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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Who said anything about if it was a good looking design, food for thought
  2. Yeah returning back to stock he also apparently removed the exhaust in his notes, saw it drop not totally out? I was going to put this in the guides just for a laugh Keyser would have used a lot more colour to his video too
  3. Bullet how could you forget Ibherdesign. These as we all know are one of the most popular widebody kits available.
  4. Nor sure if it would after tourists? Interesting though, a days holiday to remember road traffic accidents nice!!
  5. It does help to look at the updated price Can't believe I spent that much money on disks and pads but then I did have PF before and they were even more. Still love ya too mate
  6. Alex sells them £175 - not sure if that includes delivery
  7. That's one BIG piece with lots of little pieces missing having a colour identity crisis!!
  8. But the best owners have GM's Yeah but Chris yours was in lots of little pieces
  9. Have you actually driven both the Zed coupe and convertible to compare? I was of the same opinion with the Rays when making a selection. They may not be the best looking rim in the world but an excellent piece of engineering. Lightweight and strong. To get a comparing alloy to spec against the Rays = £££ so don't dismiss the Rays just yet. To be fair all the best Azures have owners
  10. That's ok if you haven't got 56 mods and still counting. I also wanted European cover which is sometimes extra with other policies.
  11. I found no difference using Swissvax in comparison to using Dodo Juice supernatural. Over priced for what it is if you ask me. Even the headlight stuff they had compared the same to me using ultimate compound and a DA.
  12. I'd say Sky cos that's a wicked price considering your mods and 4 cars. I pay that through Adrian Flux just for one car, but that's only because Adrian Flux are a far as I'm aware who will touch NOS
  13. And I've just got used to RC182 don't tell me your gonna be called Rob now or something?
  14. viewtopic.php?f=29&t=56406&hilit=Gordon
  15. Just finished watching and at last a GREAT show I even watched the car in a stupid cheap car, so they've even got the guest right. A shame the Stig didn't drive the 3 other cars at Imola to see if HE could beat the 458 time. Loved the Noble and the funny Hammond issues. If I had a choice it's be the Lambo and Noble toss up, I've always had a place in my heart for Lambo's but the sound of the Noble is epic. What made me laugh is my Mrs said "they all look like your car" if only darling Looking forward to the 2nd episode
  16. Have to agree on fog lights being useless on the front. I was driving back in horrendous fog once and thought to put the fronts on, improvement, NOPE!! it just made the fog stand out more and dazzle my own eyes with the light bouncing off the fog. Best answer was to drive slowly till it cleared, but it was that bad it took me 3 hours to drive from Brighton to London!!
  17. I actually spotted another one yesterday driving back from Kent. It's that bloody ugly that had to point and laugh at the driver
  18. You know instantly who's going to post in the "Drag" section......
  19. @*!# on a stick dude!!! Hope it all turns out alright for you. I can relate cos I was in a similar position these two months just gone. Got suspended November, dismissed in December, appealed in January. Won appeal and got job back. Yeah it is a bit of a sh!t, but hey ho, that's life. Gota get on with these things, it's my 6th redundancy in 20 years, so I'm fully up to speed with getting made redundant I will be taking further action against the company anyway, I was on jury service for 4 months, returned on the 4th January and was then handed my letter placing me at risk. So I'll be taking this further don't you worry If they did offer my job back, I'd tell them to shove it!
  20. I might be detailing full time sooner than I thought
  21. Well, I was placed at risk with my employer on the 4th Jan and currently having my 4th consultation this morning, so I maybe at home doing sod all on Wednesday, I'll keep you posted if I'm no longer an employee
  22. I was going to say it looks a bit Fiat Punto Only kidding I'm actually jealous
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