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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. 15k That must be some car! You may want to add some mileage to the sale
  2. Thought it was a Zed and had to rewind to make sure. Can't find any vids on YouTube
  3. This would be my choice, not my usual selection but just thought it had a bit of panache. 1938 Aston Martin 15/98hp Short Chassis 2-litre Drophead Coupé with Dickey Estimate: £80,000 - 100,000
  4. Have you not heard about the new "mini" tampons on sale? "For a short period only"
  5. You may want to listen to my oem exhaust with Moyordyne XYZ pipe and Japspeed decats on Sat morning
  6. I haven't gone as far as that yet. How about Nurrish? Wonder what he's up to. Hey shouldn't we be posting this in the midlands meet thread Hijacking DD's thread.
  7. I've already asked has Mrs responsibilities trust me I'm trying
  8. +1 ++++2 great shot neil's is cool to but Jays the whole looks spot on
  9. I can also vouch that road was I'm afraid to say my favourite over Wales. And I really didn't want to admit that. Wales is amazing but that road was pretty awesome.
  10. I'd so like to attend this, it's so very tempting, I'll have to place my name down at the end of August, dependant on cashflow, although I will have only just come back from a 2,500+ mile drive through Europe, so to make a further venture to the top of the country would be adding even further serious mileage. Any idea of the length of the drives?
  11. I got one It's doing nothing apart from gathering dust.... AND you're just round the corner
  12. Wasso


    Thinking about it Abbey may do them?
  13. If there were 200 of those Jokes you'll still need to get your coat!
  14. Maybe I was just pooping it at that speed and felt unsafe? It didn't help hitting the bumps to be fair which probably why it felt unsettled
  15. Good man - don't want to lose a fellow Azure
  16. CHANGE IT! After witnessing a car leave the outside lane into the hard shoulder at a 90 degree angle and smack right into the barrier at 70+. It wasn't pretty and could have taken out a number of cars in it's path to the hard shoulder barrier! (Heading from Port Solent to Maidstone) I wouldn't want to drive round on a tyre which could pop at any moment. It's for your own safety mate. A costly replacement but life is priceless.
  17. hahahaha only you!! Theres something freaky about how fast your car is haha I chickened out at 162 on the Autobhan in Germany - never been that fast before and didn't like the lightness of the steering and the bumps which put me right off. I'll have another go on a smoother road for sure.
  18. Wasso


    It's been a long time Greekman, a whole year, when are you going to meet up with us motly crew?
  19. Because Husky is never happy with a standard car, he has to rip everything apart to see how it works, what's inside and if he can make it better with LED's. Must say, very boring contents to an exhaust!
  20. Wasso


    viewtopic.php?f=166&t=49271 You'll pass MOT requirements
  21. Can you imagine the fun when you challenge your 4x4 mates to a bit of off road action
  22. Why waste money on insurance just to have a nice car. Get something which suits your age and experience. But don't drive illegally as us legitimate folk end up paying through the nose for your illegal antics.
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