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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Happy Birthday Joy, have a great day Jayne also wishes you a super Birthday too
  2. Great write up Dan I had the 452's on my car for around 18 months. Covered 15,000 miles and endured a number of seasons, conditions, types of endurance (Track/Hooning over the welsh hills) as well as my commute to work. For me the tyre is a budget tyre and you pay budget price. Don't get me wrong, it's not a terrible tyre, just doesn't fit my driving needs. It's great for A-B and spirited driving, but I found a number of flaws with the tyre but overall it's good middle of the road contender. I had the RE050's on the car when purchased and changed to the Falkens, I'm now reverting back to the RE050's as they perform better and I trust them. Next step would be to try the elite package of the dunlop SPS. But that's another year away thank god ££££££!!!
  3. But what if it was shaven, would that make it a lady patio?
  4. Why have the pictures been removed? I was just going to see what all the fuss is about
  5. that's one way to get someones attention.
  6. Don't worry we'll still have our mini meet in your yard, just make sure Fran leaves us plenty of those Brownie cake things that were de-lish!!!!! If you leave us some beers too Have a great holiday mate, where you going?
  7. Funny you say that, I found those the other day, but just a tad over my budget Col, they are very nice though. At least you wouldn't need to get them refurbed, you'd just have to get new ones! Cool - thanks Chris, I'll def come back to you on that one, unless I find something that's more UK based. Going back through the Rays range, Volk etc Var's etc so unless I find something I'll maybe plump for the Weds.
  8. Maybe they're being made redundant and wanted the last laugh!
  9. I can't listen to the clip at work, but I've not considered cobra, mainly the higher brands, and still nothing that floats my boat. Gota say, those carbon tips would look smart with my carbon difuser me thinks. Good to see business connections are blooming Chris What are the chances of you becoming a UK Wedssport Supplier?
  10. Can't you sell them to someone in Germany and then re-purchase them If not, sell them to me for half the price
  11. Afraid it's a recent thread too viewtopic.php?f=29&t=57864
  12. I'd never swap back to the 06 box, for me it's a nasty piece of horrible plastic, Bennett keeps referring to my ARC which soaks a load of heat but I don't care cos even if I do lose 1 or 2 horses the sound keeps me smiling.
  13. I made a decision right at the beginning to lose weight out the Zed, in fact it was my 2nd mod to swap the boot out to Carbon and continue stripping oem weight out the car. Items such as CATS, spare wheel, Y-pipe and the boot along with other items lost me 66kg. Then whilst losing weight (the car not me ) I moved towards increasing airflow in and out, and some Nitrous Oxide. If you can lose 100kg or more out the Zed it will make it noticeably spritely, but then you'll be compromising it's luxury and gadgets. The problem a lot of people find with the Zed is that it looks DAMN quick, but in all fairness it's a GT car not a trainer being worn by Hussain Bolt. If you want power FI is the most cost effective way of pushing the Zed, and what a lot of people end up doing is making it sound and look great Which is to be fair the most rewarding part about owning the Zed. When people watch a car belt up the highstreet they think knob, but cruise and be seen and heard puts a thousand eyes upon your ride and THAT alone is a great feeling
  14. One of the dummies lost a head Looks good though
  15. +1 When i read it Dan i thought what a load of bollox. A tornado flying at just only 300 mph! A sense of humour is helpful when in the 'Jokes' section I quite agree it would have been funny if remotely true. Just as well that Wasso,Tbiscuit and I didnt care if it was true or not Clearly - it's funny, especially the resonse to the joke - there's no way a hand held device such as that would be able to lock onto a plane with any accuracy.
  16. I agree with Jay. If you were tracking it then I'd say 18s are deffo the way to go, but 19s will look so much better and not really make much difference in day to day driving. And we all know how you like your show rather than go by the cleaning you do Pack it in!! I'd set my mind on the 18's Pfft! I agree with you in all fairness, but there's nothing that REALLY hits the spot in a 19, apart from the SA55m which there's some for sale. I like all of the other major brands, but not as much as something a little different. I guess I'll keep searching.
  17. I was also thinking 18 with chunky tyre. To be fair the BLC's SA67 were my favourite for quite some time, but these SA60's in black and blue really look something. We shall see what happens over the next few months financially.....
  18. I was going to say the same
  19. Take a look in the Akari Designs part of the forum if it's still there
  20. Here's a 2nd hand pair for sale $1,900 condition 10/10 painted in Titty Juice Blue These are the SA60m 18x9 +23 18x10+20, but don't think that Blue would suit an Azure, it would look well over the top me thinks? And these are the ones that float my boat
  21. ^^^^^ agreed Dan but if the 19's come out at 20/21lbs that's still near as damn it to the RAYS, but then you have to sell the wife or house to get there. Thanks Rud's mate for posting those But I really fancy something different to the norm. I like to be totally different, that sounds about right too
  22. I guess you're right but then I want the look as well and I'm a fussy barsteward!
  23. I keep looking at the Wedssport range and recently the SA60M but they only go to an 18, 9 & 10j. Then there's the SA55M, which were my first selection but have all the technical specifications, but then I prefer the look of the SA60M. Both these models range from 20-21lbs so they are perfect replacement to the RAYS.
  24. Thing is though I've always been torn between performance and looks. They are so divided, I keep looking at wheels and have changed my mind so so many times. There are some cracking 19" rims I want but really want to fill the arch correctly especially with the bodykit. Then when stepping into the 19" arena the looks aren't as optional, then there's the weight and differences in how the car handles. Wheels have to be one of the hardest decisions when it comes to modifications.
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