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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Col, need you to find me some low level car ramps. Don't want to pay no more than £50 You've seen my car and how low the front lip is, and I am unable to mount the ramps at a normal garage. So can you source me a home solution for me to lift the car easily and without scraping the underneath
  2. No problem - just put gold plating in like Mclaren do - job done (just the new 25 year mortgage to pay off for it) Colin that would be adding weight now wouldn't it
  3. Wasso

    ARC Bankrupt

    Damn that means my air intake won't fetch a complete fortune anymore?
  4. True you could always weld the mount back in place
  5. Problem is I wouldn't use the spare wheel area for everyday use, the heat from the exhaust cooks the contents of the spare wheel area.
  6. Should have got a sensible car son.... Bet that was the comment. We've done two European trips in the Zed now, which account for 5,000 miles on the clock. We've managed to stuff in tent, camping gear, air bed, duvet, pillows, pots pans food oh and clothes strategic planning and of course without the spare wheel it's like having a second boot!
  7. Well Taras siad he's going to test a number of B17 samples from different companies to see if it's a mixing issue. Thing is if they can't match it I think I may need to visit Nissan and get them to test their version of B17. We shall see. tow hitch. That's great of our older generation. My dad saw my car for the first time a few months ago and said "where are the back seats, and where does your shopping go"
  8. and your getting that huge scratch down the side of the passenger door repaired as well?
  9. I would love to have a wrap or totally new colour but want to put the funds to other items. There is a colour match issue. It's rather odd though. It goes like this. Car is standard the receives carbon boot and painted by a garage in the Midlands. There seems to be no miss-match. The bumpers go on and there now appears to be a miss-match. The rear bumper matches the boot, but doesn't match the car. So two garages have used paint code B17 and both painted panels matched spot on so why is there a miss-match with the standard paint. I have a feeling the standard paint isn't B17 it's more like B17.1 or something? Taras is going to do his best to tone to the paint on the car which personally I think Nissan have applied as a different tone
  10. £15k I wish trade sellers would actually research what they are selling, a 313 I don't think so!
  11. I'm just having the colour match fixing. Nothing too exciting, but at least she'll be one colour
  12. Head to the green room Pollyanna is waiting for you (that's no joke either )
  13. I'd rather have reallity than virtual if it was Pollyanna.. Sorry couldn't resist...
  14. Just finished watching last nights episode. If you are interested in FPS gaming catch either a repeat or on demand because they build a truly sensational virtual reality FPS dome. I was gob smacked with the interaction and gadgets to allow you the next level of reality gaming. OK so it's not within reach of the consumer but friggin brilliant Anyone else seen the show from Monday.
  15. I was going to say - I hope you know where all that stuff goes back? The most annoying part I'd say is getting it back together in the right order
  16. I would say RT have done well in the first year, considering they specialised in the Celica area and moved onto other forums, such as the Zed forum. I have to say customer service at RT is spot on
  17. It's a JVC - it's got everything I need and more. It actually originated from Muddys car, here's a pic, tried to find some more of his car cos it was the bee's knee's but looks like he's deleted them from photobucket apart from this one
  18. I actually did notice it was the one with the full respray and it looks like new!
  19. The Chilli belongs to me Wasso, i was picking her up when i saw yours. Ahhh I see. Looks very nice
  20. Much better, gives a nice aggressive look. Drop the height a little and it will look
  21. I left the keys with Taras, so he may have moved it. Looks like RT should change their name to 350z performance (there was a Chilli one there not sure who's it was on Sat?) Steve 350z was there on Sat, Coldel is there on Tue, so it's turning into a Zed carpark.
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