and remote. Gorgeous!!  I don't miss the naff weather of the weekend but it didn't stop us from having an amazing weekend, we even managed to slip a visit to lake windamere. Managed to get back on quarter of a tank of fuel, and not sure what ChrisI was doing on our way home but my fuel economy has taken a positive turn   Id like to thank all of those who contributed to the event, Martin I've learnt something about alcohol intake from your whiskey intake and ability to be cleared for driving a vehicle   lexx I thought the £20 I slipped in your pocket would contribute to the best of show but clearly not   It was really good to meet some new characters, Neil your car looks awesome, better than the pics. Gman your nuts after I was told how much that exhaust cost. ChrisS for his fantastic paintwork, Jay that front bumper looks great, it has a mouth like a whale ready to collect anything it chooses to suck in  Vik glad to have met you at long last and all the other memebers from the North. Oh and a big thanks to Andy (ak350z) for his mini hoon to his place to be greated by Fran and her AMAZING brownie cakes they were superb  and not forgetting the trip to the coast and the 10 out of 10 drive back to Heaves. One of the best drives to date. For sure the LakeZ is now firmly in my calendar for next year. I've thoroughly enjoyed the weekend. Thanks to all as you all made it the weekend it was   (Oh and a big  to Graham(glrnet) for winning best of show.  )
  20. Glad snoops good mate, good to see you both again. Until the next time
  21. To be fair the weather has been crap, but nice to meet some new faces. Show and shine comp tomorrow (in the rain) really looking forward to it
  22. Poor effort husk Weather is fantastic, hotel is very luxurious and the camping is even better. Looking forward to the entertainment tonight
  23. Graham, Jayne asked if your better half is attending?
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