This is getting a little heated here isn't it.
I can understand both parties point, to be fair the issues have been ongoing for quite some time now. Agreed there should have been more feedback from members here, although to be fair, there's not a great deal that can be categorised to determine a potential issue.
I'll example.
I browse the forum leaving the index of threads open. I return maybe 1 hour later and press new posts. This is where the forum does not respond. Whether I press "view your posts" or "mailbox" or anywhere on the site, it just doesn't respond. Maybe there are other issues contributed by the chat room? Who knows.
Although since Mods and Admin have advised since the outset, avoid refreshing whilst there's an issue, I have maintained that request. Leave the forum for a while and come back later, or quite some time later depending on the outage.
In the beginning the problem was every single night, which was frustrating, things have got better and I was going to message the team to say hoorah it's working far better. Although as that thought went into my head the forum crashed, so couldn't send that message.
I can understand the frustration of the likes of ZMANALEX and TARMAC who I'm sure have a huge amount of contact with members and rely upon responses to ensure payment and delivery of goods, and as new traders come on board their communication with members will increase.
WE ALL want this forum to work efficiently, and as a non-trader and the improvements over the last month, I'm not so fussed. But if the problem exists in 6 months time, I'm sure it's going to turn people away.
So to conclude, I'm sure forum mod's and admin are doing what they can, bit quicker though lads and Husky chill winston! (you been sniffing the pollen from the field again!)
All agree to dissagree and hopefully there'll be a solution for us all soon.