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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. +1 on the savings. Heck That included an MOT as well!!
  2. I'm not going to be able to make this - arranged to go to Wales now
  3. I guess if it was non GT it may not have the seat airbags but should have had the curtain bags? Oh well.
  4. Hasn't it got the curtain and seat airbags?
  5. Wasso


    Ooops where's the tissues!
  6. They clearly don't know what they are selling, 300 version on a 2003?
  7. Never spoken to Lee on the phone but in person and I can actually relate to that.
  8. and there's a lot more cost after the plugs. (did you ever sell your SC? - being lazy and not checking )
  9. May will be out the question for me due to the annual Wales meetup. So April??
  10. Wasso


    I think I may have wet my pants with histeria if I was in your shoes. The Cobra is one hell of a sexy car and (the originals) with the raw power and sex appeal out classes the majority of performance cars even made today. They claim in the originals that you can spin the wheels in ANY gear If I had six numbers I'd be getting a Cobra, it would replace the porn channels in my life Seriously though even if it was a replica, it's still an amazing piece of kit and something I'm sure you'll remember for a long time. Lucky man! I'm jealous. Great write up too
  11. Are these the things you don't want Col?
  12. Good to see you online mate Great shots but the Panda shot was the greatest
  13. Happy Birthday Vik, all the best
  14. I recently spent £115 on fluids for the car, Engine, Clutch, Gearbox, LSD. All purchased from Opie. The gearbox oil I used was Redline MT 90 and engine oil changed to Gulf Competition to see how it performs on the Revup.
  15. I'm quite impressed and a great track tommix with the Zed. Keep it coming
  16. And what a gay post. Constructive and opinionated as always!
  17. I've been thinking seriously hard about the proposition to own a Twin Turbo Zed or my pride and joy. Every night and morning I have changed my mind and the thought of losing my girl is unbearable. Should I, shouldn't I, but it all boils down to the demon inside, but I just can't do it. So this for sale thread is no more.... (sorry Suzie I could never let you go - what a soppy sod I am)
  18. I know a nice silver one for sale ................. Why not send him a PM?
  19. Yeah that's Taras's car. I txt him asking what he's doing and apparently going for an older Zed
  20. You can as you say use the AG to clean up the paintwork, although I'd recommend using a DA polisher if the paintwork needs swirl removal or light marks. The AG is great for Tar spots and giving a nice protection, and you can pop two coats of SuperNatural on top. Although you do best waiting 24 hours for the 2nd application of SuperNatural. Forget the detailer, that's just for cleaning off surface muck and producing a nice shine above the waxes you've applied. So the SuperNatural comes last in the queue of applications
  21. Colin just cos you haven't been spotted in a while, doesn't mean you can post a pic of your car and say you spotted "Guns"
  22. To be fair the ANPR system does stop real criminals, those who forget to tax MOT or insure their vehicle is instantly recognisable. It also flags stollen cars. I've never yet been stopped, even just for a random stop, I wish I was stopped more often, of course not for going over the speed limit by 3%. I'm glad the police use technology
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