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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Thought I'd post something whilst we're away from the sunny UK. Left Birmingham Thur at 6:20pm to travel to Sandwich and stay overnight at the Blazing Donkey Country house (good offer on laterooms with breaky for £50 - I'd recommend to anyone) ready for our Dover to Dunkurque trip at 8am in the morning. Good sailing arrived 11:20am local time and travelled through France, Belgium, holland into Germany to our overnight stay in Koblenz. Weather was good on arrival, but then approaching Koblenz the heavens opened with heavy rain. We drove through the rain to 22degree heat and thought all would be good from here on in. Despite having two major hold ups and a tree which had fallen down in Koblenz (looked like the place had been struck by a hurricane) things were good. We pitched our tent and strolled down in shorts and t-shirt to the onsite bar and restaurant. ALL very nice and amazingly clean (Germany clean shall we say - again another recommendation). So a great dinner, where I learnt the difference between a  Wienerschnitzel and Schweineschnitzel, but now for the last two hours whilst sitting outside it's chucking it down with thunder and lightening. Typical!!! No fuss as we're getting pi$$ed on good German beer ready to run to our tent! The Zed has received so much attention you wouldn't believe. On the boat: "Is that a Japanese super car?" At the petrol station - People are gawping and pointing On the motorway - some bloke shouts (fooking nice - English of course) In a village, passing 3 kids "wow wow wow kwoar!" lol At the campsite go to check in, come out and there's 3 germans inspecting the car, looking at the brakes and the bodykit. Jayne said "I feel so embarrassed when people look when coming back to the car" I had to laugh Anyway, enjoying the trip, 550 miles done so far since leaving Brum yesterday and another 1900 to go.  Looking forward to the 32 degrees in Hungary on Sunday. Updates to follow soon... Pics once I get to a pc in Hungary. Happy Holidays!
  2. I'm already at the docks in Dover just waiting to load, first stop Koblenz!
  3. As previously mentioned the restriction in gears 1-3 is false as Mark corrected by the thread. It does sound like a clutch issue?
  4. Checkout my work @ www.pristinedetailing.co.uk I've worked of course on my own Zed and some others from the forum. Pics on my website should provide you with enough info and of course prices. I'm actually near Dover at the moment ready for ferry tomo and journey round Europe. Send me a message if you want to know more and I'll get back to you. I'll be back in the UK weekend of the 4th Sep. Cheers Ian
  5. It's not a harsh cutting compound and I used to use this on my old Focus for 9 years with no issues. I wouldn't be to worried but then would Nissan paint be more exposed being thinner? Still as long as you're not being aggressive with the Super Resin I wouldn't see an issue?
  6. Would you want one if I said over £2k No ? Didn't think so Over £2k!!! That's just a flippin joke!!!
  7. I'll have two full kits please Still like that front end
  8. Don't sell mate really you've got one of my favourite Zeds it would be a huge shame to sell, I think even I'd cry
  9. You'll only get about 25-30 miles of pleasure then our wonderful ecu remaps. Then it's dyno time
  10. As said yesterday I can't comment on the ban I've not seen the evidence. If you guys feels it's appropriate then so be it. I'm not going to try making a case to revert. I'm sure there have been plenty of positive pm's, but still feel it could have been handled a bit better, hence more than one member has gone on the offensive. I'll carry on with my BBQ now
  11. Ekona it's the approach that has pee'd people off, which has now woefully deteriated and annoyed members that weren't even involved. It's also the reaction of some of the team which has annoyed many. I personally asked Admin to not post an open announcement, and now look! What's done is done, maybe we should turn the forum off until the morning to let everyone calm down and start afresh in the morning. Beavis has taken the brunt of the backlash but responses back to members was shall I say rude. I have no issue with whoever was going to make the announcement, but it should have been just that and nothing more.
  12. Robocop (1987) awesome film and the best the 3rd film was stupid, even had him flying around in a jetpack Well spotted that man!
  13. I'm sure the team exhausted all options before making the decision enforced. But to be fair the way in which it was posted on the forum was a tad poor. I witnessed the whole start to finish attempt at the announcement, which changed it's approach and dirrection on a number of occasions. Everyone has an opinion, and if the open announcement is left accessible a number of people will post positive or negative comments. Had the announcement been locked from the beginning we wouldn't be discussing this now 24hrs later. Those affected by Rich and John can be sattisfied action was taken, those who feel the ban was wrong should message the team and keep all this flogging behind closed doors. It's a bit like airing your own domestic arguments on a open forum, you just wouldn't.
  14. Oh man yeah the Bandit, another great film and top car! The choices are endless really....
  15. Shawingbada! "If you don't stop to look once in a while - you'll miss it!" One classic film... and yes top motor!
  16. Graham - good to see the spray can has been out once more I'm interested with this scangauge II, send me a pm and tell me all about it, something I'd like to have me thinks! I've read up on it's ability to monitor various elements, but is this driven by purchasing a large number of sensors as well? Or is the majority of readouts available out the box?
  17. I'd buy that for a dollar! (those who don't know thats a film quote)
  18. +1 keviswatt, Countach was all over my bedroom wall as a kid. It WAS the ultimate super car. Despite the fact it was a b!tch to drive and you couldn't see out the rear view mirror. Still this car was Sex. A little fact, the Zed is quicker 0-60 than the 400s Countach, with a just higher tip speed of 180mph. So technically we have a modern day Countach, makes the Zed feel special. Elenor was also one fantastic car, they rebuilt 20 specially made as direct replicas of Elenor, even with Nitrous Oxide installed with "Go baby Go" on the gear knob. For me it's a bit Sad but Kit (knight Rider) or the Delorian from Back to the future.
  19. That's a bummer. Anyone can come to the UK, it's a free country you know. I had a friend of mine who went out to America. He was sponsored, had family over there and was a good candidate for America. After 2 years of working out there he had to apply for residency. They rejected him, despite his family connection in America and that he had a job and was a secure reliable resident. His only option, as he was with a girl was to marry her. He now lives happily for ever after. Maybe you should Marry your other half, you're engaged, that way they should find it a lot harder to reject her application, but then again it's the cost of the whole matter. Feel for you mate!
  20. Cool - thanks for the heads up Lee.
  21. Heck! Point taken!! So not necessarily a car driven issue, more the point the source of where the fuel is stored and transfered. That'll be the last time I go beyond - - - - Cheers
  22. Happy Birthday Marky Man! (Don't forget your chair!)
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