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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Just saw headline news of it with no sound at the pub so thought I'd just check
  2. Looking good Jim - and I see you've cut out where the sub goes in your box, you had me worried that all this proffesional work was going to come to a sad end!! Head unit is looking sweet, the sub looks wicked, crossovers like you say a tad large, but 10kg's in weight!! How heavy was the BOSE amp and Sub, don't forget to weigh them and deduct from your 10kg+ additions. I have to say I really like the look of it all, so I'd be interested to hear it. Hopefully at the Midlands meet eh? Great work
  3. +1 with Colin - don't use a percentage figure, I did and it's not accurate in the slightest. There are certain variables. Maybe Mark @ Abbey could explain in full the dynamics of ascertaining FWHP. I was told +30 from whatever hhp you achieve. But then if you look at Tony420z, if he's pull 1khhp, what would the fwhp be?? 1,030fwhp?? I'm not confident on that.
  4. give me your car! That's mighty impressive. Although the pre revup will earn better results from the same mods if applied to a Revup. I achieved 258hubh and 242tq. You add I think 30 to both figures to give fwhp, if so that only gives me 288bhp from a claimed 296bhp car but then Nissan quoted our power wrong. I've always had a thought in my mind to ditch the revup for a pre revup. Then a gain the HR gives good results. We shall see what happens in the next 12-18 months.
  5. Good work fella Agreed it doesn't turn it into a monster but once you get used to it, you'll notice the varying gains. So you like the new sound
  6. Yeah will do Jim for sure. Always wanted a fish tank but cost over enjoyment the Zed wins for now.
  7. That's what I was thinking multiple fish tanks, it's just the one right? Different angles and reflections gives the impression you've got like 3 tanks Gota say that is one impressive tank. I now see the purpose of wrapping the fish tank. I thought you'd lost the plot.
  8. Yeah, they said they were going to do that, but also said that it still might not stick. I trust them as they have wrapped other things for me before (Including my fish tank... long story) so we will just see what they manage. RT Performance recently wrapped the centre dashboard area, amongst other things, pretty sure they didn't smooth down the pimples first? So.... Wrapping.... Fish TANK! Why? Tell more....
  9. Looks like Leonk has first dibs on the bluetooth... gota say that is mega cheap for the adapter!!
  10. I also have a Bluetooth adapter, let me make sure I can lay my hands on it first though. Let you know this evening Also are you coming out to join us on the Midlands meet
  11. I wouldn't see the need to remove the covers then. Just make sure the instructions are clear for them.
  12. I would guess they'd wrap the dial surrounds separately, so leave them on. I'm sure they are pro's at what they do, so wrapping the surrounds shouldn't be too much of an issue for them.
  13. Haha a luxury girls car with toys & drifts Colin I sat as a passenger in one a very long time ago, I wasn't impressed considering it's a Merc. Loads of skuttle shake and things rattling. But then if you intend to drift it I'm sure there's bound to be plenty of rattles there after?
  14. Have I just seen in your sig a SLK 230 for when the sun shines. What you doing with another convertible, and that really is a girls car
  15. Not sure if Blue Suits you Ian race!! Santapod now!! Actually cancel that, might blow a plug!
  16. Great vid John, surely this has to land on a coppers desk for prosecution. The women in the Mini who looked perplexed should be taken off the road along with the girl with the lack of a consiounce.
  17. Got some competition now fella with meets. Good to see ya back online
  18. Console screws to stereo, brackets Screw to stereo. Return console back into position and fix screws holding console and stereo (using bracket holes which appear top and bottom of the bracket) Maybe pioneer have things a little different but my JVC is bolted in like a safe!!
  19. Is the brace you are showing there the one which held the BOSE, or was it supplied with the unit? If the brace holes don't quite align then maybe just drill them and put washers behind. To be fair mine slotted straight in, but you didn't want me to tell you that.
  20. Jim, erm don't mean to cause any stress, but your sub box is like totally wrapped, so like your sub is kinda hidden, or shall I say wrapped?
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