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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Glad to hear your feelin better poorly Chris
  2. Checked up to make sure Bennett wasn't involved in this massive accident and he text to say he'll tell me all about on his return. He called me today, if Bennett was the unlucky fella, he would have been in hospital instead of the Corvette. Basically the White Porsche lost it and ended up sprawn across the middle of the track broadside, Bennett comes round the corner to find said Porsche slamming anchors and missing the Porsche by inches picking up Porsche debris along the way managing avoid direct impact. Apparently the Vette wasn't as awake to deal with the impending surprise around the corner and hit the Porsche. The Ring Taxi was to follow the same catastrophic journey and hence the reason other cars ended up in the same accident. Apparently when the Porsche lost it he was doing in excess of 130mph. This all occurred on one of the fastest sections of the track. Let's just hope those injured make a full recovery.
  3. To give you an idea of discount I purchased around £260 worth of goods, yet only charged £200. That's a great saving and their friendliness to answer questions is paramount.
  4. Tim if you want an extra bum on seat I don't mind going down again, get some things from the cheap bin. In fact I want to get a couple of detailing bags so they might do me a deal. Also see who gets to be the culprit under the light tunnel. This is of course if you're short on numbers, if you manage to fill the seat I'm happy to withdraw.
  5. Wasso

    Engine bay goodies..

    Hi Ric, I've got a blue carbon cooling panel. Will fit only the DE models, as the HR has twin intakes and this panel only has the one air deflector. Let me know if you're interested. The last pic I've just noticed some light scratches, inspected the panel and just wiped the marks off, so it looks like some wax or something had dried on there, so it's clean.
  6. Take your car over to Europe and it's next level, I lost count the amount of times I was pointed at or looked at by passengers, drivers and pedestrians. The police even pulled me over in Germany to take a look under the hood, but when 10 other coppers come over to look it got kinda embarrassing. Take your car to Hungary and you'll not just get one onlooker in a group but the whole lot. For instance I went past a college and bus station, every single head turned as we drove by. Â Chamomix in France people were looking through the windows of the car and taking pictures. I even got a priority position on the ferry right up the front where all other cars were shoved on higher decks. Got in the lift and some bloke said "is that a jap car" erm yeah, VERY NICE he replied. I even got thumbs up from a couple of the guys dealing with the cars to board and disembark. I LOVE MY ZED Â Â
  7. In terms of putting the BOSE back into your car, all will work as it did, although you maybe required to enter the security code. In terms of fitting it's really simple, there are guides on here how to take apart your dash, which screws etc to undo, then simply a case of plugging new loom adapter and stereo and place it all back together again. If you search in the guides section for "dash" something should come up as I installed my system from the guides
  8. I've also heard these guys are good with A1 customer service.
  9. and sort out his B pillar while your at it switltastic Swirl removal is charged separately, but as it's just the B Pillar I'm sure I can throw in a Free'b
  10. Of course whenever you're ready
  11. Jim what ya doin mate Stella and Monster Munch Here's a pics of your car when I detailed it, cos taking a pic of yourself and drinking Stella and munching Monster is kinda wrong. As you can see, I like to get the best out the paintwork
  12. http://www.break.com/index/watermelon-c ... =?matchid=
  13. Can I do it with rattle cans? You can have rattle cans but you'll be handed a paint brush or roller to get the job done
  14. You're right with Devon, but it's in St Ives. Cool - really liked the backdrop!
  15. Fab work Andy - quite impressed, you don't fancy doing our spare bedroom do you, it needs a lick of paint
  16. Good work Gents!! Did you fit the spacers under the strut bolts to lift the strut bar when fitting the plenum spacer?? That might be the reason for vibration, otherwise just a little tinker with the spanner to adjust the strut? Might come down to the Zed workshop for some future modding.... I keep having dreams of "supercharger" - it won't go..... I think I need help (Good to see the Zed love brings everyone together)
  17. STONKING paint job there mate Looks like a new car!
  18. Sounds like a joyride stolen vehicle, I know BMW drivers can be aggressive at times but nothing like that!! Glad nothing hit you or your passenger, including the car!
  19. Finished work early today so gave Suzie a quick going over Snow foam, wash, dry, clay and half polished as light has gone now, but the shine just from the clay and no wax (side being photo'd) I was quite impressed. Polishing will resume tomorrow evening with a wax, then the following night another coating of wax - may even slip in a photo if it doesn't rain!
  20. Love your answer to the kids and that is a classic! Kids are the best!
  21. I have to be guided over obstacles such as a small mouse, slight kerbs and so on. As Scotty has seen for himself. I no longer get a warning, just scrape and you know that's the limit
  22. Wasso

    Some pics of my Z

    Don't mean to worry you but one of your cats is like a baby tiger! Nice pics and clean car
  23. Col you spend a lot of time on eBay don't you.... Are shopping
  24. CJ where was that pic taken at, looks kinda similar to Brixham in Devon?
  25. Sorry to hear that mate and I'm sure Bennett who's at the ring this weekend will be gutted for you too. In fact it's a good job it didn't happen on the ring, could have been messy! Hope you get it sorted quickly without too much hassle
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