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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wasso

    Front end...

    Bodywork is looking real nice Col, although that slam panel looks real good for me it's missing the air duct on the right hand side, to help maintain airflow for the air intake. It's a real shame cos I think they look really good, but really need that air control thing otherwise I'd buy one.
  2. Looking good mate. Why not go for a replacement y pipe such as motordyne, high flowing and you can even bung in a race cat and shove in decats. An option? (not sure what exhaust mods were on in the first place?)
  3. Good of you to share deals etc, but as mentioned the RE40's are best avoided. The Falkens come out better in price and perform better. Have a search in the tyre section for reviews
  4. Hi Andy, hope you and Lydia are ok. Thanks for the comments I only use Meguiars products and a lot of elbow grease not really, I purchsed a Meguiars DA some time ago which really makes things alot easier. But now i apply polish and wax by hand. That's pretty Rothers, me like that. +1 on hand applying the wax
  5. Both Beemers were a joy and a pain to work on, but pictorially they stand out more than the cleaner vehicles. But like slim says, pictures don't really promote the finish as if in real life shall we say. I'm trying to source products from around the world to trial and experiment with at the moment. As I'm sure there are products we don't see in the UK which we could be missing out on. Andy (CS) happy to take on any recommendations maybe I could come over and example my work? (so that you know referrals won't come back and bite you on the bum) Thanks for all your comments though chaps, really appreciated
  6. Baby oil, next you'll be saying Vaseline and whips next. Can't drive backwards Chris cos the rear is being sprayed too Silly O'clock is an option, spend the day in London maybe? Like the idea of bubble wrap, might do the whole car to keep her really safe
  7. I have one too and I doubt it'd stay on. Will seriously consider clingfilm
  8. problem is I'll struggle to get on a flat bed to be honest. It's a no win situation with the Eibach's
  9. nice one Dave Like the look of tracwrap, very nice. Might have to enquire about this sort of stuff for European trips, the Ring or even Wales. Good find. The cling film could be a viable option, but just have this horrible image of bits of film flapping around in the wind. Might give it a go. I guess it's a cheap and simple solution
  10. I agree with you they are fookin damn ugly but needs must when doing 120miles on our stone riddled roads.
  11. you lot crack me up, I'm serious god damn it Ekona you've wrapped your car in cling film, that is utter crazy, did you have somebody wrap you in the car I can't have any type of wrap on the car as it's heated on, and just like any new paint you can't apply anything on it for 6 weeks this is why I thought of a Bra. Mrs was going to lend her Bra, although plenty of cup, just not enough to cover the front end. I could just drive VERY slowly and away from all cars, but that is just impossible on both accounts. There must be someone with a Car Bra (I hope)
  12. You may be wondering why such a question is being posted in the General 350z area.... That's because I'm looking to loan a CAR Bra for a day or so next weekend. Happy to pay for delivery and collections, along with some beer tokens your way? I know it's a long shot but does anyone have one? (No Dave (SPD) not that sort of Bra )
  13. To be fair the laptop I have kicks arse even today, so for a small investment I can refresh my laptop. I'll def give you guys a shout when the time comes though (not bad 6 years for a laptop eh!)
  14. Right - I've done some investigating and thanks Andy clearly there is a problem with the 9300 with the LCD screens supplied and being out of waranty means I won't get a replacement. So.... I've investigated the price to repair, replace and upgrade. New LCD screen £68 Battery £35 Upgrade from 1g to 2g total ram memory for £23 So that's a grand total of £126 - if I fit of course the LCD myself, which I have found a guide. I'll maybe revisit advice on this thread if my efforts fail and the laptop dies in the near future. Thanks again guys
  15. I was debating whether to post that pic but thought there's no harm, at least people can put a name to a face
  16. I'm guessing it's something to do with the connection from the base to the screen as the lines are as if a ribbon is wearing and the connection is being lost on some of the vertical pixels. It needs a new battery as well. I'll get a quote and provide some feedback of what next
  17. Luckily I'm on Jury service and have been so for now 7 weeks. The first two weeks were really odd as I've been using the train to get into town, so she was only used at the weekend in this time. I have to say though it does feel weird that she's not parked on my driveway Still another 5 weeks of jury service to go, ho hum!
  18. Did you click on the linky I posted? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Apple-mac-lap ... 0717883211 When I posted, it was 10 hours before it finished. I did, and like you say it's now ended, there are still a load of others, but not sure on the Apple Lingo as to whether it's any good or not
  19. Okay thanks everyone for the heads up and alternating opinions. I'm still no further as I haven't got a clue which Mac to look at, and looking at the spec of my current laptop, it will take some decent cash to take it one or two steps further. I'll get a quote for repair of the screen and look at upgrading the ram to 4gig which should make a huge difference. Although I am really tempted by Apple still.....
  20. Fixed now, for some reason Photobucket showed correctly, but wasn't coming through to the forum as it is in Photobucket?? So I've created a new version of the photo's. Laura - find a detailer in your area and ask them specifically to work on the swirl removal, which will allow you plenty of time to wash and clay the car ready for the detailer to remove the swirls. I'm sure they'll do you a fair price.
  21. Price varies to be fair, everyone charges differently, I've only started out this year, so my prices are fairly low, but as the business develops prices will go up. A lot of the price depends on the products being used, and how long the car is being detailed for. You're looking at 3-4 figures for the prestige vehicles. I actually have a Rolls Royce Phantom to detail, which scares the living crap out of me, what if?? Does the car stay cleaner for longer, I'd say yes, as long as a good application of wax is applied and allowed to set correctly. I wax my car every 2 weeks and after 3 or 4 sessions there's a superb layer of wax and when rainwater hits the car, it slides straight off. This will apply for dirty water such as puddles. What seems to make the car dirty sooner is the airborn contaminents. These fall from the air and sit on your car, the Wax has no chance of removing such particles. This builds up and after say 5 days it rains, the Wax can't perform as it would if it was fresh. So although it's not rained, the wax doesn't work as well and therefore the rainwater will sit on the car and potentially dry, thus allowing for more dirt to build up. So a good wax gives you longer periods between washes. For instance I snowfoam every weekend. Some occasions I don't even need to don my mitt, the snowfoam does the job, because the wax is working as it should. This is why I build up the wax over a period which helps me in the long run.
  22. ML-Ultra PM sent Southernspeed - all depends really, the Focus was all day, the remaining other cars except the BMW530 were all 1 day jobs. The BMW was so dirty that I went through two claybars!! But the satisfaction of turning a filth bucket into something great to look at again, even if they are 10+ years old is very satisfying. I prefer the dirty cars
  23. And finally a 370z - a simple exterior clense of the paintwork, SnowFoam, Wash, Clay, Wax - ScottyZ Before Pics (and there's not a great deal to see as it was fairly clean - apart from the bugs and flies!) After That's it folks.... so if anyone is interested who's fairly local of course please give me a shout, happy to work some magic on your pride and joy.
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