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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Ok fair enough. So..... what mod would you call £ for HP the best mod then
  2. I'd go with that too but on a holiday 'permanently' sod work!!
  3. Nissan GTR Please Santa... I've been a good boy
  4. Happy Birthday chap!!! I guess you'll have been out all last night and as a result nursing a hangover this morning. We'll give you the forum bumps when we meet up next. Have a good'un!
  5. If you fancy a laugh each don a pair of springs, attach to feet and bounce around! (don't hold me responsible for broken ankles though) Looking good, you REALLY are going to town on this build. Keep it going
  6. That's a fair point Ian regarding worry, when my plug went in Wales I thought my world had collapsed. Even though the car was running all be it on 5 cylinders I was thinking the bottom of the engine had fallen out!
  7. read the rest of Ian's post "I'm sure if I had the car mapped at that point then I would have felt more benefit"
  8. Agreed. There is no "the best mod" being NA it's all about building a number of mods to assist with making mild increases. I benefit from NA mods and NOS, so it works out fine for a small to medium boost. The NOS is going to Keyser in the new year and being replaced by SC. the crave for more power is a nuisance but fun.
  9. It's not going to give a great deal on it's own as you know. When I had my 25 shot of NOS I expected more impact, but NOS is just a hit and not a progressive 1k revs etc. But, 75 made it more interesting. To be fair to get the best results adding the MREV made the contributing difference, and as you may know the only difference with the MREV is the flattened front two snouts. Bonkers when you think about it
  10. Sounds very suspicious, surely it must have had a leek, I'd be surprised if it lost you power
  11. Like it The INGS looks great too, wish I could have swayed myself to get one, but feel it only looks it's best in white and def NOT azure!
  12. Plenum spacer gives nowt.... fraid it does not. Mid range torque and bhp is improved, not only that, it paves the way forward for any other breather mods added, such as air induction and exhaust, so air in and air out. Mix the MREV2 with the Plenum spacer of course on the revup only and you gain 20+hp - it may only be 20hp but 20 is better than nothing and the sound and power increase is noticable. A number of people who get into my car notice it pulls a lot better than oem, a lot better! People opt for the plenum spacer for it's simplicity, yes it's over priced, it's just a spacer, but for it's linking benefit it's not just a pointless mod. I also agree with DannyBoy - the car is improved no end with additional bolt ons. I've never regreted any of my major mods from XYZ pioe, to ARC air induction, the MREV2 and so on. They contribute together and blend all those horses and torques to put a bloody great smile on my face. Yes it cost a fair amount, but at the end of the day I still get in my car and smile when I press the go pedal. For all those people who have fitted their plenum spacer - question would you remove it? I promise you 95% would say no I wouldn't remove it. Anyway - everyone is entitled to an opinion so as long as the car owner is happy so be it. We can't all like the same thing, apart from Berk HFC's!! (Bandwagon lol)
  13. I'll give you a hand if you want, send us some pics of your car that you like, some theme you're looking for and any text? I'll pm you my addy
  14. Ooooh you beast! Well it was whilst sat in a field with the gas stove, so she wasn't given an easy task considering the wet damp grass and her need for a hot shower (showers failed miserably) so she was suffering.
  15. Daryl, have you done something to upset her? That's horrific, I'd be taking her through a car wash, but without a car so that she can experience the effects of those brushes on her make-up!! My Mrs know my rules very clear, to the point of wiping her feet before she even gets in the car. At the Lakez trip I caught her doing her make-up and hair in the car, hairspray was ejected from the canister and the majority (which I could find) was splattered around the gear surround. She was warned and duly punished by making me breakfast and providing me copious amounts of coffee whilst I spent 3 hours cleaning my car. She won't do that again!
  16. That's a shocker! Bit speechless really, "Conditions on the road have been described as "difficult" at the time of the smash." Feel for the famalies all involved, can't be nice at all Driver education isssues again probably!
  17. Yeah really good ta - Looking forward to next year and taking the business a massive step forward.
  18. Liam - long time no see - good to see ya
  19. What do you need any 'cosmetic' mod for You're being obtuse Ian ... I simply picked up on the fact that the site had a section specifically for 'girls accessories' - and went for the most horrific thing they had on offer I thought you were actually interested in a pink strip nice one Col, I haven't got a garage but if I had it would be full of products
  20. Theoretically it is a sunshield, but don't 'alf offer a good advertising space, like your bag Ahhh now I'm following on
  21. De-badge FTW! It makes people even more curious as to what your car is. I have only the Zed badges under the indicators on the wings, and that's it.
  22. Right I see, but like now you've spotted it what is a Touring Strip for exactly, I can't see why when touring you'd need a strip? Block out the sun?? Really odd
  23. Vik what the hell is that, and what is it for??
  24. Mine is at RT performance probably snuggled up under a nice roof
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